Next Apartment...

Psst... Tomorrow we go to see another apartment. I'll let you know the results soon. Fingers crossed... because I really want to move in May or June so I can enjoy the new balcony that I'm wishing for. ;)


Vanessa said…
Good lucj! Can't wait to hear all about it!
Desiree said…
My fingers shall remain crossed for you until I hear otherwise!

good luck =) i keep my fingers crossed for you.
Monica said…
Crossing fingers und viel Glueck!
Berlinquilter said…
Good Luck for you this time!!!
julie said…
good luck!!!

i think i just learnt how to say good luck in german here - viel glueck. Hmm... but how to pronounce??
Anonymous said…
best of lucks!!
vanessa (the other one) said…
Hoping the best for you, Holly. I agree with those who have suggested that the right place will come at the right time, as long as you are open to the possibilities.

I encourage you to ask to take pictures this time, just for your own sense of accomplishment. I know the feeling of intimidation in this situation, especially with the language, but I don't think it will be seen as agressive if you simply smile and say, "Darf ich?" with your camera out. If they say no, you will still have achieved something!

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