Today I will...

* Go see a property that may become our home in September (oh, please!).
* Go to a party at a friend's house.
* Write, write, write!
* Post, post, post!
* Go to the farmers' market and look for peonies and organic fruit & veggies.

What a nice day I'll have. I really hope THIS place is THE place. My husband and I are ready to unpack our 80+ boxes in the cellar from America and get our life started - living in limbo in a vacation apartment is not such a peaceful way to live. Plus I want to craft again, have access to all of my books, have an office, and get settled somewhere. AND DECORATE! I want home projects to work on again!

But for now... for this morning, I will exercise in the sunny living room, be thankful for all that I *do* have, go hug my husband, and make a nice breakfast for the two of us.

What will you do today?


Juliette said…
ooh fingers crossed!

Gym, grading grading grading, late lunch, then getting a photo for my perm. visa! It's been 3yrs, so tomm. we apply for my lifetime visa. Yay - kind of excited about tomorrow!
julie said…
I hope it is the place for you too. Best of luck
julie said…
I hope it is the place for you too. Best of luck
Laura said…
Fingers crossed for that property!
Your day looks fantastic. Mine will be filled with school projects for the end of my course in Textile Design. Some writing involved but also sewing and weaving. I'm happy too :-)
I do hope this one works out for you, I know what it is like to live in limbo and its exhausting after a while. fingers crossed.
Anonymous said…
Wow, sounds like you have some exciting and exhausting times going on! Best of luck to you, and yes, enjoy that sunshine. We certainly are :)
Allison said…
I've got a bit of expat-anxiety today. I recently moved from Montreal to Amsterdam and I don't speak Dutch. However, I've got to call around to find a doctor accepting new patients since I need to see a doctor to fill out a form to exchange my driver's license. I feel so guilty expecting people to speak English, but I'd be useless in Dutch at this point. Lots of hoops to jump through being an expat!
Katja said…
Work, work, work, then meet a friend for dinner and cocktails tonight and - from time to time - musing on all the lovely things that I will do on Friday, my day-off such as going to the farmers market, buying fresh fruit and vegetables for our Eurovision dinner party with friends on Saturday, keep on organizing and decorating our office at home and preparing a lovely dinner for my husband since he has to work that day. I am so looking forward to Friday. And thank you for this blog. I love reading it.
Unknown said…
That sounds like a plan. I'll keep my fingers crossed for your future home! I understand you so well concerning the space and projectsyou need and have.

All the best
Laura said…
good luck! Well this morning I put my little one in the free childcare club and during that time got a pedicure. Such a treat!! Then I ran home, picked up the big one from kindergarten, and quickly posted about our trip to Lake Constance on Monday! Now we're off the the dentist for a checkup.
Anonymous said…
OH I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GOING THRU! I unpacked my last box from my big move to germany 2 weeks ago....AHHHHHH it feels so good to arrive FINALLY! Hang in there and many blessings and here is something that totally helped me center myself and remove myself from that hectic establishment to this new chapter in my life and still maintain that happy joyful self...enjoy! "I think and think and think, I've thought myself out of happiness one million times, but never once into it." - Jonathan Safran Foer
This was such a sweet post that I had to leave a comment. I hope you have finally found your home too, I feel like we've been there with you. I want to go pick up flowers and fresh fruit and veggies too.. :] Enjoy your day!
so thrilled for u and exercising in a sunny living room sounds divine
Lali said…
Ich habe heute meine "Show Me Your Blog"-Aktion gestarten,schau einfach mal vorbei,vielleicht willst du ja mitmachen!:)

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