Apartment #3

Today we went to an open house to see the third apartment on our list. Well it's really the 4th apartment because we saw one last September that I'm not counting in this search so we'll just call this #3. Again, it is privately owned and I didn't like it so I wasn't going to ask to photograph it in front of 10 couples but you can see photos of the apartment here online in the original ad. What I liked: it was HUGE. I mean the ceilings went on forever! And the floor plan was great. The bathroom was huge and had double sinks, soaking tub and corner shower and it had a guest bathroom. The kitchen had a pantry and the kitchen was huge and brand new, they still need to put down the new granite countertop and add doors to the white cabinetry. The hallway was like a bowling alley - 22 square meters long! The walls all had these funky colors that I really disliked - orange, lime, blue - eek! But the landlord would paint the walls white and allow the tenants to wallpaper them if they wished. The kitchen was large and had room for a table and chairs and had a very large window that I loved. The living room even had a working wood stove so heat costs were low according to the realtor - around 80, Euros per month. This place had loads of potential and I could easily see myself living there except for the floors. The floors were indeed a deal breaker. I think they were laminate or maybe wood I don't know, but the color was not my style. They were this reddish brown, like cherry, and I really do not like floors that color. Everything else I could deal with but the floors really bothered me. I wish they had been a bit lighter and more my style! The price was affordable, the location PERFECT and the house itself was a lovely old building built in 1894 with a working elevator in the middle of the stairwell. The apartment did not have a balcony, which I want, but honestly had the floors been to my liking I could have done a lot with this space as a decorator and may have taken it. So the hunt continues. I have another property to look at on Sunday but they specifically want a family with children to rent it so we'll see... I'll go to the open house anyway, can't hurt to try. I will not give up! xo, Holly


Oh c'mon Holly, that apartment looks great! (Well, if you imagine it with white walls anyway). And it's cheap. I wouldn't write it off just because of the floors.
Helena said…
Holly, I found that apartment really gorgeous and with those walls in white, I think it would be a "must". Maybe the floors are laminate but I didn´t find them ugly.
I sincerely hope that you are not making a mistake with this apartment, only because of the floors.
Wish you the best!
Lauryn said…
I know to some people the wood color of the floors may be trivial but I disagree. I'm living in a house right now with the same color wood (a red brown) and it is SO HARD to decorate around it. You can't find furniture to go with it, anything wood you put on it looks out of place. It really changes the whole color of a room. I always said when I move into a new place I want blond or dark wood floors, anything but red!
Anonymous said…
I think you should overlook the floors - the apartment is fabulous!!
Little Pinwheel said…
wow...when can I move to Germany; love the exterior and the snow! The interior is very bright! My husband was looking for brightly coloured homes to photograph for a home magazine here in Australia, that would have been perfect!
enjoy the hunt!
Brigitte said…
I'm glad you came across this apartment, because maybe it gave you hope.

I was all ready to defend orange, lime and blue, because I have all three in my home (bathrooms and laundry). But NO. My colors are much more citrus-y and don't dominate my living spaces.
I have to say I love it! I would take it in a heart beat and paint the walls a nice color. The space and building are perfect.
Unknown said…
This appartment is gorgious. Four rooms of that size and such a big kitchen and bathroom for such a good price is incomparable. Wow, I would have taken it at once.... it's quite far from Hannover to my place each day though ;)

Good luck,
diana said…
hihi, that living room is a lot of orange for a person who isn't into orange ;). Keep looking...to be honest it wouldn't be my thing either (for other reasons), and I wouldn't be surprised when maybe, maybe deep in your heart you're a buyer and not a renter ;) - in that case you could take out the flooring and put something in you really like. Success!
@RaynaNyc said…
Hi Holly, Hmmm, sure you're not succumbing to 'apartment hunters fatigue?' When you are so eager to find a place already, and can start to lose positive perspective. This flat looks pretty interesting to me -- and sounds like there may be more positives than negatives. The wood floors in the hallway are quite nice, and in other areas you could use some carpets to cover undesirable floor shades(which in apartments this size can be welcome so not to disturb neighbors). Paint changes everything and with your preferred colours you may find it offsets your objections to the floor color. Since i live someone where that also requires a lot of trade-offs when apartment hunting (finding the perfect rental flat is what drives me to interiour design blogs), my advice: don't write this one off too quickly. You will want to put a bit of your own style on it anyway, right?
Maite said…
Holly that place looks AMAZING!!!! give it a second thought because its gorgeous ad huge which a are thing in europe

Lisa said…
Seconded. There's "perfect" perfect, and there's "real life" perfect... Good luck with your search :)
karen said…
I see what you mean, I don´t like the floors either. They seem to be laminate, which I always find a little cheesy, even when the colour is okay.

I also find the floorplan quite good, especially the size of the kitchen. This way one could use the kitchen to dine in and use the dining room as an office or guest room etc.

The price really is VERY low. In Hamburg the place would be (depending on the area) 1500-1700 Euro (ohne Nebenkosten), in Munich even more.

But Hannover seems to be much cheaper. And if you think you would not be happy with the floors, do not even consider it. The right place will come!

Whatever. Viel Glück am Samstag! Sag ihnen, dass ein Baby bestimmt kommen wird ;-)
Tuula said…
Hi Holly,

I've been reading your blogg for months and now I have to send my first commenT :-)
Don't write this beautiful appartment off just because of red wooden floorboards. It looks and sounds perfectly.
The red colour ist a typical old antirust protection which contains ferri oxide and is called "Ochsenblut" (just google for it and you will find loads of small business adresses that will help you polishing this messy stuff Ochsenblut off your floor and you will get a warm honey like coloured wood after that.
Here in Berlin nearly every old apartment I have lived in so far had this red floor before I went in and the nice honey like one when I moved out:-)
So go for it. It's more than worth it.
I love looking for a place...sounds fun! I like the place but the colors are terrible...however that is just cosmetic, NO WORRIES.
diana said…
Just a reply on Tuula's comment: I'm pretty sure this is not the Ochsenblut she meant. I know how that looks, and it is normally applied to large 100% wooden "Dielen" and you can hardly see the wood sturcture shimmering beneath it. This floor is (probably a prefab for what I can see from the pics) applied in "Schiffsverbund", and probably not even real wood!
Jane said…
The appartment looks really great! With white walls - perfect! Appartently the floor is wood (Parkett as it says in the ad) - you might wanna give it a shot and ask if you can have it painted... I mean, you wouldn't want it with the current floors anyway, so nothing to lose there.
Anonymous said…
The ad says the floors are Parkett - that's wood, not laminate, unless they're trying to mislead people. It might be possible to have them sanded down and stained a different colour.
luisa said…
oh holly, the place looks gorgeous! the kitchen floor is amazing and the price is so good. we have 120 square meters in frankfurt and almost pay double and the appartment doesn't have all those great details.
go for it. and as far as i see... all your top 5 are fulfilled ;-)
Stratos Bacalis said…
I loved this! Are you sure the floors wouldn't look better with white or light coloured walls? The photos could show them lighter than they are though.
Epp said…
Looking pretty! Of course, the reality on-site is always somewhat different. And the bold wall colours are so uncommon in flats here in Germany - I don't even think I have seen one this colourful here before.

And the website is oh-so-familiar! :D I used to spend my days browsing it when we were looking for a new flat here in Frankfurt/Main. :D
Megan D said…
The old me living in SF would have said, 'hang the floor color go for it!' But after years of living in Germany, I now know better. With moving costs being what they are (easily reaching 10K+), you have to love it. The moment you start saying "but..." is the exact moment to walk away. In your case I have a feeling the floors are worse in person, but honestly that star in the kitchen tile flooring and the washing machine in the kitchen, those would have been my 'walking away' point.

Stay true to what you're looking for. You're not in Hamburg or Munich, so you can be choosey.
Monica said…
Although the apartment is pretty amazing, I would say that you made the right choice. Unless of course the landlord lets you strip the wood floor (which I am pretty sure that it is). You live from design, take pictures of your home and publish them. Your place should reflect your aesthetic.
You found this place pretty quickly so just imagine what else is out there with a little more patience.
Nur Mut!
Juliette said…
no balcony would just make it a total deal-breaker for me. We love our balcony - our own little bit of outdoors - way too much! I think it's actually a psychological thing for my husband and I. So I get you.

Floors in Germany are super easy to change and it's something that's done quite often. Really. Even here in my small university town we have tons of stores and companies who do flooring. We used one for our kitchen and are so happy. It was totally worth it! - and it doesn't have to be that expensive, either! =)
haus maus said…
Yeah the floors are wood, you are right. The star on the kitchen floor was horrible, I agree, I didn't see it when I was in the house but now that I look at the ad it's loud and clear isn't it? It is a single man living there now, in his young 30s, hence the decoration I guess. The floor in the bathroom was tiled but painted neon blue so that also made me shrug. And the floors were indeed much darker than that shot of the hallway in the ad. One of the room had some blue carpeting. And I smelled mold upon entering and I'm not sure if that was from the wet boots in the entryway or a leak. I'm allergic to mold so I always have to be cautious and sniff around when I view apartments, ha ha!!!

And yes, no balcony. Also a deal breaker. And in the kitchen the pantry had this odd roll down metal door. Not even industrial chic, just odd.

Oh and it's north facing so the unit wouldn't be that sunny during the day.

But even so, it was lovely in many other ways and I really liked it though now that I think about it, there was a long walk between the living room and the front door. You had to pass by all the rooms and bathrooms to even get to the living room. And the guest bathroom was near the front door so you'd have to walk all the way back down the hall if you were a guest hanging out in the living room. I guess I want a layout a bit better even.

I know I sound VERY picky but look at my profession, as someone pointed out. I run a design blog and want to get more involved in styling and write my book which would involve some home shots. The place has to be something I'd want to publish in a book or on the web so it needs to have my aesthetic or else it wouldn't represent me. I had this problem in the last home that I rented in New Hampshire. It was an old carriage house from 1870 and although lovely, it was dark most of the day and had carpeting and dark wood cabinets and granite countertops in the kitchen (not me), and very low ceilings, I could touch them doing some of my pilates moves, lol, and I'm only 5'10". So I guess what I'm saying is that I don't want to live in a place that doesn't represent my style and taste, so the things I cannot change in a rental I need to avoid altogether. Wall color and such I can be creative with. And same for lighting and decorating. I want it to be to my liking is what I'm saying. It costs 3 months rent plus 2 months fee to a realtor to move here, PLUS a moving company, and then you have to usually build your own kitchen as most apartments come with a completely empty room with only outlets in them. So a few thousand for the kitchen, another few thousand for fees, and another three thousand for deposits AND then more for the moving company... That's already 9,000 Euros and remember I earn US Dollars so in dollars that's around 13,000 just to move. I don't want to spend 13,000 to move into a rental that I don't love. I live for pennies now in my husband's grandmothers old flat, I am in no great rush to move unless it's to a place I want. Thankfully!!!! xoxox holly
jja said…
Amazing house. I love the outside photo. And I do love floors :-). But couldn't live without drinking my coffee on my sunny balcony.
Sure I would want white walls. But somethings is wrong with Nebenkosten. There is no chance for a place like that to pay less then 150 € per month. Usually you pay that much for a small 1-2 rooms apartment.
Cassy said…
This is Cassy, I mentioned in a prior post that I am moving to Hannover Germany in June 2010. I am from Eastern USA. I will be in Hannover Feb. 5th to check out the International School for my children and to scan the area. We are meeting with a relocation specialist who will help us make a decision about where to live. I can not begin to tell you how much I have enjoyed your sight. I feel hip because I know about "KLEE", I know where to shop because of the links you posted (you have great style) and I am learning all about the first floor means second floor jazz that would have otherwise completely confused me. Regarding this post, I just wanted to mention that the website that you found this apartment on rocks. I think the apartment is beautiful. I thought the colors look fun, but I do think living in them could be a little overwhelming and white always looks so clean. The kitchen looks comfortable and is big, which is really nice.
likeschocolate said…
The apartment was amazing. While I might change the wall colors because they are a little too bright the living space was fantastic. Kitchens like that are hard to come by in Germany. Most are tiny little boxes you can barely move around. I actually thought the floors to be beautiful. Most likely laminate because most people do not do real wood because of the cost. I think the floors would mellow out if the wall colors were different. I agree with lauryn though at least going darker floors. Blond shows every piece of dirt and unless you plan on moping everyday your house will look dirty. I have walnut and sweep everyday, but only mop once a week. Good luck on finding your dream home.
Hanna said…
I felt the same way when looking at the pictures.. The apartment looked really pretty (from the outside, too) but the floors and walls were pretty bad.

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