Chill Zone

I've created a little chill zone for myself and my husband, it's very basic but our bedroom looks cozy for now until my things arrive from the states. It's a bit bare... I want to put up my paintings and throw down a few rugs... and I need some lanterns or rosemary topiaries for the windows... but for now I'm content to cozy up in this space and read, sip tea, and just chill.




And yes that's a doll on my bed. And no, my husband is not bothered by it. He better get use to seeing toys if we want to have children someday. he he. I'm breaking him in slowly... :) See that huge bouquet with sunflowers? It's from our friend Susannah. She gave it to us, freshly picked from her garden. How wonderful, huh? Do you like the colors? I do, they are a change for me as I've not used these tones in my bedroom before. The base of the room is white... layered with grey and tones of violet. I can switch out these colors whenever I want for other ones, the beauty of decorating with a neutral base! (images: holly becker for haus maus)


Unknown said…
The colors are beautiful and soothing. Teh doll is cute! Did you make it?
I am glad you like it so much and feel at home in Germany!
Have a nice weekend!
Unknown said…
Gorgeous space! Looking forward to seeing it when your goodies arrive!
Christine said…
Looks like a great bedroom. I really like the colors.
frauheuberg said…
hej holly,

ein wunderbarer rückzugsort bei euch zuhause...ich liebe deine decke auf dem bett...sieht sehr alt aus...wo hast du die denn gekauft oder ist sie antik?...wunderbare farben...eine süsse puppe...wäre was für unsere kleine tochter...:-)
und blumen sind einfach herrlich, oder...?
wir gehen auch immer welche auf einem feld holen zum selberschneiden...gibt es bei uns in deutschland öfters...du gehst auf ein feld mit blumen und schneidest dir soviele du willst und schmeisst dein geld in eine metallbox...gute idee und immer frische blumen im sommer...:-)
wünschen euch nen schönen samstagabend...

alles liebe

ines von frauheuberg

hej holly,

a wonderful retreat in your home ... I love your covers on the bed ... looks very old ... where did you bought or because it is an antique? ... wonderful colors ... a sweet doll .. . would be nice for our little daughter ...:-)
and flowers are simply magnificent, or ...?
We always go on a field which you can cut by yourself ... there are often here in south Germany ... you go on a field with flowers and cut you as much you want and throws your money in a metal box ... good idea and always fresh flowers in summer ...:-)
wish you a wonderful saturday evening...


ines from frauheuberg
Juliette said…
I like the colors Holly! I think you'll really like them come fall. I'm so glad you've got a cozy spot - every home needs at least one cozy spot! I finally got a sewing machine, so I'm looking forward to making some more cozy corners in our home!

oh, fresh flowers- yep, you always preach it, and you're so right, it makes all the difference, especially when they're a gift! =)
We have been living here a year and finally it feels like home. Pictures are hung, our personalities are finally apart of this haus! Your bedroom looks very bright and homey.
Have a great weekend.
Amanda Nicole said…
It's a lovely little space! I love your quilted runner :)
Katherine said…
I think it looks lovely and cosy, the colours look great together, I particularly like the eiderdown/beadspread. And those sunflowers are gorgeous!
Tina said…
your floor is gorgeous!
Hi Holly!
I am new to reading your blogs, I think you are a fantastic writer and you give me so much inspiration!! I want to congratulate you on your move to Germany and hope you are settling in well :) Your bedroom seems so cosy -- I really do adore these tones! And I just have to ask - your doll is soooo cute, wherever did you find her?!!! xx
Ealenya said…
lovely bedroom, Holly! It seems a really good and soothing combination for chilling and sleeping :) Can't wait to see the room when your things arrive from the states!
Nimo said…
call me crazy, but I kinda like how sparse and simple it looks..but I have to admit one or two somethings on the wall would be nice! :)
Andee said…
Great room!! I have learned so much from following your blog, and decorating with a neutral base is definitely one of the best lessons. I love having the freedom to go in a different color direction whenever the mood strikes.
Sarah said…
It looks lovely and peaceful and cosy :)
Ele said…
Your bedroom looks great, Holly. I also love the quilt on the bed, my mum has a very similar one made by my great grandmother. The colours in here are just lovely, and so soothing!
Anonymous said…
Susannah and her sunflowers has good taste and they look great in your apartments - wow am inspired and like Marianne love the doll too - where is it from?

have popped a link to your site on mine - hope that's okay!

What a beautiful room :)
I'm looking forward for your next posts.

Indeed is a really great experience to be an expat in another country. Every day is a new experience full of excitement!
KnockKnocking said…
I think that soft grays, pinks and moody purples are a wonderful combination for a bedroom. Very soothing, and nothing that you touch could ever be bare... it looks warm and inviting.

xoxo Agnes
samantha hahn said…
love it. Looks really relaxing in peaceful.
alix said…
ooh super soothing colors .this look so pretty, holly. I love the pom pom pillow!!

and whooo hooo....prepping Thorsten for children are we?? weeee!!! that will be soooo exciting!! (i know i know, i'm jumping the fun, but still!)
down pillow said…
it won't be long before that homey feeling comes right back. Can't wait to see it finished!
Saskia said…
Wow, I really like your blog. And I like your blogdesign, can you tell me how you did that? By the way, i'm Dutch, bye!
I love the space, looks very cozy!
Love the simplicity of your bedroom - very calming, very lovely! And the doll is so cute... good idea about gently, slowly breaking the husband in for little ones, hehe ; ).
Unknown said…
Your bedroom looks really great. Y love those colours, I have similars in my bedroom. And the sunflowers are beautiful. Here are quite difficult to find.
Color4Charlotte said…
You have the most current color scheme for your bedroom too! Reds (purple reds), blacks and greys are all over the runways now. I like it!
Hi Holly
Just found your Haus maus blog. Stopping by to say hi.
Your place is looking super cozy, Holly! I have to get to work on my bedrooms here in Marrakech. eeek!

Victoria Bellow said…
I love how the rooms are so light and airy feeling, i like your bedroom Simply stunning!two thumbs up everything about the room!

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