Bazaar Style in German: Stilmix!

UK stylist and author Selina Lake just told me about one of my favorite books (Bazaar Style) has now been published in German under a new title, Stilmix (Style Mix). Yay! I'm so happy about this because I love knowing that some of my friends will have a chance to see this in their bookstores and be exposed to this awesome bohemian style, I know so many of my German speaking friends will really love it! You can purchase the book here if you are interested.

"Bazaar Style" now in German!

Thanks Selina for letting me know! (image: selina lake)


Dumbwit Tellher said…
Looks like a terrific book. Thanks!
Antje said…
Dear Holly,
thank you for that post. Love, AnnLuise
a little sewing said…
hee hee, I just bought that book.
thanks!! (I am so glad you are moving to Germany!!)

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