Jennifer Davis Art Work

I think some of you scanned over a previous post about my art dilemma without reading it entirely -- and I do that on blogs sometimes so I'm not faulting you! But I want you to please take a moment to read this throughly. I did not show that previous photo of Jennifer's art in my window because I no longer like it. I never said that. I did say that three of those paintings I want to keep forever and two I am unsure of simply because they have a lot of orange in them and I was just in an orange phase and no longer feel a connection to the color (not to the art). I want to really, really clear that up because I love Jennifer and have promoted her work for ages on decor8 and to my friends in my personal life and well... to think that anyone walked away from that post thinking I no longer connect with her work would break my heart. Here are some paintings of hers that are shown in my last home when I lived in New Hampshire. These are the ones that I love and will keep forever...

The latest in my collection

Too cute

what my afternoon looks like

Painting I have & love

I have a very large heart for the crafting, art and design community and so I wanted to clarify that for those who did a quick scan of the post and didn't get my point. Now you do. And I feel much better for it!

(images: holly becker)


Artsy Fartsy said…
I got your point, and completely understand. My collection of art is in no way as valuable or sophisticated as you, but I have had the same questions. What to do when a piece just doesn't "do it" for you anymore? Is there a 2nd hand art market out there, besides craigslist and yard sales? I'm thinking giving them to friends who have expressed an interest in the piece is the best way to go. Good luck!
I thought it was a great post, I am going through similar thoughts about my own artwork (paintings made 10+ years ago). While my core tastes stay basically the same, there are things I just don't vibe with as well. I think, as an artist, I'd rather have my work appreciated by someone rather then put in some guest room closet (the 2 you aren't as attached to). So I think J. Davis would have absolutely no problem with you selling them :)
Anonymous said…
Jennifer Davis is an amazing artist. Great to see her on your blog. MInneapolis has some great artists like her and Amy Crickenberger!
wow. her work is pretty cool stuff....
im liking it....ALOT
Linz said…
I wasn't part of this melee, but thanks for clarifying it anyhow! I completely understand when you no longer connect with a certain color. I have that ALL the time. I constantly change my blog theme, switch colors in my house, rearrange's all about your aesthetic tastes at the moment, what you connect with, what brings you pleasure. Oftentimes, it has nothing to do with the art itself - it's just that, at the moment, you're not feeling orange...or square, or 3-D, or watercolors. Sometimes the love for that color or item comes back, and sometimes it doesn't.
Would you PLEASE tell me where you purchased that "sweater" mug? I've been searching for one for over a year now and can't find any! :(
haus maus said…
lovely little nest - it was from starbucks - a few years ago now I think. I'm sorry!!
angelo said…
The work is truly gorgeous. Never doubted your appreciation of it.

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