A Baby Maus Is On The Way!

If you aren't a regular over at decor8, you may not have heard the news, but this haus maus is having a baby maus! Yes, I'm 15 weeks pregnant and we are due in January. I'm so excited and I'm already anticipating the meeting of my little one though I still have many months of waiting until that special day. We won't know the sex until a few more weeks, I think maybe week 17 or 20, depending on when I get another ultrasound -- but I'm in no hurry. I just want a happy, healthy child - gender makes no difference to me. I am thrilled either way.


Whenever I open my purse lately and my Mutterpass appears, I feel so warm and happy inside. I always smile and often open it just to flip through the pages and look at the ultrasound photos and enjoy that feeling of joy that washes over me each time. If you aren't German, you may not know what a Mutterpass is. I didn't until I was pregnant! We don't get these in America (too bad) but here they are given to all pregnant ladies and you should always carry it on you. It records all of your pregnancy details (height, weight, blood type and other vitals) as well as doctor information, appointments and everything from blood test results (since you are constantly going to the ob/gyn) to labor information when the big day arrives.

It's such a wonderful and clever little laminated booklet to always have on you - it's a5 size and around 32 pages, but still lightweight and easy to tote around. Plus, if you are even in need of quick help or encounter a medical emergency, having the Mutterpass on you is absolutely vital. I also love that I always have my medicial informaion on ME and not housed in some doctor's office or hospital - after all, it is my body, I have the right to having all of the most current information about me and my baby at my fingertips.

The Mutterpass is wonderful!

Now if I can just get through this Hyperemesis Gravidarum!

(Photographs: top: danielle macinnes bottom: holly becker)


congratulations again!Such wonderful news. I was wondering wether you would share more on the experience of being pregnant in Germany. I am expecting my first too (in Denmark, any day now), and I find it very facinating reading about the different approaches to pregnancy and parenthood in various parts of the world. The blog A Cup of Jo have very interessting articles about that :-)Hope you feel better soon, it is really not fun to feel sick all the time!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations!!My little boy was born january 13 and i still remember how wonderful the pregnancy was. I wish you all the best and a very happy time. Tanja
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on your little Mäuschen.
If you search "Mutterpass" on DAWANDA you can find hundreds of beautiful fabric covers. Or you can diy one. I make them as a gift for pregnant friends and it makes the Mutterpass even more lovely.

Very happy for you - enjoy your special time

Unknown said…
woohoo!!! congratulations Holly!!
you and Thorsten must be so excited, this is wonderful, I wish you the best in this new adventure!
and yes, that Mutterpass sounds like a fantastic idea, trust the Germans to come up with something that practical :)
Unknown said…
Congratulations Holly!
It is so great to hear that from you. My brother´s girl is also...so I will be aunt more or less a month after you...so I will follow your advises and so for my little one (not really mine ;)
Enjoy! That´s the only advise I can give
Rebekah said…
Unknown said…
Congratulations! So very exciting!
All the best, Nicole
lsaspacey said…
O.M.G. I am so happy for you. I've been reading your blog(s) since before you moved overseas. In fact, we were fellow commenters on Apartment Therapy: the early years. I know how much you two have wanted this, from the mentions over the years. Congratulations and good luck!
Jeska Hearne said…
Congratulations Holly, amazing news! A gorgeous little winter snuggled baby for you and Thorsten xxx
Judith said…
There's another nice thing about the Mutterpass!

If you go to one of the many fleamarkets for baby stuff and kids stuff that are frequently organized by churches, preschools and the like (check the newspaper etc.), pregnant women usually get early admission. Your Mutterpass is the ticket for that :)

And you do want to get in early, because there's usually a line and a run the moment the doors open for non-pregnant visitors, and good stuff gets snatched up very quickly after that.
Anonymous said…
Hi Holly,

congratulations on your pregnancy. Now you´ve got a BIG Topic to blog on...;) So I hope, you`re not quitting.
I wish you the best of luck and a happy and healthy pregnancy.
What helped through the first 14 weeks ( I was sick ALL the time) was 3 glasses of coke a day and fresh ginger in my cheeks. And I enjoyed Schwangerschaftsyoga im Geburtshaus Hannover and an Massage Entspannt in´s Mutterglück at Relax Express.
Good Luck, Cora
nina corvallo said…
Ein Maeuschen im Haeuschen! Wie schoen! Congratulations! I am a German raising a child in America, kind of the reverse of you :) I think Germany is very supportive of mothers (Germans do not always agree but relative to what it is like in NYC , it is true). Again congrats, wonderful news!
And how lucky this baby is to be born into such a creative and stylish home!
jja said…
Aw! Congratulations!
Congratulations!! I'm thrilled for you. (I empathize with your Hyperemesis -- I was quite sick for my entire pregnancy as well, and I wouldn't wish it on ANYONE. Hope you'll keep on feeling better and better.)

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