Healthy Posts on Haus Maus!

Eating healthy is important. I've recently changed my lifestyle completely and it's amazing how you feel  brand new in such a short period of time and how your outlook changes when you skip the comfort food and go for the FUEL foods instead.

yummy food

I've been loading up on raw foods, mostly organic, and traded in soy and regular milk for almond milk. This is the first time I've approached food for health reasons and not for my looks. I'm not thinking about dieting or weight or anything that makes me feel like I've finished before I start. I'm ONLY focusing on HEALTH - feeling amazing and just glowing even more than I do now from my career - I want to glow from food and nutrition.

yummy food

This is an organic omelet from zurück zum glück in Hannover and it was stuffed with veggies - cauliflower, carrots, zucchini, onions, etc. and garnished with cherry tomatoes and greens with light olive oil. Fresh mint tea was a lovely accent. We try to eat out only on Sundays so this was our choice for the week.

It was super nice to just relax in a cute cafe and have healthy choices on the menu that make you feel alive after you've eaten them and not weighed down and uncomfortable. My nutritionist has really helped me change my lifestyle and I have her to thank for this - and my husband who is so healthy and started strength training last July and looks amazing - what a great body he has and his goals for his abs and arms are super inspiring to me - I love living with my fit husband. He's a cyclist - as in die hard cyclist, which is also an inspiration. I enjoy having a fit, active partner and I want to be fit and active again too because I've learned that you can turn around bad habits so quickly and change yourself so easily that you just can't see the obstacles - you have to plow through them and WHOMP!WHOMP! kick ass.

yummy food

Do you want to GLOW with me? Good. I will keep writing encouraging and health-related posts on haus maus along with the usual stuff so we can all GLOW together. :)



Juliette said…
Love this. We've totally been stripping down our food as well; lots of clean eating. It's making a huge difference as is me forcing myself to get fit. I lost my fitness inspiration moving overseas somehow, but now I can turn it around because I want have to want it though. But we can do this! Rediscovering my love for minimalist cooking has also been fab. Good for you for choosing to make your own changes!
Unknown said…
I realice that we need to take care of our bodies is very important for our heath. Go for organic products and clean eating, also that is my goal. Thank you for sharing your wonderful pictures with Mr. Thorston :)
Happy Sunday Holly
Coco said…
I've been watching my food since a while now. I'm too living with a very healthy partner. He is die-hard 'body-builder' he's cyclist and kickboxer as well and recently he started to run again (but only to fill up the times he cant be in the gym!) He's been doing it since 30 years now, almost 50 but in great condition and people always think he is 30 something...
So 'we' have always been eating healthy food but recently I started some projects on my own - eating sugar-free and after 8 years of living together with this sport-addict I FINALLY started to do something too, I started running. I've only just begun last week and run about 4 times now but I'm very inspired to run for the rest of my life!
btw I recommend this book from Dan Buettner "The Blue Zones; Lessons for living longer from people who've lived the longest"
Everytime I have 2 or 3 days of healthy eating I can almost feel it immediately...Just need to be more "powerfull" to keep it going!
haus maus said…
@Juliette - I'm sorry you lost your inspiration moving to Germany. Could be your region, southern Germans tend to be very "hearty" types - the northerners are very fit and into sports - Hannover has lots of sporty people, tons of joggers, lots of bio foods, so I find it really inspiring. Also tons of people on bicycles and skates. I love it. I got into great shape between Aug 2011-September 2012 but then I just slowly started eating things that were bad for me too regularly. 7 months of bad eating and little exercise made me crabby, clothes size changed, felt tired, headaches daily, etc. I got really sick of being sick and started working with a nutritionist and life coach and she is helping me tremendously to find myself again. I got a little lost I think. But now I'm back on target and so happy.
Juliette said…
@Holly True: Central Germany just isn't so inspiring for me, especially b/c I used to do rowing and race outrigger canoes on the ocean back in BOS. I really miss being by the sea in this regard. When we visit family down in Bayern the Alps and lakes are inspiring though! =)

You should look into signing up for an öko-kiste of bio food, like the German version of a CSA box. Our local farmers run a co-op for this and it's a nice way to support local and fresh. Some even have fabulous greenhouses so we can get some fun foods that wouldn't typically grow here!
I think this is the most important things, eating well for your health. Great messages Holly, looking forward to more about your new food and healthy lifestyle.
haus maus said…
@Juliette - My friend Anne has been telling me to get those öko-kiste things since I relocated over here but never gave it much thought because we have a million farmers' markets in my neighborhood each week and they have bio stands so I just buy stuff there. But I'm going to google it and see what I can find out about them locally - thank you for the reminder, I'd forgotten all about those. xo
Juliette said…
@Holly -yes, look into them! Ours even have 'smoothie boxes' you can add to your order; sometimes they're full of things I would never think to blend together! Enjoy! xo
Rebecca said…
A few months a ago I changed my diet completely because I was having issues with my digestion. It is amazing how eating healthy has now changed more than how my body processes it. I suffered from depression and now I don't even feel that anymore. I really believe it is the food that has changed this!
Love your post! Although I'm a runner and pretty good about staying fit, good nutrition is one of my down falls. I manage to stay clear of fast food, soda, and junk food in general -- but I know that avoiding bad foods isn't really the same as making sure you're fueling your body with healthy foods! I do my best, but haven't really been very proactive about it, so I look forward to your health-related posts for inspiration. :)

P.S. While we live in Berlin, my German sweetheart is from Hannover, so we spend a lot of time there during different holidays, family birthdays, and such. Nice to finally find a great blog from there too!

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