Mind Your Own Business

When you've got a small business to run, you simply must mind it -- minding your own business is critical to your success. In the process of planning my move I've been doing some research because I know that some titles that Americans can use here in the states are not legally allowed to be used in Germany. For instance, unless you were trained as a photographer and have a degree to prove it, you are not allowed to call yourself a Photographer in Germany. Same with Interior Designer. That is why I've decided to drop my title as an Interior Design Consultant to just be safe and to call myself an Interior Stylist which is somewhat of a decorator but more in the direction in which I want to take... not decorating for personal settings but doing more for shop owners (window displays and such) and also styling for photos and magazines, things of that nature.

My New Business Cards

Of course, I don't have high hopes that I will do this professionally in Germany but I may see if I can get a few freelance gigs going since I have solid contacts in Europe and they may be interested in utilizing my vision and eye for beauty, my American/global design style, for their book or magazine. So we shall see. I'm primarily a writer, so that title will stay. But given that I only did a certificate Interior Design program I do not have the education to back me to earn the title of Interior Designer or even an Interior Decorator by German standards so I must be careful as titles are taken very seriously there. In America you can call yourself nearly anything and get away with it, people are constantly calling themselves whatever they want without any legal problems. Though I know ASID is trying to change things so that one can only call themselves an Interior Designer here in America if they meet a specific criteria. Some states already enforce this, others like N.H. are currently trying. But still, unless you are in a field like medicine or whatever, you can be a Graphic Designer without a degree in it, a Photographer without a degree in Photography, etc. and that is completely fine. It's good and it's bad I think. But I'm not about to march into a new country and call myself something that in their terms I'm not. So stylist and writer will do. And that sounds fitting and completely good to me. Do you like my new business cards? Yes, they are letterpress in a pale turquoise color. My friend Tara Hogan designed them for me from Ink & Wit. I love Tara, she promised to someday visit me in Hannover and I'm holding her to this publicly right here on my blog. So Tara this is your official public invitation to come see and stay with me once I move. As far as these gorgeous cards, I simply told Tara what they should say, what color I wanted, and that a butterfly with a dotted swirling line was needed and she took my vision and translated it so well in this beautiful card with elements she designed by hand. I ordered only 100 of them in white since I will be moving in the late Winter/early Spring to a larger flat with a new address. But I'm sure 100 will be enough. Though I want to give them to everyone I meet because they're so delicious. :) So! I have my new business cards ready to go with me... and new address labels too. I'm takin' care of business and it feels good -- I didn't want to forget something this important in the whirl of planning. Thank you Tara for your beautiful work. If anyone wants cards like these, please let Tara know. This design is unique to me of course, but she can design something for you to fit your specifications. (image: holly becker for haus maus)


Pikaland said…
Love the business card. And beautiful work from Tara - I'm a big INK + WIT fan!
Those are fabulous and I must say, luv the elephant paper clip, elephants are my favorite animal.
so interesting to hear germany's reaction to titles! wow!

also, i have the same 'thank you' cards from target. they are PERFECT.
Nancy said…
They look great Holly!
haus maus said…
DFM - That's where they are from? Oh goody now I know. This was from a friend so I had no clue. :)
Unknown said…
SO fun and sweet! :)
iva yaneva said…
That really can cause you quite a problem and it's good that you are aware of the differences in the countries. Professions like design, photography, painting etc are mostly things that you either have the ability to do or you don't. So to me it is quite controversial as well.
I just finished my 3d year at university and I have one more until I graduate (I study architecture). Then I have to choose what my master will be and although I want to take interior design, I am not sure I will need to study it for an extra year and a half since almost anyone can do it without the degree. Have one year to figure it out :)

The cards are lovely! I like the square format :)

Have a lovely day!
white owl said…
Lovely cards! They came out beautifully :)
cousette said…
Really lovely cards...
i'm also about to change country (but I haven't got an ocean to cross, it's only from France to the Netherlands) but I haven't thought about this title thing yet... I wish you a lot of success there!
Piper Jacquelyn said…
Wow, I would never have realized how much taboo there is on the subject of one's title! I do like the term "Interior Stylist" though - sounds very chic! Your cards look great!
Lillian said…
Holly, I´m German and you´re quite right about the titles - it´s even worse if not ridiculous here in Austria where I live - but I´m sure you could call yourself an interior design consultant (which would be an "Einrichtungsberater" I think). "Interior designer" would be a problem though because you´d have to have a degree for this. But an "Einrichtungsberater" is not something you´d need to have an education for, so it´s not protected.
Juliette said…
I'm working on developing a website about my business here in Germany and just yesterday I was sweating over my "About Me" page....blah!

Germans want a piece of paper to back everything up. I have the work experience and references, but no official training for the work I do, so I sweat when I have to try to land new gigs. BUT they know I'm from America and that things are different there, so that almost always swings in my favor. By the end of the month I hope to seal a deal with an institution here who is highly respected. If that goes well, then I'm just going to use the title as I wish. =)

I will say the pressure on having to have papers/certificates for everything really makes me fight the urge to think my work isn't as good as others. My husband keeps telling me I wouldn't even have the opportunity for this new partnership if my work wasn't good enough though! =) yay for personal cheerleaders! (and super darling new business cards!)
Unknown said…
I know exactly what you mean reagarding the title issue. I live in Germany and have many friends from abroad who work as a waitress or barkeeper because the government wouldn't accept their degree so they cannot find a proper job though they are therapists or flight controller. So they end up with a little salary and they ask themselves why they even left their country. They thought they could have a better life here.... Hope you'll be lucky. :-)
Janina said…
Wow the business cards are amazing!
The colour is just perfect!
Unknown said…
Love the card design. But I think the colour is to pale. I am not sure if it is said this way.
I live in Spain and work here. More of the cards that arrive into my hands, have darker colours in order to see better.
Maybe it is because of the computer...
Just my opinion.

Yes, the title thing is common in the rest of Europe. And sometimes depending of the studies we have "problems" if we move to other countries.
Schnurz said…
Beautiful cards - and I love the cute paper clip!
And hey, we are going to be neighbours - I have the same zip code!
Ele said…
Those are great, and I love the new title, too! Really love the elephant paperclip, though. So cute.
Frau Haselmayer said…
They actually changed a lot when it comes job titles in the last years in Germany. Thank god! This was so outdated. And partly ridiculous. But as far as I know interior desinger or stylist are not protected contrary to Interior Architect (Innenarchitekt). So no deed to worry...
Victoria Klein said…
Ah, Tara's work never ceases to impress me. Great cards!
→lisa said…
Very pretty cards! How big are they? I never know whether it's better to stick with standard biz card size or to go with some other shape that I think is cooler and more design-y, like a square. I currently just have my little MOO cards, they're so cute.

P.S. I'm a brain surgeon (self taught). Now I know NOT to have that printed on my cards if I ever move to Germany - thanks for the tip! :P
Bee Designs said…
They are absolutely beautiful and interior stylist sounds great to me.
Just beautiful your new business cards...!
Melissa A said…
All your stuff is so pretty. Even the way you styled the picture for your new business cards. I think the title interior stylist fits you well.
Anonymous said…
D clips! I love those!!!! They have so many cute animals to choose from, but the elephant is by far my favorite!
Heidi Jo said…
Your business cards are beautiful. Tara did a wonderful job. And I'm still loving those elephant paper clips. I've gotta get my hands on some of those!
Helô Righetto said…
love the cards!!! i really need to do my own as well, and those are a great inspiration!!!
Valisa said…
gorgeous gorgeous card!!! It's all happening so fast eh, Holly?
I love those elephant clips!!! My favourite animal. Where can I get them?
haus maus said…
You can find the clips at the MoMA store online:

very lovely card! the design is so nice, i want a similar too! i just ordered a pack of cards, but i will definitely have a look at tara's work. have a nice evening!

Cloudy said…
Great card design! I love the color!

Btw, the official job description for styling window displays is called "Kauffrau/Kaufmann für visuelles Marketing" (visual merchandiser)
Danielle said…
They are gorgeous as always!!
RLMEnglish said…
I too adore the little elephant clip! Good luck with your new title and making it work with what you want to do. So exciting!
Stina said…
I always get jealous when I hear Americans talking about changing jobs or professions so easily and so often. Like, "Oh first I was a writer, then I was a teacher, then a therapist, now I'm a personal trainer" and I'm like, but you have to study 5 years to be a therapist and 2 years with countless certificates to be a trainer and you're only 26! How?! It does have its advantages, though, especially in the healing sector. If I go to a therapist, I can be sure that he or she has had extensive training and didn't just one day decided to be a therapist and that was it. ;-)
Jules said…
Tara is a genius and so incredibly nice, to boot! But those paperclips...as someone obsessed with elephants I must have some!
Anonymous said…
Cards look great, I love them!

I'm on the fence with titles... on one hand, who cares? On the other hand, I really REALLY hate the recent hijacking of the word ARCHITECT by the software community. Architect legally means one thing (designer of buildings, liability for life safety, blah blah blah) and I wish every day that it was enforced in America. Why do I pay all those dues if they don't protect my profession? SHeesh.

I do love the phrase Interior Stylist, well done!
Ava said…
Thoses business vard are so perfects, I love how they're textured!
Carolyn said…
Those cards are beauty! As for the titles thing...I think they are even more serious about it in Austria. It's a little crazy. I know a girl from Estonia (above Russia) that is licensed in Interior Architecture Design (?) and in Graphic Design and they told her she had to pick one...she can't have both. What? And she can't work here anyways because Austria won't recognize the newer EU countries until 2010. So, it's actually easier if you are an American...only if you know German..Graz does not have lots of English speakers like most big European cities do. Makes it harder, but also nice to be in a smaller, more preserved city sometimes.

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