New Old Chandy

I've been wanting a vintage chandelier for awhile now, years really, but never had the space to really hang one because something like a chandelier needs a really nice room, the right ceiling height... and now that I live in a great space I thought WHY NOT?!? It's time to finally buy that chandelier I imagine... this one is for my bedroom OR it may possibly go in the living room. What do you think?

My eBay Score Tonight

I won it a few moments ago from - and I spent a lot because 11 people wanted it but in the end, I decided to just go for it and put in my maximum bid and bingo! Though beauty does have a price... But hey, it's unique, it's vintage and it sure is pretty...

What do you think of my find? Like? Hate? Would you rock a chandelier in your house?


Lauren said…
ohmygosh, it's AMAZING!!!!!!! definitely worth your highest bid price! congratulations :)
Oh it is beautiful, so elegant and I can just imagine it throwing lovely light and shadows on the ceiling. You will have to show us some photographs when it is hung and the room is finished. I would love a chandelier in my new home but I'm not sure if it would look right as I have only two very high ceilings.

All things nice...
alix said…
holly it's GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woweeeee.
i love love love it.

It is sooo beautiful! I've always wanted one as well, but currently I'm not living in a place where I could have one.
It's such a beauty!

Would you believe I put a chandelier in my sons nursery?! It completely makes the room...take a look:
melissa said…
but oh so worth it!!!!!
Rusulica said…
it is beautiful.
if i had oportunity (i rent) i find beautiful chandelier,... :)
Denise said…
I am just crazy about this chandelier!!! Can't wait to see it in your space. We just moved into an old house with none of the original light fixtures. I will be on the hunt for a chandelier or two or three, very soon!
lizzy said…
it's gorgeous! it will be fantastic in your space.
Laura K. Aiken said…
Oh yea I like that! Beautiful. I would hate to dust it though...but who dusts anymore!
Anonymous said…
This is beautiful! When you go hunting for these, what kinds of things do you look for? Is there a type of prism that is better than others? I really want to buy from from Ebay, but I'm worried that it will end up looking like a sad little home depot special.
Thanks! And enjoy your beautiful lights!
Oh wow....SO gorgeous hun! Score & double score with the 2nd beauty too! Yippee! Buying beautiful things for your home is so fun isn't it?! :)
Sweetina said…
I'd fight you for it,Holly!
It's wonderful and very grand.
I think it will juxtapose beautifully with your style.
The twinkles of light will add even more interest to your amazing home.
lovely choice!
Unknown said…
I loooove chandeliers! My mom collects old, broken ones, that are purely decorative (non functional) and hangs them in any room she pleases, low ceilings, poor light, you name it. A chandelier defines the room and makes it magic!
diana said…
Chandeliers are great! We got one for our wedding and went over to Murano to pick one. That was quite an experience! So many choices, colours, styles, sizes...In the end we chose something like this (an all glass one):

Yours are really pretty! Most important thing for chandeliers I think is that they have the right size. Too small and the effect is gone. This one looks like a good size though!
kalanicut said…
Great that you just went for it. It's fantastic and will be something you treasure for years to come!
Coco said…
This one is gorgeous! I would love to have such a chandelier if it is in the right space. I think your place is perfect for this type of chandelier!
On the other hand in a modern living room i think this chandelier stands out enough to make it work anyways.
Megan said…
I've been doing the same thing in Germany these last few weeks. But we probably weren't bidding against one another as I was going for the little ones. I'm outfitting a small vacation apartment in Austria and jumped at the chance to finally have a little crystal chandelier. In Germany at least, if you have high ceilings or an Altbau, you have to have one of these...
Unknown said…
I have a very similar chandelier sitting in a box in storage. It was my great aunt's and I was hoping to use it in my dining room but it is just to special for the space I'm living in. Would have been happy to pass it on to you (I hate that it's just sitting in a box) if the wiring was compatible.
juliana said…
i love chandeliers! when i was living in leipzig i bought an old and georgeous one at the fleamarket on the agra-grounds. the women selling it told me that she used to have a porcelaine doll "hospital" where she also made and repaired old teddy bears! my chandelier used hang there, how awesome, right :)
Beautiful and you are so lucky you got it. Congratulations!
GloamingDesigns said…
i adore it! i think i'm very particular about these kinds of things - it has to be something just right and really special. and yours - wow! love the warm patina of the metal and the shape is just divine. can't wait to see it hanging in your beautiful apartment! :)
Laura said…
Beautiful! If we had high ceilings would totally go for one too!
This one is truly amazing! it will be beautiful in any room, I have even seen chandelier in kitchen recently!!!
Totally worth it!! We've just moved into a house where I can finally have one too... just haven't started my search yet. Hope I can find one as gorgeous as this!
Unknown said…
stunning- I have always wanted a chandelier.
Helen said…
I love chandeliers. For now I have a $6 wanna-be (plastic!) miniature one with a couple of crystals hanging off it from a real one! When I have €352 to spend on one then I would love to have the real thing! You have great ceilings for them. Our ceilings are very low and not suited to them. Look forward to the pictures of them in their new home!

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