Should this maus have a second haus?

I've been thinking a lot lately about haus maus and the future of this blog. What is the purpose for me to write here now that I've been living in Germany for nearly 4 years? I documented my apartment search, explained how I've decorated both of my apartments, dished over the things I've encountered culturally, and lots of stuff in between but I wonder... Does all this really benefit anyone and most of all, is it benefiting me?


So I am willing to try writing here for another 6 months, until the new year, and see how it goes and then, if it's not feeling right anymore, I will dissolve this blog and just write everything over on decor8. I've been blogging in this space since May 10, 2008 - so I just had my 5th anniversary for the little haus maus! Which is really nice... But since so many people follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+ and Twitter,  I often feel like I'm in enough places on the web - I don't really need haus maus too. How much Holly does this world need?

Yet when I look back at my archives I feel a sense of pride from documenting this journey of expat living abroad for so long. It feels good to me so I'm happy I've had haus maus. But I just wonder if I should stay or should I go... Should I move on...



If you need to move on, we'll all understand! It's been nice to hear your thoughts, aside from decor, on Haus Maus. Whatever you decide, good luck!
Anonymous said…
I like the narrow focus of haus maus better than decor8, which is interesting but much busier. And I'm more interested in people's real lives than in abstractions. So I hope you'll keep it.
Unknown said…
I hope you keep it going! I love this blog.
Unknown said…
I hope you decide to keep going. I love this blog! As an American who lived abroad for a few years and who just generally loves a peek behind the scenes. :)
Béa said…
I was waiting for the next post but feared reading something like this... :(
To me this is different than others (also because I don't follow all others) but it is indeed totally up to you!
Still waiting for the window treatment you may one day or may not choose to inspire me...
Be well!
rike said…
that's kind of sad, but understandable.

personally i really appreciate hausmaus cause i got the feeling it's a bit more personal than decor8.

in my eyes there's more 'private holly' to find at this place. although there's less perfection in the hausmaus-posts what i find really pleasing ... imperfection attracts me. but of course this is just my personal perception and taste.

listen to your heart, you already named it: "most of all, is it benefiting me?"

all the best
Unknown said…
This place I think is a bit a retire place...a more personal, a less followed one...I feel more confortable here, in this little place, maybe because in decor8 there are lots of comments, and feel a bit dissapearing...
But this place is yours, and you must feel confortable here, coming to say, maybe little things, maybe little corners...but you are the one that must decide.
Anywhere, i will visit
Georgianna said…
Hi Holly!

I really can understand your dilemma regarding the future of your blog here. (I have somewhat abandoned a second and third blog of my own due to similar thoughts.)

However, I will say, having followed Haus Maus for over 4 years, that I have very much enjoyed your posts here - the home location and moving posts and those on life as an expat.

And since you've been settled in your current place, I've also enjoyed reading about the locations in Hannover that you and Thorsten visit, including the beautiful park nearby, the local cafes and the markets. The travelogue/adventure/slice of life kind of posts I find fascinating.

I could definitely see you continuing Haus Maus in that vein, if, as you say, it means something to YOU. Possibly it is a more personal space but you are very candid and sharing of your life and thoughts at Decor8 also.

The most important thing is that it's authentic, that you don't feel obligated to post and that it documents aspects of your life that may not be documented elsewhere. But with so many social platforms, we are all pretty well documented!

If you do decide to continue here, I will certainly be following.

Wishing you a great weekend and my very best to Thorsten.


Eva said…
Maybe one of the reasons that nobody commented this post so far is that it is your very personal decision to move on with this 2nd blog or not. You step forward in your life and things that were important a few years ago might be less crucial today. Sometimes it's necessary to shut doors and leave things behind to have more space for new adventures.
Personally, I find the conclusion "when I look back at my archives I feel a sense of pride from documenting this journey of expat living abroad" a very strong statement and this journey seems not to be over.... as a reader of your blogs - why don't you just leave it like it is and feel free to update this blog whenever you feel like it and workon the other blog#?

btw - I don't have any clue where my blog will lead to, but that's the excitement about it........ best wishes.
Anonymous said…
Speaking as a German who has been reading American interior blogs for several years, haus maus has been really special to me since the beginning. There is a certain look to US interiors that is impossible to replicate here on a budget. Additionally, there is more of an emphasis on cute design for generic household items like dishwasher liquid and such... there are a few more options here now as well, but I wouldn't call them affordable in the long run.

Anyway, this is why haus maus has been such an inspiration to me -- the glimpses of how you deal with the limited product choices, the things you miss, the things you enjoy about living in Hannover, all that has been fascinating to me. Also it has served to alleviate some of my frustration at not being able to replicate the US aesthetic I enjoy in my own home without spending a lot of money.

Besides, I like how personal this blog is compared to decor8. You come across as a very positive, happy person who has a talent for finding enjoyment in life, especially the little things. I can certainly understand that maintaining an online presence across two blogs, twitter, facebook and so on can be taxing. I just wanted to let you know that to me, this blog has been special since its inception and whatever you decide, I thank you for the effort you've put into it so far.
Unknown said…
I love Decor8, it is one of my favorite blogs, but as mentioned in some of the comments before I sometimes feel lost on Decor8. Haus Maus is smaller and more personal. I like that!
I am looking forward to more posts on this blog. In the end it is for you to decide what to do with HM.
Have a nice weekend!
april said…
Hello Holly, I look so forward to Haus Maus tales (really, no pun intended)! I wrote you a couple years ago when you were going to London for the first time, I think to offer travel tips and to tell you that I am American born and raised near Portsmouth, NH near where you lived, I think. I am now doing what you did-married someone from another country (England) and emigrated here two and 1/2 years ago. I relate to your tales and the personal nature of them very much. Many, many times I have thought to write you and say please feel free to come and stay in our spare room in London when you are on a business trip as I would love to show you my stylish London in and around your business dealings here. It's a city I know well-and have for 20 years, and a city until last week that I have never felt homesick in....then a friend sent a picture of Boothbay Harbor and the boats and my heart leapt a little.
Do come and stay; I would love to host you.
Take good care and thanks for all the inspiration. april
Keep going.

Verity said…
I love reading haus maus! I definitely feel it is a wonderful personal space and of course if you are not inspired to write then you should move on - but please know that I love it! And I don't mind if you don't post often - just a post now and then is wonderful and I would definitely miss it! It gives a great insight into home life and living abroad long term. And I love hearing about your trips and projects at home.

Thank you so much for the sharing!
Anonymous said…
I just stumbled across your Hausmaus Blog and I love it.
I read through the archive and I think I read pretty much all of your posts.
Since I live in Hannover, I like to read what you think and feel and recommend. ( It's like the Tatort with Maria Furtwängler- I watch it and it' s even better b/c it's my hometown)
So, I would be happy to read on...whatever happens:)

Best wishes, Cora
Unknown said…
I've just got into haus maus and truly love it so I hope you find the time to keep it going or maybe find away of combining it into one of your other blogs, like a little mini haus maus. Sorry I'm rambling, you will know what to do when the time is right! Thank you for haus maus!
Heather Calder(freelance interior designer from Northern Ireland)
Anonymous said…
Hi Holly!

I read both your blogs and firstly I want to say Congratulations!!!!! on your great news. I also wanted to say that maybe now this gives a new purpose to haus maus as you can share more personal things here as well as talk about how it is to raise a baby and a child in a country that is not your own... At least for me as an expat that is something that concerns me a lot for the future and as my partner is from Germany I would like to know more about how it would be if we decided to move there to have children compared to London.

Lots of love and best of luck!
Unknown said…
hi holly, i agree with what many others have posted about haus maus. it feels more special and intimate. i prefer reading it to decor8 and i love to look behind the scenes at your life in germany. i'm an american who lived in heidelberg for 4 years and whenever i miss the german culture or pace of life--which is often--i can always wander to haus maus and feel like i am back there again. it makes me feel happy and comforted and not like i've lost all touch with my european expat life, nor my german connection. i hope you'll keep it for those of us like me. perhaps you don't have to focus on decor so much as what it means to make a home and be a part of the community in hannover. personally, i am trying my best to stay off of the social media that doesn't enrich my life. because of that i probably don't follow you on Facebook, and i never, ever use twitter. for me, blogs are still a way to connect those far away and enrich our lives through meaningful stories. the best ones read like journals or letters. lately, i find facebook, google + and even pinterest and instagram as too fleeting, often trite and even sometimes glib. i hope you'll consider keeping this blog even if it's not updated as often. and i hope you find my comments helpful! good luck, whatever you decide!
thanks, kassie
jja said…
This is the only blog of you I am visiting more or less regularly. It is different place compared with all those design blogs out there.
I hope you keep it.

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