Books, Books, Books! (and giveaway!)

This was a very big week for me because I received 17+ books (a few not pictured) and a magazine to review -- and that's a lot! Of course, I only review the books that truly interest me and that I think would be of value to my readers over at decor8... but it still means that I have a lot of reading to do this month!


This book (below) is especially precious to me as I was asked to be a contributor. I've contributed to other books in the past but each time feels brand new. It's always a great honor to have an author approach me because as much as I love online publishing there is nothing quite like seeing my name in print but above that, to partake in something that can positively impact the life of another. When I think of the readers who will love and appreciate The Handmade Marketplace it makes me feel content inside because I remember where handmade "was" and back then there were no rules, guidelines, support -- everyone was out there stumbling around trying to do what they thought was right. And now so much advice exists from experienced and successful business owners that it's so much easier to launch a creative new career than it once was.


As mentioned, this book is called The Handmade Marketplace by Kari Chapin and it explores the whole independent arts and crafts movement and how a small business can really navigate it - from A-Z. I wrote three pages for this book and Keri quotes me in other places throughout. Again, a huge honor to be a part of this title. There are others who contributed also and I really like reading their advice on an variety of topics and find the mix of ideas from all over the world extremely beneficial to those who are trying to navigate the waters as a small business owner. Pick up a copy if you can, you'll love it.


As you can see, I have a lot to look at this month! I sometimes wish I could hire someone to read them and write the reviews for me but that would be cheating! I'd love to hire staff to help me with the myriads of things that I am currently doing -- all completely on my own. But I can't complain; these books are a pleasure and I know the blood, sweat and tears that goes into publishing and so I want to do the author proud should I decide to write about them on decor8. I wish I could review each and every title but for the sake of time, and also personal taste in which I must stay true, I cannot.

Do you see any titles in my stack that you'd love to own? I have an extra copy of The Handmade Marketplace (thanks, Kari!) and of Flea Market Style special edition magazine (thanks, Matthew!) so if you live in Germany and would like to own one of these, please comment below with your choice (the magazine or book) and I will pick a winner using and mail either the book or the magazine to two lucky winners. I'm offering this mini giveaway to those living in Germany only because these titles are not yet available here and I think it may be nice for someone local and loyally reading haus maus to receive one. :) To enter, comment below and tell me which one you'd like to receive and why.



what you are doing is awesome! so inspiring. you are definitely an inspiration to me!!!!

thank you for putting your wisdom out there...
Katie said…
Ooh that cover of Print & Pattern reminds me of Mrs. Grossman's stickers, which I loved as a child!
Sandra said…
Oh, Holly, how sweet of you! I'd love to win the handmade marketplace. I sell on Dawanda ,so of course I'm curious about the book! I'm also not only interested in the pretty side of selling handmade,but also the stuff others often find boring, like branding, accounting etc. By the way, have you read 'Marke Eigenbau'? An interesting read!
Happy Weekend!
mareike said…
first of all thanks for your great blog. i've been reading it for a while and really enjoy it.

i'd love to get a chance to win the book, it sounds pretty interesting. i have been knitting and crocheting a lot lately and would love to get my stuff out there, so i guess i could use it a lot!
Anonymous said…
Hi Holly, it's always so inspiring reading your blogs - and a bit dangerous the same time, I need to have a really big house one day for realizing only some of the sweet ideas you present...
If you should pick me I'd like the book, it's just the right one on the way at concretizing some dreams.
And if not, have a great weekend anyway :)
Frau Mayer said…
Hello, Holly! To be honest, I'd love both :) but I guess that The Handmade Marketplace is just a bit more tempting. Who knows - maybe I'll get the necessary inspiration (as if I wasn't inspired enough by all the wonders happening in the blogosphere!)
Wonderful idea and very generous of you. Thanks!
katja said…
wow, 'the handmade marketplace' has a very good cover <3 i would pick this one - and not only for the cover :) i just looove reading books onhow to make a living from creativity! i already own a lot of englush books about tgat but this one might complete my collection. and it would look pretty on my shelf :)
Kayleigh said…
Hi Holly,
as I said several times before, I love your blog. the ideas, tips, trick, and the new + vintage styles you always come up with are great and very inspiring.

Comming to your Competition: I'd like both, please. But that is not only against the rules but also rude ..... but that's how I am ;-)
No seriously, I would like to have the magazine. I work in health care and design, style and stuff are just a hobby for me. The book would indeed be interesting but also a waste on me, because I don't ave any plans to run a business on my own. I think there are lots of people out there, for whom this book would be a real asset.
I do love flea markets, bargain and exuding a wild motley decoration which reflects the personality of the residents. So, if I would be one of the lucky winners, then I love to get the magazine.
Smbumblebee said…
Hi Holly, I would love a copy of Fleamarket Style, as I really need more guidance on how to integrate vintage pieces into my new house :-) xxx
On A Lark said…
Darn! Wish I lived in Germany for this give away! thank you for your contribution to Handmade Market Place. It is so nice when those that have gone before you share their wisdom! xo
enna said…
Hi Holly. I hope my pront&pattern book will arrive on monday. I can't wait any longer than that, especially after you told me how awesome it is!

I really would love to win this handmade marketplace book! Why? Because that's what I do for living - selling handmade things. The book probably includes some useful information on how to improve my little business.

Have a great weekend.
Anonymous said…
I actually had A Handmade Marketplace in my hands today close to buying it, but I realized I needed to buy another book first. Knowing that you contributed though makes me want to buy a copy as soon as I can though!
priscilla said…
Hi Holly
I have been following your blog for a while now, and with our move to Germany it has been so helpful. I would LOVE a copy of Handmade Marketplace - not just to drool over the pages but to get some real live information from people who have done it before and succeeded. I also love the idea that I will be able to read an English book in Germany.
Thanks Holly
priscilla said…
Hi Holly
I have been following your blog for a while now, and with our move to Germany it has been so helpful. I would LOVE a copy of Handmade Marketplace - not just to drool over the pages but to get some real live information from people who have done it before and succeeded. I also love the idea that I will be able to read an English book in Germany.
Thanks Holly
Anonymous said…
I really enjoy reading the blog:)
To bad that I'm not in Germany right now;) The Handmade marketplace sounds really interesting.

Good luck to all the others.
Anonymous said…
I really enjoy reading the blog:)
To bad that I'm not in Germany right now;) The Handmade marketplace sounds really interesting.

Good luck to all the others.
Desiree said…
Ooh I'd love to have a copy of Handmade Marketplace because as a WAHM it's always nice to get some input into this thing we're trying to do!
Laura Evans said…
so being as handmade market place is currently sitting on my amazon wish list (yes i have an amazon wish list) i would love to win it! & i am definately a little jealous that you have all those books to review ... oh for a few more hours in the day to read!

have a wonderful sunday (maybe this freak snow thing will finally disappear & spring will kick in).
Ina said…
Oh, I'd love to take a look inside the Flea Market magazine! Not only that I love the flea market/vintage style, I will also be on quite a tight budget after my return to Germany in May so any tips about decorating with 'bargain finds' are more than welcome :)
Hi Holly,
I love to follow your blog especially as my sister leaves in Hannover. I would love to be the new owner of the handmade marketplace and would give him a good new home. All the best from Heidelberg
take care
superhappyjohi said…
Hey Holly, I love your blog! It is such an inspiration for me! <3 I would like to have the Flea Market Style special edition magazine for some vintage inspiration! Have a great sunday! Johanna
Unknown said…
Hi Holly, I also love to read your blogs for inspiration! And I like your description of settling in Germany, it is very interesting to read about an american´s view about Germany - e.g. your "experience" with drugs :-)
I would be very happy to win "fleamarket style" as I cannot get it in Germnay. I've already asked my husband to look for it on his business trip to London, but without success:-)
Virginia said…
Hi Holly, I even love how you arranged th books for the pictures :) I'm not a lucky girl in sweepstakes, but if, I would feel honoured to read and hopefully be inspired by the book.
Sunny sunday to you!
Virginia said…
Hi Holly, I even love how you arranged th books for the pictures :) I'm not a lucky girl in sweepstakes, but if, I would feel honoured to read and hopefully be inspired by the book.
Sunny sunday to you!
Gabi said…
wow, that's a great chance for the locals.. i would love to get the book, because i frequently have loads of ideas and dream about starting a little business on my own..
so crossing fingers for me!
by the way, how was the pizza yesterday? hope you get along and finally get your apartment! still crossing fonger for you! :)
Ein schönes Wochenende!
Amie McCracken said…
Hmmm, it's a tough choice but I think I would pick the book because I'm always researching how to better my business. You're awesome for having this give-away!
Monica said…
Hi Holly - I would like to receive a copy of Flea Market Style. I love looking at and reading interior magazines of all types and it is always such a treat to get an American one over here to see something different from what is generally available in the German stores. Thanks so much!
Sabrina said…
I'd love to get a chance to win The Handmade Marketplace... the cover looks really cute :)
Bettina said…
Hallo Holly, ich bin ein großer Fan von decor8 und haus maus, ich abonniere beide und habe schon viele Inspirationen umgesetzt, durch die Links sind viele Ideen dazugekommen.
Du kannst mich in beide Lostrommeln werfen.
Viele Grüsse Bettina
Bettina said…
Hallo Holly, ich bin ein großer Fan von decor8 und hausmaus, habe beide abonniert und schon viele Inspirationen umgesetzt.
Ich habe an beiden Interesse.
Viele Grüsse Bettina
Thank you, Holly. I am currently focusing on two things in my spare time: creating a more intimate space in our home and building a handmade shop. Both would be useful, but I would be a sucker for The Handmade Marketplace. So thank you again!
Anonymous said…
upps, please cancel one
Anonymous said…
No, really? This can't be true!!! That's a little miracle! I saw the Handmade Marketplace yesterday on Sweet Pauls Food & Deco Blog (which I love a lot, I'm sure you know him too, right?). But the giveaway was over already. I missed it. So now I'm in again, juhu! It would be a honour for me to own the Handmade Marketplace. :)
Have a lovely, sunny (hopefully it is sunny in Hannover too?) sunday,
Anonymous said…
No, really? This can't be true!!! That's a little miracle! I saw the Handmade Marketplace yesterday on Sweet Pauls Food & Deco Blog (which I love a lot, I'm sure you know him too, right?). But the giveaway was over already. I missed it. So now I'm in again, juhu! It would be a honour for me to own the Handmade Marketplace. :)
Have a lovely, sunny (hopefully it is sunny in Hannover too?) sunday,
Steffi said…
No, really? This can't be true!!! That's a little miracle! I saw the Handmade Marketplace yesterday on Sweet Pauls Food & Deco Blog (which I love a lot, I'm sure you know him too, right?). But the giveaway was over already. I missed it. So now I'm in again, juhu! It would be a honour for me to own the Handmade Marketplace. :)
Have a lovely, sunny (hopefully it is sunny in Hannover too?) sunday,
Natalie said…
Hi Haus Maus, I would love a copy of Homemade Marketplace - it sounds right up my street. This is an area I've been toying with for a while & it might just give me the impetus I need to get up and at 'em!
Allison said…
It definitely looks like you have your plate full! So many interesting titles, many that I've seen people posting about here and there lately. Anna Maria Horner did a recent blog post about her creative exchange day with the designer from Alabama Studio Style ... looks like pure eye candy. Of course they all sound like great titles, but The Handmade Marketplace is particularly interesting to me. I've learned that my customer in Germany is quite different than in the States, and would be quite eager to learn possible ways to approach this.

Schöne Grüße aus Hamburg!
amanda james said…
hello holly,

this is such a great idea! i love doing book reviews. and it is always a pleasure but also hard work ;-)
well, if i had the chance to win i would like to have the magazine. magazine like the one you are shown are hard to find here in germany.

and thanks for such a great giveaway!
Sonja said…
Hey Holly,
I'd really love to get a chance to win the handmade marketplace. As illustrator I´d start a shop with some things I made. So the book would be very helpful.
Many thanks! :)
a nice idea!
I'm highly interested in Flea Market Style!

greetings from hamburg!
Anonymous said…
Oh Holly, I'd love to win the Handmade Marketplace. My garlands and softie mobiles are patiently waiting for me to get my act together and put them up for sale somewhere - either at a crafts fair or internet shop. xoxo Karen
Unknown said…
I'd love to win the book, it sounds great! Have a wonderful and sunny Sunday!
Carla Confetti said…
I'd love to win the book, it sounds great!
Liebe Grüße aus Wiesbaden :)
javede said…
I would love to get the Flea Market Style magazine. I can really need some inspiration for our new apartement and I can't wait for the fleamarket season to finally start either!
Anonymous said…
What a great resource!
Teleri said…
The book seems very interesting :) I have a little shop on Dawanda, but I have problems to keep it up to date and sometimes I have no idea if an idea would sell or not.. So I would be very happy with a book like this :)
Petra said…
I would love to win the copy of Flea Market Style. I have been trying to get hold of it here in Germany but haven't had any success.
Montse said…
Love flea markets!! :) Thanks for the chance.... Good Luck everybody!!
Montse said…
Love Flea Markets!! Thanks for the opportunity!! Good Luck everybody! :)
Emily G. said…
Hi Holly,
I would love to get my hands on Handmade Marketplace because at the beginning of the year I made the big jump and started selling my handmade silver and gold jewelry on Etsy and am starving for information. It's been a fun jump.

I love reading about your life in Hanover and just today told my fiancee that I'd love to plan a weekend trip to Hanover (we live just outside of Hamburg) to visit some of the places you blog about.

Thanks and Grüße aus the ever snowier northern Germany,
Anonymous said…
Handmade marketplace sounds so good! I'm a creative person (photography&arts&craft) and my aim is to start a small business the next two years - trying more to get into it. But I also love the title "cheap&chic", having an old house, loving creating new stuff from old stuff.
kayjaysews said…
Oh, pick me, pick me (randomly of course!) ;)) Would love Handmade Marketplace. Thanks for sharing your blog with us :)
kayjaysews said…
Oooooh, would love the copy of Handmade Marketplace :))
Anonymous said…
Hi Holly!
oh, sorry, the comment from Michael should be from me, Heidi, but I used his account as I don't have an own account or blog...
Anonymous said…
Hi Holly!
oh, sorry, the comment from Michael should be from me, Heidi, but I used his account as I don't have an own account or blog...
Juliette said…
hey - I'd love the Handmade Marketplace book if you're only giving away that or the magazine. I've been reading about that book a few places and would like to give it a good read-through myself.

however - if you're giving away anything in that stack once you're done reading... =) I'd go crazy for the Alabama Studio Style, the Built by Wendy book, or the Print and Pattern book!
Anja said…
I was just so sad hear that you are still searching for your dream flat :-(

so, keeping fingers crossed :-)

Since i've just discovered a lovely fleamarket full of great finds here in my hometown, I'd love to win the magazine.
Bettina Ost said…
Hi Holly,

thanks for giving these books away, and us the chance get our hands on them.

I'd love to have either 'The Comforts of Home', as I'm still trying to find the right style mix for my flat that makes it a home rather than furniture storage, or 'Tossed and Found', for the same reason plus I'm on a budget (but then, who isn't).

Looking forward to one of your projects popping up in Hannover to experience, visit or look at.
christina said…
hello holly, I'd love to have the flea market style magazin. Apart from a few things from ikea (student flat :))I try to decorate my flat with finds from flea markets or thrift stores.
Unknown said…
Will have to check out The Handmade Marketplace... Looks like a good one!

I'm in Holland, so no giveaway for me.
Tiffy said…
Dear Holly,
I would love to have the handmade marketplace book. Saw it before, but found no way to order it here in Germany... so this would be perfect :-)
haus maus said…
The winners have been selected the notified. This contest is closed now. Thank you all for entering! :)
Jenn said…
I would especially love the Flea market style book seeing as how we go to the local Frankfurt Flea Market every other week when it's on the Maine...the only problem I see with Flea Markets here is that the prices are soooo high for a local flea market! They want to charge you antique shop prices on the sidewalk!! Regardless, I'd love that one. From one U.S. ex-pat to another!!

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