Einen schönen Sonntag!

Today has been a very nice Sunday! First, we went to a little "junk" and antiques market where I found two handmade pot holders (I like the color combination), a small leather wallet that I can use in the summer with my white leather tote, and a pretty hand-painted porcelain plate that isn't that old (circa 1975) but I find the design very sweet! I found all of these things for 15, euro so I think that is okay.

Flea Market Loot

After the flea market, we went for coffee at one of my favorite cafes in List, Tom Maas, and then to Bagel Brothers for a quick bite. Next, we headed downtown because today all of the shops are open in the city center. Normally on Sundays only flower shops, cafes, bars and restaurants are open (though all of the stores in the train station are open, including Virgin, the grocery store, etc.) but today is a special Sunday where all shops are open downtown. The weather is fresh and spring-like and so it was nice to walk around in the city. I went to visit my friend Esra, who had to work today, and also saw my other friend Susan. While shopping, found some things on sale that I've been wanting so I gave in and ching! ching! blew some cash but on some things that I need -- and also for Thorsten -- so it was money well spent.

Flea Market Loot

For me I found: Rollerblades (yay! Rollerblade Spark Pro W SMU Inline Skates on sale for 98, Euros regularly 229!) so I can skate through the forest on the bike path, knee pads and wrist guards, a Nike gym bag, a shoe bag for the gym bag, a CD (Cheryl Cole, I like her) and a tennis racket.

Thorsten found: a tennis racket, balls and a really nice bag for these things.

So now that we're home, I'm going to rest for a bit with some tea (we're been shopping for 5 hours) and then I'm going to take my skates down to the bike path and see how I do. I haven't skated in a little while so I'm definitely going to wipe out a few times, I'm sure of it! But I don't care -- I need to get back into it again. I started roller skating (four wheels, old school) when I was 2 and then seriously when I was 6 and I didn't stop skating until recently, maybe a few years ago. In fact, when I was a child and teenager, I frequently competed in speed skating races at the local rink. I still remember the first time my father took me to the pro shop to get my first part of Speed Skates with Zinger wheels. I loved those skates. I remember this was the early 80's and he spent $200 on them -- that was how much of a little "pro" I was -- but I kept those skates for many years. I still have them in fact, I couldn't part with them when I moved over from the states. They are buried in my cellar but I know they are there and they serve as a reminder to me of how dedicated I once was to my sport and how I need to get back into it again. I started inline skating when I was 22, and went through several pairs since. I donated my last pair to Goodwill when we moved here because they were worn out anyway and so today, as I skated around Kaufhof for 20 minutes (yes, I couldn't sit down once I had them on, I was so excited!) I felt very glad to find skates that felt like the perfect fit after trying on 5 pairs.

I hope you have a nice Sunday, I'm going to start organizing my living room now, it's a bit chaotic on my dining room table and my pile of magazines is starting to overwhelm me so it's time to downsize! Have a nice day!



Yasmine said…
Oh Holly, I miss "Flohmarkt" so much! I can't wait to visit Germany this autumn!
Amie McCracken said…
I'm still getting to know stuff around here. Do you have to pay to get into the Flohmarkt? The only one I tried we had to pay just to get in. I'll have to ask my friends where the good ones in Stuttgart are.
jja said…
I admire all of those who can skate well, I am a beginner again since I did't use mine for some years and before that I was anyway not the best. Respekt for your skills :-)
laynemarie said…
That plate is so great! Does it say anything on the bottom?
Juliette said…
nice plate! cool on the skates - I know what you mean about missing a sport. I tried to get back into rowing once we got here, but they only have little 4 man shells - not my preference at all! lol, i'm such a boat snob! back to the indoor rower!
Anonymous said…
I love the plate! 1975 was a good year for decor!
Frau Mayer said…
Yohoo! Shopping well done! I'll be bringing my skates to Hannover tomorrow. I've done some testing and my ranking of places to skate looks like this:
1. Maschsee
2. Eilenriede
3. Herrenhäuser Gärten

It's good to read that people still do offline shopping :) You make yours sound like LOADS of fun!
jenny wilson said…
I love the colours of the plate and pot holders
Anonymous said…
That plate is sooo sweet! What a great find!
Oh, love the shape of those potholders! Off to the yarn shop I go....
julia said…
hey, fellow skater...I just inherited my son's old rollerblades. He isn't impressed with my abilities (I'm not very good at stopping, my son said that's like a pilot who isn't very good at landing).

I found a card the other day inviting women to join a roller derby league. Apparently I'm not "roller derby material" according to my husband but I did think about it for about a second.
julia said…
oh, and seriously, can you take a picture of the bottom of the plate? curiosity is killing me
Ahh...that sounds so fun! I am so glad you got a new pair so you could be free and have fun! :)
ps I love your sweet finds...pretty colors. You have such a great eye! It would be so fun to thrift/antique shop with you!! :)
Patty said…
That's such a cute pattern! It's such a good feeling when you find nice things at a flea market ;) thanks for posting!
Anna said…
Sounds like a wunderschoener Tag to me. Love those fleamarket adventures to be had. How was the rollerblade adventure? Do you have skate nights where you are? I went to one in Kaiserslautern when I lived in Germany. I couldn't stop well then and fell pretty tragically. My kids laughed at me! Hope your trip was a suceess!
Kaffiknopf said…
These potholders are so cute ... After that big knitting wave that came over us in the past few years, maybe crocheting potholders will come back, too.
How was your skate trip? I have mine in the basement for 10 years I think. What a shame! I always wanted to go with them when my daughter slept a lot in the Kinderwagen ... well, maybe next time.
Have a lovely Easter Weekend in Germany! Is it your first one? There are some lovely traditions for this holiday in Poland like Schmingus Dingus and the big Easter Brunch for special friends. I went there once with a friend and get to know about it. Really nice.
Sorry for that long comment ... I let you go now. :)
tinypaperheart said…
oh, i adore your potholders! and i just bought a little leather wallet for myself to use in the summer,too. :)
You have a lovely blog ..... and i love flea markets too :-))))
I think it is absolutely awesome that you skate, Holly!!! That's just so cool:-)

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