Peaceful Sunday...

Today, like all Sundays since I moved to Germany, was very peaceful and family oriented. I love Sundays here. Shops are closed for the most part and there is this "still" in the air, where you can linger all day at a cafe, take your children sledding, go to a museum, or just stay home and feel cozy in your warmest slippers with the candles glowing on your windowsill. Every Sunday feels like a holiday in Germany because of this silence, this pause, before the new week begins. It's common in Hannover for families to walk in the forest together, my husband grew up doing this each Sunday his entire life -- even into his 20s, with his family. They would walk, talk, collect little things to bring home... it was always a special day. And of course, they'd eat a really nice home cooked meal at home together, with tea, candles, and cake. So today we walked...

me + my sweetheart

And then had Marzipankuchen at the Wilhelm Busch museum in their little cafe overlooking a snowy garden. It was so peaceful and lovely there. The museum hosted an intimate gathering of local textile artists and fashion designers selling their wares. I was able to see my friend Anette Stichnoth again.


Today was also a special Sunday because we spent some time with our friends and their cute little boys... and we took them to Designachten (an indie market) which was so, so nice. I bought the tea cup candle holders that you see in the photo below from Snug, who had a booth at the event. Sorry it is blurry but it's getting dark here now you see... so it was hard to get a shot of them. But you can see them okay enough...

peaceful sunday

I wanted to photograph the many booths at this beautiful event but I really felt like being a guest instead of running around asking if I could take photos for my blog, who I am, here is my business card, blah blah blah. Some days I just don't want to be decor8, I want to just be Holly and attend a fair like everyone else. I'm not one to just take photos without a proper introduction because I think that is rude and makes sellers uncomfortable, and you know I wasn't feeling up to being decor8 today so instead I was simply Holly and had a great time just the same. Though I did manage to snap one photo on my way there because it looked so pretty outside of the where the fair was held...


And I also photographed this great installation of cotton shoe inserts as art, it's the best thing that I've seen in a long time -- I love it! I wish I had taken the time to write down the name of the artist though...

great installation

So I was merely a guest, and I had fun seeing so many talented makers doing great things. I met the lovely Eva, who owns a store in Hannover called emil und die grossen schwestern and I met both Sebastian Otto (a great local artist) and Torben Paradiek who runs the Nice/Nice exhibition space in Hannover Linden. I also met the very sweet Faules Maedchen and loved her sweet earrings, hair pins and bags and I also came across the graphic design work of Sabine Gebhardt in Hannover (fell in love with her work titled, "Grrrr") and Small Caps (lovely letterpress) from Berlin. Another great seller was Mittenimwald, they had some great street art paintings with celebs like Kate Moss, Jude Law, James Morrisson, Michael Jackson -- I was hoping they had Morrissey because I would have brought one home in two seconds!

I was looking everywhere for Eluij  -- I wanted a necklace from Julie so badly -- but I didn't see her there. Maybe I missed the booth? The event was crowded both days so perhaps I did...

strolling sunday

We ended up walking downtown and around the city for awhile too, which was unexpected but nice, and I saw this cute deer in a window that I had to share with you... I imagined that at night, when everyone is fast asleep, he goes back into his magical forest far from the retail world and has the best vegetable noodle soup with his family as they huddle together dipping triangles of toast in the warm broth...

How was your Sunday? Restful too, I hope.

(photos: holly becker)


Seems very relaxing. Today it's raining here in LA so we plan to take it a little easy. We're going to go pick out a tiny Christmas tree today and I'm super excited. We haven't had a tree in the 5 years that we've been together.
Seems very relaxing. Today it's raining here in LA so we plan to take it a little easy. We're going to go pick out a tiny Christmas tree today and I'm super excited. We haven't had a tree in the 5 years that we've been together.
I love this blog. I wish we had snow where I live, in Portugal. I find it so beautiful!... Great post, Holly. Lovely way to show your life.
I love you for just being Holly!
Our sunday was amazing, we also walked in the forest (where our house is and we live) for about an our with the dog and our little sweetie in the sled, she loved it and so did we. It's always very quit here (official quit-aria) so I know what you mean. Sometime's it's enough just being you, and together and do nothing else then walk (and talk..)
Have a lovely evening!
Michelle said…
Beautiful! I'd love to spend my Sundays with a walk in the woods and might actually give that a try today.
Unknown said…
Looks beautiful and sounds like the PERFECT day!

I lived in Germany in the late 80's and really enjoyed it. I wish I were as evolved as I am now - it would have been an even more enriching experience.
Sylee said…
I love your Sunday! And I had to laugh, I went to Handmade Supermarket yesterday and just couldn't muster the energy to point my camera in all directions. It's nice just to browse and space out sometimes, no? Snug is a great tip, I hadn't heard of them before but I love those tea cup candleholders.
Linda R said…
Reading this blog really emphasizes my feeling that we have soooo lost our way in the U.S. Sounds so lovely and I enjoy your Blog always. I am having a relaxing 3 day weekend and loving it - staying in the studio with Christmas music. No mall parking lots for this girl ;-) I took German in junior high and only remember "Ich liebe dich" and all that umlaut practicing! Merry Christmas.
Inge said…
Today really was a wonderfull day. I live in Holland and here too it looks like a winter wonderland. I spend my morning watching the birds in my garden eat the treats I left there for them. That, for me, is pure bliss. Me in my pajamas, my two cats lounging around and a nice cup of tea. Nice to read that you also had a lovely day.
Unknown said…
That's a lovely photo of you and Thorsten
in the snow Holly.
It sounds a beautiful blessed Sunday.
The deer is so sweet!
Kat x
Anonymous said…
thank you Holly for your non-decor8 info... even so what you wrote was very interesting :)
On my side, i had a wonderful w-e up in the swiss mountains with several dear friends, snow and sun. La belle vie !
Your Sunday sounds so wonderful and special. I love that photo of you and your hubbie.

We are having a cozy day here as well. Staying in though since it is pouring buckets.A lazy day of Soduko, reading and crafts.
Karen said…
looks like you had the perfect sunday...and how come your snow looks so much prettier than ours??which is all dirty and slushy!!
Michele said…
Dear Holly and Thursten,

You guys are so adorable. Great picture of you both! The snow on the buildings looks like Gingerbread houses lol that's so cute. I bet this is how the concept of Gingerbread houses originated. Also that kind of snow is my fantasy wonderland :D You should build a snowman and take a picture:D Thanks for sharing these pictures.

xo, Michele
Laura Evans said…
you know what's funny ... you love sundays in germany for the very same reason they drive me nuts. Sometimes especially for my husband he works all week & the weekend comes around & he has a long list of things he needs to get done & only one day to actually do them. I hate that there are so many rules for what you can & can't do & the time's you can & can't do them. I understand the reasoning but when you do shift work it's so frustrating.

Saying all that having a quiet day would be wonderful if only i knew what such things were. I spent my sunday working & then this evening my husband put together a new set of ikea shelves for the kitchen & i went on a rampage reorganizing & such. It was wonderful!!

Enjoy the rest of your night. xx
haus maus said…
@Laura - I see your point, though I think Monday-Sunday retail is just no good for anyone. Those who are stuck working and for those who need the down time. I think it just takes good organization and you can get everything done and have Sunday to yourself, and really enjoy it. Germans have been living like this for ages and are fine. My husband's family never shopped on Sunday for generations and they still had food on their tables and chores done. I think the 7 day a week shopping is bad for the soul, honestly. You never get a break from your "to do" list when stores are always open. The more options you have, the more you can procrastinate too, I find anyway. I am American, stores were opened for me 7 days a week, we had a super Walmart 5 minutes away that was open 24/7 and a Target opened 7 days a week until 11 pm. I don't miss roaming the aisles at 10pm because I didn't schedule my day better. Maybe if you are home during the week you are able to work on your husband's to do list for him so that Saturdays are not so stressful and then Sundays you can both enjoy a nice meal together, conversation, a long walk, family time. Just some tips from someone who once had the 7 days a week to shop too and who now LOVES Sunday off. :)
haus maus said…
P.S. Laura I love your photography!!!
Amanda said…
What a lovely photo of you and your husband. Your description of Sundays in Germany sounds glorious and all those photos of the snow make me wish it was winter here in Australia so I too could make our house all cosy. Hope you have a lovely week leading up to Christmas x
Juliette said…
We spent Sunday relaxing and then watching the annual Christmas play at our church.

We'd had a huge open house party the day/night before and we were worn out - but I have to say I went to bed with my face actually sore from smiling so much! So nice to have our home filled with people!

Today we're decorating the tree!
Yesterday we have a sunday-winter-snow-december-advent-family-joy-food-coffee-afternoon
with building a snowman in the garden and gingerbread brownie from the "solebich-adventskalender"! A wonderful day with my family!
A Farmer's Wife said…
Your blog is just beautiful. I am in Australia so the photos of the snow seem very alien at present. So gorgeous though.

Take care.
Traveling Mama said…
I'm with you Holly. At times it takes some serious effort to get everything done before the stores close here in Denmark. Do the stores there close early on Saturdays as well? Even the mall closes by 6 on Saturday! My MIL works in a dept store in the States and she HATES Christmas because she is required to work 60+ hours a week but never works less than 80. We first got a taste of this lifestyle when we lived in Spain and we always missed it when we moved back to the States. I much prefer the focus on family and life balance! And if I really want to shop after hours there is always the internet!

BTW, I thought the photo of you guys is so sweet!
Kerstin said…
Ha! I love the Max und Moritz chocolate on the table! I still have that wacky book from my childhood.

Thanks for sharing your lovely Sunday. I love how the snow has this cocooning effect and muffles the sound, adding to that beautiful silence you described.
Chris :) said…
i envy every little thing u described.....only in a good way though!
i live in a Mediterranean island where we still wear short sleeves and our culture is not as fun as western Europe's so i wish i could live like that....but i would need all the people in my life with me as well which is impossible....
enjoy the feeling of cold breeze on your cheeks a bit for me as well.....
may everyone that is reading your blog have this Christmassy feeling and share it with their loved ones!!!! :)
annechovie said…
It looks like a perfect little Christmas Village there - how picturesque! Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a New Year full of extreme joy and peace. xo
Ich liebe die wunderbaren Sonntage auch, (noch mehr, wenn ich nicht arbeiten muss). Danke deinem Besuch am Sonntag, hat mich sehr gefreut!
Ich wünsche Dir eine schöne Woche, Éva
Witzig, ich habe das gleiche Bild gekauft von Sabine für meine Tochter Lilly für Weihnachten! "Grrrrr"
Everything seems so homely and nice!

Fantastic sunday I guess! I've been missing one like this!

By the way, mt last one I spent paiting the walls!!!
How great to be "just Thorsten and Holly." It is fun to see his picture after hearing his voice in BYW class. You are both adorable.

Many happy Sundays in the new year.

Diana said…
Holly, I do have wonderful memories of Sunday in Germany. They are as you described them. There's always talk of letting the shops open on Sundays but to be honest something big would be lost. We lived on the Elbe River in Hamburg, and everyone would go out walking. There are many cafes and small restaurants on the river walk - some are on the water, some in parks in the woods. One of my favorites is the Witthues in Blankenese. Many a wonderful afternoon was spent in the Hirshpark at Witthues eating amazing whole-grain cakes.

I love that families take the time to be together on Sunday. It feels "different" than other days. Much more quiet. I do miss that, it's not the same here in Italy (although many families do gather for lunch on Sundays).
elena nuez said…
I love this blog! I find it very inspiring and interesting, Holly you have very good taste!
I will stay here seeing everything good!
greetings from Madrid
¡¡feliz Navidad!!
drey said…
It looks so white there. So peacefully white. So beautifully European winter.

Have a very great Christmas and may the coming year be filled with more colour, more laughter and more joy for you and Thorsten.
Christina said…
This made me think of "Sunday Kind of Love" by Etta that song! Everything looks so beautiful covered in fresh snow! One of the things I miss the most about Europe is the Christmas markets!! I should have searched for some here in Philly. Enjoy some hot strudel for me!
Melissa A said…
What a gorgeous Christmas scene with the snow and all the decorations. You are gorgeous Holly. You took look great in front of the snow and tree lined trail. Blessings and peace to you both this Christmas.
Fröhliche Weihnachten!

...and I LOVE Morrissey as well!


You two are too those pics in the snow, they look so BRIGHT & peaceful! :)) Hope all is going well for both of you & that you have a wonderful & memorable New Year 2011. :)
God bless you.
Anonymous said…
Sounds like such a peaceful, beautiful day. Glad you were just YOU today, Holly. I'm sure it felt nice. Big HUGS!!!
Dagmar said…
Hallo, I'm a German living in New York, blogging about my life on Dagmar's momsense, and it's so nice to find your blog and see German things! I LOVE Marzipan, miss it so much.

I'll definitely be back :)

Ein frohes Neues Jahr,
Dagmar's momsense
Dagmar said…
BTW, my brother lives in Berlin and I grew up in Bremen, You need to check out Bremen if you haven't yet, it's so quaint.

Kim Carney said…
It sounds like the perfect Sunday!
käselotti said…
Thanks for your nice summary of the event and the photo of the shoe inserts installation. I loved it, too!
Greetings from Hamburg!
Anonymous said…
Wish I had been able to attend designachten, but I'm glad to hear it was packed. I've been meaning to get to the Wilhelm Busch museum to learn more about Max and Moritz and to see the Lisbeth Zwerger exhibit---did you see it? I need to just get to it! New Year's goals, eh?
Chuzai Living said…
I really enjoyed this post about your Sunday and reading about how you usually do your job to snap shots at places like markets as Holly of decor8, but this time you wanted to be just Holly. It felt so personal to read it. I think the shot of you and your husband is so cute. Since I've taken your course, I thought "my instructors~!" when I saw it. Thanks for sharing your day and the white deer. So cute...

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