Workshop in Hannover: Update

Hello friends! After telling you about my idea to do a class at home in Hannover, my inbox blew up! Sheesh, you make a girl feel REALLY REALLY GOOD about taking risks! I am so glad I decided to put the idea of this class out into the world. I've taught in all kinds of places, from large publishing houses in Hamburg to lofts in New York, stores all over the world and corporate conference rooms before hundreds of employees but this will be my first 'at home' class and I can't wait!

Hannover Workshop Announced on Haus Maus!

I have decided that the date will be SATURDAY, JULY 28 and I may add SUNDAY, JULY 29 so I can accommodate everyone. I also will work with a few local hotels to get good rates for those of you coming in for a night or two, and for those staying over, we can all go for dinner together on Saturday night - that would be a lot of fun I think!

Of course, if you plan to fly in from someplace far, far away, I'm happy to even give you some tips on what to see and do in Hannover but since this is not a tourist destination, I suggest if you come to Germany to see me then you should definitely fit in a few extra days to go to Berlin. It's 90 minutes by train from my house and a totally awesome city. I could even go with you and I can take you to some of my favorite shops and cafes there. I'm all yours and would love it!

On Monday, June 11, 2012 I will have a live link on decor8 and on the decor8 e-courses website where you can click and then they'll be a drop-down which will ask you which day you want to take the class with me and etc. Registration will be first come, first serve. If you are definitely interested, and want to book your flight in advance of June 11, please email me at holly and we'll work something out so I can save you a seat in advance.

After you've paid and registered, I will send you a package via email with all of the information that you'll need to know in order to make your travel plans to Hannover.

We'll have a lot of fun, I know it!

 Stay tuned -- I can't wait to meet you! Holly

(image: holly becker)


Jane said…
Oh Holly, what I wouldn't do to attend! But I'm in faraway Australia. I wish you had a magic carpet for me ☺. J x
Kathrin said…
Well to bad, I will be on vacation in July. I have signed up for the BYW 2.0 instead and I hope (HINT) you will have another workshop in your house in Fall (because I am dying to see your studio ;-))

Have lots of fun and I am looking forward to the Online course in June
homestilo said…
If only I lived in Germany! But I guess I will have to be content with BYW in the Fall :-)
Very nice, thanks for sharing.
Anonymous said…
Heute ist schon der 14. Juni!? Und ich finde nichts???
Gudy Herder said…
Hi Holly, I have tried to register but with no exit. I have asked a couple of bloggers who attend the BYW 2.0 right now as well and they have not managed either to get through.
Any possibility to get an answer on that topic as I have to book flights?
Thks a lot and warmest regards. Gudy
Lebenslustiger said…
Hi Holly, what happened to the hannover workshop? I would love to participate, but i couldn't find the registration link on June11. Is the workshop still going to happen?
best regards,
Cora said…
Hi Holly,
Any update on the Hannover W.shops? I checked over on the Decor8 & BYW sites and couldn't see any info - I expect you are v. busy - but if you could let me know info that would be great as I need to book flights and fit the class in my schedule.
Congrats on new look for Decor8.
All best wishes,
C@RL@ said…
Hi there,to bad I just find out about your workshop,far to late.I would have come if I had known.
Hope there will be another one, and hope that it all did well for everyone this past weekend.
Love and regards C@RL@

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