Ein schönes Wochenende!

Oh you guys... I have one of those crazy weekends ahead of me. The kind where I'll be writing and printing things out and marking up pages and think, think, thinkin'. I need to go run some errands now before I hibernate for the next few days but I want to pop in to give you all a hug and to wish you a beautiful weekend.

I'm in London from 13-20 of May so I won't be posting here on haus maus until after the 20th. You can still catch me pretty much daily over at decor8 though, but to maintain this and that blog is a bit much at the moment so just follow me over there for the next 15 days or do, alright? Oh good. Thanks for understanding.

Some things I did this week for myself *not work related:

  • Bio Sun tanning in Hannover 
  • Sushi at my favorite sushi place on Konigsstr.
  • Attended a lingerie fashion show which was, um, pretty cheeky if you know what I mean.
  • Went to the mini French market outside of the main station - sellers are here from France with their fare ranging from cheese (of course) to cider, sekt, cookies, artisian breads (my fave is the olive bread) and lots of other goodies. They leave tomorrow (Saturday) so go either today or tomorrow or you'll miss them. They have nice soaps and lavender from Province too.
  • Saw a good friend and had a few laughs.
  • Watched an episode of Castle (I'm a fan).
  • Read three design books. Liked two of them. 
  • Learned some more German words and phrases. 
  • Walked 10 miles total
  • Realized that I really do not like these pre-made German "salats" like potato, tuna, chicken... oh they are really, really sweet and quite horrible. The Weight Watchers Curry Gefluegelsalat is good though so I'm thinking maybe the "diet" brands have less sugar making them better? I am also encouraged to make my own homemade chicken salad again - I cube chicken and add chopped walnuts, red seedless grapes, S&P, and celery with mayo. It's great in a wrap with arugula. 
  • Bought an exercise mat and used it for only two days but already I feel less tense in my back. Going to make this my daily routine for good back health.
  • Saw an owl in the nearby forest.
  • Discovered a cafe in Hannover via Kestin's blog - now I want to go there!
  • Watched a bird build a nest outside of my window. Simple things people, simple things...
What non-work things did you do for yourself this week? I think it's important to think about it and make sure you have some balance in your life don't you?

Much love to you all!


Unknown said…
It's official, we were obviously meant to be friends because you make my absolute favorite chicken salad recipe.

p.s. lets talk when it gets closer to July. The 4th is a big Jersey shore holiday (& my mom now lives there) so I'm fearing the guilt trip I'll get if I say I want to spend it in NYC but I would LOVE to see She & Him on Governor's Island with you.
Unknown said…
Sounds busy! :) I went to my sewing lesson and am *almost* done with my first dress for myself, and last night, I was able to attend an advanced showing of the CUTE movie Babies! It was SO funny! Have a good weekend!
Anonymous said…
It's so funny that you think the German salads are to sweet :D
Because that's what I think about the American salads(and the bread)
Anonymous said…
It's so funny that you think the German salads are to sweet :D
Because that's what I think about the American salads(and the bread)
Kelly said…
Holly, I completely second you on the exercise thing. I've been working up against some crazy deadlines, and some days I feel guilty for stopping to work out even though it's what I need to do to keep my back and wrists working. Good luck with the craziness -- and stay healthy!
Stina said…
The Weight Watchers salads do indeed have less sugar, but they are chock full of preservatives, additives, artificial flavorings and colorings and aspartame (to make up for the lack of taste). So not healthy at all. If you have a good recipe, make them from scratch, that way you know what's in them. ;-)
haus maus said…
Stina thank you for the tip, I did not know that (mostly because I do not understand ALL of the ingredients yet on the labels). Good thing I only bought it once, this past week. I will NEVER buy it again, aspartame is disgusting!
Little Pinwheel said…
you are busy, nice to see you still had some me time things you did this past week. I have attempted to have me time things. The one moment I got was today with getting my haircut, although my daughter decided she wanted to come too. So the 'me' turned into us, but it was special and I think I would prefer that time we had together then having it on my own.

enjoy your busy month! x
Juliette said…
oh, please post a review of the Bio Suntanning! I am so curious. I feel like I have faded into oblivion since moving to my overcast and rainy corner of Germany, yet I refuse to fake-and-bake.

Bio tanning sounds so intriguing! (and German, ha ha!)
Beach Tropic said…
I swam at the beach (yes it is Autumn but the weather is 24deg here in Sydney), sat in the sun. Also, played with my grand daughter, Frankie. Enjoyed a wonderful mother's day with my beautiful family.
German salads sound disgusting!! Wouldnt it be better to make your own and just dress with caramelised balsamic vinegar or a home made pesto. Only takes 5 minutes to make (I take one to lunch everyday). Includes: cos lettuce, capsicum - red & yellow - finely shredded red cabbage, tomatoes, avocado and fetta cheese. Yum, and healthy. Add a tin of tuna for protein. Voila!!
Anonymous said…
After all the mountains I've climbed with establishing my life from the States to Germany...I did the most intelligent thing any person could ever think of doing....I bought a massage chair last week.....gold star for me. HIGHLY recommend...esp. for a multitasking gal like yourself. Lissette
Rija said…
I love LOVE reading Haus Maus and Decor8 and on my list of things that I did for myself this week is just that. And I ran for 20 minutes, went to the newly opened farmer's market in our town and book club. What a wonderful life, eh?!
Kim B. said…
Am working 7 days a week these days in two different jobs, but finally had a day off on Thursday -- so I took a nap with my kitty (hey, I had to keep him off the just-mopped kitchen floor, what else is a girl to do?) and then had surprise drinks with a dear girlfriend who came to Paris for a b-school reunion. Excellent!!
It sounds like you're getting settled nicely into life in Germany!
Karen said…
Hey Holly, I saw you this evening in Selfridge but was too shy to say hi! Love you enjoy your time in London.
Gustchen said…
Hallo, ich schreibe einfach mal in deutsch - schneller&einfacher für mich! Gerne lese ich deinen blog und ja, geh mal in die "BAR" auf der Limmerstraße, es ist wirklich sehr entspannt dort. Wir haben bis vor zwei Jahren auch in Hannover gewohnt und ich war dort häufig.....ach, ja, es gibt einiges, was ich vermisse...
einen sonnigen Tag und Grüße aus Nordhessen :-)
Pixie said…
Oh I LURV Castle! And Nathan Fillion. sigh. lol
haus maus said…
Karen are you sure it was me? I don't think I was there on Tuesday but I can't remember now... where did you see me? Maybe that will help. :) :) Why didn't you say hello, I would have LOVED that. :)
Karen said…
Hi Holly,

I am pretty sure that it was you, but obviously I have only ever seen a headshot, if it was you, then I actually saw you twice!

First time it was approximately 7.30pm in Selfridges, you walk through the perfume hall and passed me while I was looking at the MAC counter? You were with a man approximately the same height as you, I think he was wearing a cap???

Second time was on Oxford Street, a day or so later (near Bond Street tube station) you were wearing a tan coloured jacket and jeans, you had a bag over one shoulder? Once again you were with the same man?

If it wasn’t you then it’s a good job I didn’t say anything :-)

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