We're Here!

We made it! We're in Germany now... and so happy to be here. The weather is B E A U T I F U L - warm and extra sunny. What a nice welcome! We arrived yesterday around 4pm and have been busy unpacking and organizing. My living/dining room is a disaster... see? The flowers and things on the table are from my mother in law. She also made a wreath for our front door. Sooo cute and last night she prepared a delicious meal for us -- stewed fresh veggies from the farmer's market, grilled turkey and fried potatoes with onions. Yum!

Unpacking today!

And here is where I have been spending a lot of time, in my bed! I slept from 6pm yesterday until this morning at 8:30 am. I was so worn out after flying and then spending time in London. But I'm up and unpacking now and feeling GREAT.

Enjoying the sun!!!

I'm listening to Whitney Houston's new single and love that she has a new album coming out soon -- very good news. I had my morning cappuccino and I'm ready to clean my house and get everything organized here because luggage and things are everywhere. Tomorrow I will go visit my dear friend Esra (I can't WAIT to see her) and I have many other friends and family to visit this weekend so things will be very busy. My apartment needs groceries so I will visit the new local grocery store. I know it's crazy but maybe I will take some photos of the grocery store here so you can see. I mean, for those living outside of Germany it may be interesting to see? I don't know, I'm always interested in things like that... I love seeing different products in various countries... I also must go magazine shopping!! Yay!!

Aus London!

See you soon my friends. Here is a little photo of Thorsten and I that we took at the London Heathrow airport yesterday while waiting for our flight to Hannover. I took it especially for you. xo, Holly


Ele said…
Yay! So happy to hear you're (in your new) home, Holly! Your flat looks lovely- I hope we'll get photos as you get it cleaned and together and put all your Holly touches on it? :)

I would love the see the German grocery stores- in fact, doing "normal" shopping like that is one of my favourite things to do in a new country. I find it fascinating!
Linds said…
Congratulations on arriving - your flat is gorgeous and so sunny! I am jealous - humid in Boston but sunny as well.

Take as many pictures as possible - even seemingly odd ones like grocery stores! Enjoy and welcome home.
Marie said…
You made it! :) Your new home looks adorable, and I agree with Ele show us the German market. Have a great weekend moving in and discovering!
jodi said…
yay! you made it!!
wishing you all the best.
leslie said…
You guys are so darn cute!
Would love to see shots of the grocery store!!!
Anita said…
welcome home and all best wishes for your new chapter in life!! maybe we see us one day at the farmer market on moltkeplatz:)
Thanks for sharing such intimate photos with us, Holly. You are a trooper. I don't think I could get out of bed for a week. You and Thorsten look so happy and such a precious couple.
All the best! Looking forward to more pics of Germany!
hoopty doopty said…
Hi Holly!
Glad you made it safe and sound. I am like you in that I, too, find it interesting to take notice of everything. Even the grocery market. It's just a different feel in each country. I think taking pictures of all those things is interesting.
Have a lovely time catching up with friends and family and your mum-in-law is so lovely for leaving a prepared meal for you two. I love it!
Best of wishes in your new home.
daniela formoso said…
Yes, It'd be nice for us who never been to Germany to see the pics even if it's a market.
Thanks for sharing your pics Holly.
Good luck and have a nice staying in Germany.
→lisa said…
HI HOLLY! (you're so far away now, I have to shout!)

It's sounds like you've really hit the ground running - that's great.

I would love to see photos of daily life in Germany, even supermarkets and food packaging and "boring" stuff like that. It's interesting. I sometimes put photos on Flickr or my blog of regular everyday shots I take when I'm out and about. They're not necessarily remarkable photos, but I think other people like seeing what New York looks like. Buildings, traffic, shops, people, etc.
bettina said…
Hey, welcome to Germany. Have you seen Ennas Blog? She also has a little Shop in Hannover..
amanda james said…
you two look so lovely and cute together. i am happy you made it safe over here. can't wait to see new pictures of your flat ;-)
Unknown said…
Welcome home!
German grocery stores can be hughe. I love them.
Amanda Nicole said…
So so exciting! I would love to see pics of your new haunts :)
mary said…
Glad to hear that you made it there safely and I love seeing your lovely place. The excitement in your voice is so great!
Suzanne said…
Hooray for you! Welcome home ;)
I would love to see photos of German grocery stores - I wonder how different they look...
Anyway, congrats on your successful move!
thebubbreport said…
Welcome Home! Can't wait to follow the adventures in your new life, and I'd love to see grocery store pictures - they are so different and more photogenic over there somehow!
Villa Mesa said…
Welcome back in germany :)

I hope you have some wonderful days here!

Best wishes from Sindelfingen (near Stuttgart),

Juliette said…
Herzlich Willkommen! Glad you have arrived safely and to a warm welcome - nothing beats that after a long journey! All the best in getting into the Deutsche groove! =)
Ivalou said…
welcome welcome! your new home look very nice - and a little bit of ikea? can´t wait to read more. compared to the american grocery stores, I find the german stores sadly small. but there are a few good ones. have a good first weekend - the summer is here!
*a* said…
welcome home! can't wait to hear more!
Lovely_Sunflower said…
Welcome to Hannover! Hope my little welcome present has already arrived/will arrive soon :)
Jason said…
Wonderful! And so begins day one of your new adventure. Ilira and I wish you both luck! Jason
Yes, I would love to see a photo of the grocery store and other everyday types of places. You are living the dream of many Americans to live abroad so we want to live vicariously through your experience! Thanks! :)
maki said…
welcome to germany holly ;o)
big step, hum?!

I realy love the dm grocery-stores. They have a big selection of brands and good own-brands as well.
good hunting @ the grocery ;o)

:: greetings from munich from maki
haus maus said…
Lovely-Sunflower - YES! It came this afternoon and I was sooo happy and felt so excited to have your letter and present. THANK YOU so much!!!!
yvonne / moline said…
Hi there!
Happy to see you here so near!
Say hello to Esra and have a good start!
Apothecary Fox said…
Congrats on your new home. Sounds like you have alot to keep you busy already!
Amanda said…
I love your new place! It is so amazing! :) Can't wait to see pictures when you're all settled in!
Traveling Mama said…
Oh! Yay! Yes, please take photos of the grocery store. I love stuff like that too! Oh, and our place always looks like that too (times 10 since we seem to pack like mules! LOL!) It stresses my husband out but I LOVE unpacking and the joy of putting everything in it's new home!fa
mer said…
welcome to your new home! go out and enjoy the weather and all the fabulous European treasures the rest of us here in the states can only dream of :)!
Lovely_Sunflower said…
Dear Holly, I'm glad it worked out! Looking forward to all those wonderful ideas you'll definitely present here soon. Enjoy Hannover! I m so jealous... 9 months to go, then I m moving back to my favourite city and becoming a Südstadt person again :)
anh-minh said…
Woohoo! Congrats on your arrival in your new, lovely home. Looking forward to reading all about your new adventures in Germany (and other parts of Europe).
my hyggelig said…
I've just discovered both of your blogs and I am in love! There is nothing I love more than a beautifully designed and edited site and someone who shares their adventures in Europe. And YES! We always roam around grocery stores when in Europe, so please share. Thank you for enriching my today and definitely my tomorrows!
Eva said…
so happy you are in germany again!
I'd love to see your magazine stash :)
jfrancis said…
Disarray is sometimes
beauty and warmth
in the traveler's eye.
Victoria Klein said…
Hooray! Congrats on making it to Germany safe and sound. :) The new space looks great & I know you'll have it unpacked and feeling cozy in no time.

I'm not sure about everyone else, but I'd love to see what grocery stores look like in Germany. I visited southern Germany/Austria/northern Italy about a decade ago, but didn't get the chance to explore stuff like that.
1richtungsblog said…
Welcome home Holly! So happy for you! :)
xo Anita
shanon said…
Hey Hon'! =) Can you believe you are there? I can't! Or I can, but it's just exciting! =) Hope you are super duper well, and that you aren't away from internetland for too long. Yay! I can't believe you are there. Too exciting.
Welcome to Germany! And already you're being a good German Hausfrau by cleaning straight away!!! Your mother in law will be impressed!

Should you make it into Berlin, look me up!

Best Wishes in your new home!
kimba said…
Welcome to Germany!
frauheuberg said…
ein herzliches willkommen in deutschland...schön das wir euch jetzt bei uns haben...wünschen euch viele spannende momente bei eurem neuanfang...und wenn ihr mal lust auf den süden habt...hier gibts auch ganz tolle orte...
also bis bald mal und alles liebe...

die frauen von frau heuberg....:-)

a warm welcome in germany ... nice to have you here now with us ... wish you many exciting moments in your new beginning ... and if you feel like the south did ... here are also great locations .. .
So soon all times and love ...

women from the women Heuberg ....:-)
Laura said…
Welcome! In response to Ele's comment, whenever my parents visit us, we always have fun taking them to the grocery store. They especially love picking out treats from the amazing selection of dairy products we have here! Laura in Ludwigsburg
nichole said…
I am going to be hopelessly addicted to your blog, Holly!

Your apartment looks GREAT and you two are adorable.

Hope you are having fun unpacking and settling in!

alix said…
Oh Holly want a great surprise this post was!!! I haven't had internet access since Friday and finally popped on and thought "Hmm, i'm sure she's too busy but maybe she posted something...."

Oh and please please post "daily life" photos! I would LOVE to see the supermarket, products, magazines (do they have the equivalent to our trashy mags there?? I seem to remember some that were more about European royals and some celebs but none quite like In Touch, US Weekly etc).

You and Thorsten look so cute. Did you post about your London trip at all? I'm so soooo excited sweet lady!!!!

Anna said…
welcome home, holly!
Ealenya said…
Herzlich willkommen Holly!

Best wishes from Hannover ;)
anni said…
Yippiii, you are in Germany now.
I wish you a perfect start and a lucky future.

Best wishes from Switzerland.
ah Teo said…
your hair makes u look like Gisele. Really. I love your small cosy space and i think you have decorated it aptly and not overdo on the details. Rest well and enjoy!

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