Big News

We will know sometime this week if we will get the flat that we are hoping to move into on September 1st! I am very, very excited and can't wait to see what happens! As soon as I know, I will tell you all about it... until then I am just waiting ever so patiently!


→lisa said…
Good luck, Holly! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

frauheuberg said…
oh, Holly...think to you and hope it will be come i´m looking forward to good news this week...;)...have a lovley tuesday afternoon...cheers and hugs...i...
Sam said…
Fingers and toes crossed for you Holly!
Billy said…
Crossing fingers!!
Jenny said…
Good luck! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Oh how exciting, lucky you, cant wait to see it :)I'm delighted for you :)

All things nice...
Good luck Holly, crossing everything for you.
Unknown said…
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
Oh, waiting! It just plain sucks doesn't it? I am so excited for you hun & keeping my fingers crossed. Can't wait to hear!
Johanna said…
Ich drück die Daumen!!

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