A Few Final Thoughts for 2010

I got around to unpacking some more things today...
unpacked some plates today...

... a few pretty plates.

organizing for the new year

Some books and fabrics (the fabrics I bought recently at a store in Hannover that now stocks fabric from Liberty in London) that I tucked away into my cabinet...

Then I ended up doing a great deal of cleaning and errands... but it was nice to be domestic and not think about work. I don't think I could do this 365 days a year, but for a week or two of playing full-time house frau -- yeah, it's real nice. Though I notice at about day four I start to get that uneasy feeling - work calls me and I always come THISCLOSE to giving in. But I didn't this year, I just wrote on Real Simple 3x this week and that was it. And okay I answered a handful of emails but that was it outside of my tweeting and facebooking (is that a word?) -- but really, that's not work. That is sort of friendly hustling.

Loving These...

When one is working, of course, you must refresh yourself with something yummy to drink from time to time. I drank a 1,5 L of Vitel and then I caved from my healthy resolution and enjoyed this Elderflower Pressé from Belvoir Fruit Farms in London that I bought recently at a cafe nearby. It was simply delish.

I don't know about you, but I can't wait for 2011 to get started. 2010 was very nice and packed for me but man, I worked myself into a coma some days and I'm not even kidding, I worked HARD and I can't say that I played just as hard because well, I didn't. This year I plan to work hard and play hard, equally. I think it will reflect in all parts of my life, I believe you have to make yourself happy first or else your work never comes out as well as it could. I will march forward into the new year with goals and dreams and let's see how it all shakes down again this time next year.

But for now, I'm wishing you all a lovely December 31st... midnight is less than 5 hours away, oh my! Fun! Love you all and a beautiful new year to you! xo

(images: holly becker for haus maus)


Monica said…
Wishing a wonderful New Year's celebration filled with laughter, bubbly and fireworks. All the Best!
Unknown said…
Those are such pretty plates Holly. Old china and liberty fabrics are two of my favourite things.
Wishing you a happy & blessed new year
Luv Kat x
Georgina said…
Hi Holly! Wish you a peacefull and lovely night, happy new year!!!!
Ele said…
Gorgeous plates- do you use all these, or are they merely decorative? I bet that selection would look lovely on a kitchen wall.

I'm also very ready for 2011, as 2010 was somewhat difficult for me. It didn't start off great (my grandmother died in January) and didn't finish all that well (the recent UK snow forced my family to cancel their Christmas travel plans), either. But there was some great stuff in between, including my starting to study interior design, and my partner applying to immigrate to Canada with me.

I hope you have a very Happy New Year, Holly!
Unknown said…
I love the cat plate! I also love Belvoir drinks, the elderflower one is my favourite. Have a great new year!
Yvonne said…
2010 was not very good to me. Therefore I wrote an open letter to 2010. Some things just needed to be said :)

I hope that 22011 is going to be a good one. In general. For everybody :)

Schönes neues Jahr!

Anonymous said…
Dear Holly
Thank you for all your wonderful words and inspiring images throughout 2010. (Not to mention your teaching in the BYW course!) Here's to a fab 2011 for everyone!
Unknown said…
Happy new year, Holly!
Looking to play harder this year as well -- the working hard seems to take care of itself ;) Buon anno from southern Italy!
knack said…
happy new year !! xo
Jenny said…
I've just come to your blog from Decor8, and am loving the pictures of your home! Just wanted to stop by and say hello and happy new year!
Sanja said…
I've just read Your last two posts here, and an old interview with Ez on decor8, and they gave me such a positive, exciting perspective for the new year. May Yours bring You good health, love and joy in doing what You do. Thanks :)
Happy New Year!

I'm so happy that 2011 finally arrived...

All the best for you,

Juliette said…
frohes neues jahr!
Alessandra said…
Those plates are so beautiful, I love the cat's one!!!

ciao and happy New Year

Happy New Year!! I wish you the best in 2011... much more play to go along with all that hard work! I know what you mean about trying to be offline. I miss my friends too much to stay away for very long!

I wish you all the best for 2011 :) You are so right, a healthy work life balance is what we all need. Hope your settling in well in your new home :)

All things nice...
Laura K. Aiken said…
Holly got to have the cat plate!!
Happy New Year!
I hope you had a beautiful new year Holly dear....it sounds like you did. You always make everything sound so lovely, warm & delicious....:) It makes me wish I lived near by so we could take tea together. All the very best for 2011 hunnie!
Sylee said…
Amazing plates. Happy New Year Holly!
Oh man I adore the pink kitty plate! I need to know where can I get it? Thanks!
That pink plate with the cat on it is adorable
xx nicole

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