Happy Tea

You ever see something and you just can't get it off of your mind - you have to know more, you have to have it? Of course you do because you hang out with me and so you and I are one of the same. :) Okay so lately I've become obsessed with finding this limited edition Orla Kiely tea tin (with tea inside!) for Bewleys in Ireland... and I FINALLY found one for sale on eBay from a seller in Cork who ships to the U.S. and the best part - it was marked BUY IT NOW! Yay! So for $13 USD I won this lovely caddy.

Proud Owner

I'm so, so happy. And she has 3 more left if you'd like one for yourself, here's the link. Oh and the best part is that she'll even include the tea bags unless you don't want her to which will keep postage down. But I love tea, so I've asked her to include them. What's a tea tin without the tea. Love the retro style - mustard and red - NICE. You know you want one now too. :) (images:


alix said…
aw man....i looooooooove this. and yes its true...i get so obsessive about things. and the more i can't find it, the more i want it!!!!!

this is sooo cute.
damn orla!
Amanda Nicole said…
I definitely know what you mean about having a certain object on the mind - I've even had dreams about little things in thrift shops that I wished I'd picked up. I've learned to just get it, when I know it'll haunt me otherwise ;)
Valisa said…
yay holly it's adorable!
How do you find shopping for something you really want these days since you're *in transit*
erin said…
wow--what an impressive hunt! these tins are so lovely.
Unknown said…
LOVE that tin! Good eye! :)
Salon de Sucre said…
this is a cute tin.. I've been so into tins latley.. the more colorful , the better!
Very cute, very retro!
k8e said…
heh, i felt the same way about this tin a few weeks ago and did the same as you. now it's sitting on my kitchen counter. :)
alix said…
They're all gone. I knew they would be as soon as you posted this! (I admit I flew to ebay....hemmed and hawed....i truly don't need any more stuff....then thought "OK, if they are still there tomorrow!") haha. Do you ever play those kind of games when shopping?? Like, "If its gone then it was meant to be." I don't do that too often, as I tend to be more the kinda gal that will freak out if its gone. In fact, I've been known to buy TWO of something I love just in case the first gets worn out. Clearly I have a problem....haha.
SimplyGrove said…
SO.....I just bid on the last one:) I read this post at a weak weak moment of wanting to shop after holding off the last few weeks. Oh man!!!!!
Julia said…
Oh how special! I've been to Bewley's in Dublin, and let me tell you, that tea you're having, from this spectacular tin, is special beyond belief :) Think stained glass windows, marble cafe tops, velvet couches and hot scones with butter :)
nathaliemc said…
Holly I got such a fright when I saw this! Tha Ebay seller is using my image! I took that picture on my balcony (you can see it on my flickr stream here:http://www.flickr.com/photos/nathaliemc/3044823425/) and blogged about it way back in November 08 (http://casacaseycourtney.wordpress.com/2008/11/21/presents-from-the-postman/) I can't beleive someone would yoink it off FLickr and use it to sell their wares! Boo! :(

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