HEMA Is Coming!

If you read haus maus regularly, you'll remember my whining about how I have to go two hours north by train to the nearest HEMA store and that I reallllly want them to bring a HEMA to Hannover. I wrote to the company several times, posted it on their Facebook company page, and spread my desire all over the internet and.... drum roll please... HEMA is coming! HEMA is coming! They're not coming TO Hannover (yet, fingers crossed) but they are coming to Hildesheim which is a quick train ride for me -- I think 30 minutes or less. Here is their new store information -- they open March 2nd!



My loot from a HEMA visit in 2009 with my friend Anne (enna). I know Anne will be so happy to learn that they will be in nearby Hildesheim soon. She loves them too!

Now I'm hoping they'll come to Hannover. We need them in the Ernst-August-Gallerie or downtown where the new Kröpke-Center will be. I'd love that. Hannover is a huge shopping city and draws crowds from all over the county, so you never know....

Filiale Hildesheim (ab 02-03-2011)
Almsstraße 14, 31134 Hildesheim.
Tel. 05121-2069880
Öffnungszeiten: (ab 02-03-2011)

Here is a complete listing of their other stores in Germany if you are interested...

(image: holly becker)


Unknown said…
I love HEMA and I'm living quite close to two shops ;*) - fortunatly
katy said…
Yipeee! Lucky you. We have 2 here in Luxembourg and another one just over the border in Arlon, Belgium. Just bought the most darling baby girl clothes there for a neighbor who is expecting. Enjoy!
Anonymous said…
This is the first time I ever heard of HEMA but having a quick look on their website I`ll think I`ll LOVE them. :o) If you need company on the train to Hildesheim just let me know! ;o)
Wow! That's make me feel so lucky..I have 2 Hema in my city and of course is a shop that I love! So, enjoy your new Hema! ;-)
Juliette said…
lucky! I'm still looking at a 2hr drive, ah well. Roadtrip time!
Monica said…
=:o There is one about a 35 minute drive from me! Their stuff looks cute.
nicole said…
oooh!! looks so good! i don't suppose they ship to the u.s?
Unknown said…
Hema has been in my hometown for a long time. I saw a picture of the centre of town from the 60's recently. It already was there LOl
I love the things they sell and their nice prices.

Have a nice weekend!
hema is so good... We have a hema at the next village, a fancy place where people, two years ago, were against the opening of a hema shop... can you imagine? regards. sonia
Allison said…
HEMA is great! Living in Amsterdam, I'm lucky enough that it's more a case of choosing which HEMA to go to. :)
Anonymous said…
I love the HEMA! Luckily I live in Holland and you can find a store in almost every neighborhood! I can walk and shop there for hours.! I hope you soon can Enjoy HEMA too!
Ness said…
The Kröpcke Center would be a better fit than the Ernst August Galerie, because there's already a couple at the mall(butlers, the Swiss company one - DEKOR I think, Nanu Nana, I might have missed one more even, not sure). Fingers crossed for the Hannover HEMA store ;)
Unknown said…
Hema is one of the things I miss most since I moved back to the States from Holland. Luckily, Husband's relatives can bring me things & they've started shipping!
phoenix said…
Hema rocks! There's a store at the mall near my aunt's place in Amstelveen, NL that I visit whenever I'm there. Bought my favourite one-coat nailpolish there in an amazing fuschia - and it really is one-coat!
I LOVE Hema, too! SO many things and great prices!
Ellen said…
As a dutch living in so-california I MISS the Hema. It's the first store I go when visiting. Luckly you can buy online so visitors can bring me my order!
Anonymous said…
That really looks like a nice store!! If you ever travel north (Hamburg or even Denmark) you might want to stop at TIGER, too. Inbetween their palette they have some nice things, too. ;)http://www.tiger-stores.de/
San said…
I love HEMA! I always make it a point to go there when I am back home in Germany :)
Oh, I live in Hildesheim:)

I saw today the posters on the buildings, never heard of HEMA, but now I am looking foreward for the opening.
Thanks for the post!

Have a nice weekend!
Kim B. said…
I still haven't made it to the Paris HEMA (which I'm sure I learned about from your site). Working 7 days a week makes it difficult to find a good time to indulge oneself in a bit of in-depth browsing!! But this is my last weekend at my weekend job, and I have a holiday Monday from my week job, so HEMA here I come!!! I'm so excited! Happy for you that you will have one near. Good for you for your continued consumer advocacy to their HQ!
Micky said…
Good news! I grew up with Hema and there is a store 5 min from my house...lucky me :-)
Virginia H said…
OMG. Hildesheim? Why HILDESHEIM? Knock knock? It takes me half an hour to see their store in oldenburg (and usually freak out :)). It's lovely. But: why Hildesheim? Hamburg! Bremen! Berlin! Munich! Frankfurt :)

:) Happy weekend, Holly
DENISE. said…
So fun! Now there's another thing to add to my list the next time I'm in Germany. Thanks!
Adore this so much!


good news! i love hema! why not hannover? nice next week, holly! éva
mooi hoor... said…
The HEMA store is always on my list when I visit my family in Holland. I always shop there for my kids Pyjamas, paper goods, birthday decoration stuff, children's bags etc. It's great they developed into such a fun, modern store. When I was small the HEMA was dreadful. I would only go there once a year to get some white sport socks or some hair pins. I'm sure they would be succesful here in Munich as well...
yeahhhh! long reasonably priced curtains ;-) and everything else!
Oh I do miss Hema. Have just moved from Bruges to Hobart and haven't found any shops that quite match the colours and fun of Hema
Nicole xx
jja said…
Are there in any other german´city too?
Erica Cooper said…
SO happy for you! When our favs can become routine, it makes for a happy life. :)
Enjoy shopping more often at HEMA-
Anonymous said…
If you like Hema you will like this: http://producten.hema.nl/
(have a littel patience and see what happens!)

HEMA!!! The only Dutch shop I REALLY miss here, living abroad in the UK. Also the first shop I dive into when going back. I just love the simplicity and affordable, but great design of all the products.
Homesick now!
Marjan said…
That's fantastic! Thank you for sharing.

I know HEMA 'cause my mother is dutch and we shopped a lot at HEMA :).

Do you know if they will have the same range as in the Netherlands?
Anonymous said…
I'm from the Netherlands, and so is HEMA. So for me Hema is as regular as a cup of coffee (or tea in my case). There's always a HEMA close by, that's not even something I have to think about.
So it's a bit strange and funny for me to read about someone getting exited by the prospect of a HEMA. But completely understandable, I love the HEMA! I guess it's a bit like when Habitat would open a store here.Then I would freak out!
So I'm very happy that in the very near future you can visit it as much as I do!
Ideamoda.com said…
The colours of these Hema products looks just great!Unfortunately there isn't any Hema shops in Italy :(
Rosalind said…
Oh I know Hema from some time in Holland - LOVE that place :-)
Sophie222 said…
I work in a Hema shop in Belgium, almost 12 years now. And believe me it's great. It was love at first sight :-))
Marianne said…
Lucky you - now I want Hema to Norway! Looks like an amazing store ;)

Congratulations!!! ;-)
HEMA is great!!
www.lauraamiss.com said…
Living in Holland I am surrounded by HEMA, I even have one at the bottom of my road. I am a HUGE fan!
wissenslücke? anscheinend... mir sagt HEMA gar nichts! gut, dass es dich gibt & schön, dass du nimmer so weit fahren musst :)

ich habe dich in meinen blogroll aufgenommen - ich denke, dass das in deinem sinn ist.

lg dani
Maaike said…
Haha, how funny you love HEMA so much... I grew up with it and never think of it as such a special shop. Although I like it of course, but still... Well anyway, enjoy your new nearest HEMA! I hope it is a big one with a huge collection :-).
Have a great weekend,
love Maaike
Anonymous said…
because i raised up on the dutch-german borderline, hema was always just a quick ride away. but now that i live in hamburg, i really miss it. so: great news!

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