{new photos to share}

let me begin by saying that when i pull together a space from scratch i start with the basics and layer from there. it's much like how one puts on clothes, really. i start with walls, floors, furniture, lighting and slowly layer in soft furnishings, textiles, etc. i have many things in my home currently in 'pending' mode awaiting a place for them to live...
what my house looks like right now, on every surface piles of stuff. i cannot wait until my ikea kitchen arrives on wednesday! yay!
this past weekend i spent saturday in berlin and was hugely inspired by the city. what a fabulous energetic place. the synergy in the air is contagious. i came back to hannover feeling happy to be home but on the other side, extremely happy that such an amazing city is only 1.5 hours away by train. lucky me! if you've never been to berlin GO! it's some kind of wonderful. it's not very magical in the winter, so go now before it's freezing out and the trees are naked... part of the magic is the autumn air and the green trees and packed streets with people from all over the world. and i thought new york city was THE melting pot. it's not the only one. berlin is the nyc of europe. so i spent the day today sorting through stuff and organizing a bit, cleaning a lot, and grocery shopping. i also did 5 loads of laundry. i know, exciting stuff to share on a blog. oh well. i try to keep you on the edge of your seats with anticipation, what can i say?! he he. one bonus for you that i cleaned today is that i feel comfortable sharing my very boring bedroom. it needs color and pattern, i know, and i am still hunting for something to go beneath the 1950s mirror/light, and an area rug... and proper lamps for the night tables, but still... you can see where i'm at here.
here is the before of the bedroom above right after the floors were installed.
and here is a photo of my bedroom taken this morning.
the light up close, bloom from ligne roset.
a mirror/light for 100- Euro from the 50s scooped up at one of my favorite retro shops.
more light love. don't look at my curtains, they need to be altered majorly once my sewing machine arrives.
and finally my deal-of-the-century night tables...
these were found by my husband and in hannover at a 'junk' shop for only 10- Euros each, like $14 USD. they are in perfect shape and are from the 1950s. i especially love the solid wood and the tiny drawers. they are really darling. my husband spotted them and wanted me to like them sooo bad but it didn't take much because one look and i thought WOW so cute. problem was, they came with a large wardrobe. the store wanted 80 euros for everything so we thought they'd never let us break up the set. but they did and asked for 20 Euros for both night tables. how cool is THAT? I know, my husband rocks it. in addition to pulling together our nest, i'm really loving my life here in germany and have been doing so many great things with so many lovely people that i never want to leave! i cannot believe i only have less than 3 months left before i'm back in america. wahhhhh! but it's okay, i will return next year and repeat the fun all over again. (images from holly becker for haus maus)


I think your room is coming along fabulously....quite a far cry from the starting point of two blue vinyl camp chairs my dear!

Those nightstands are de-lish, what a find!

I am hanging on every post! My heart longs to live the life of an expat...someday...
Juliette said…
DE-LISH! It's looking good Holly - I can't wait to see how the rest is coming along. It does take time, doesn't it - those little softening details...agh, they're making me crazy right now. So are your night tables, wow, I love those in a major way - congrats on the finds!
sarah b. said…
i love that mirror! great find. :)
amanda james said…
oh.my.good. i just love the pendant! it looks gorgeous!like a pendant from the art nouveau. very curvy and at the same time very organic-if you know what i mean. actually i'm not so into 50s furniture but, looking at several blogs, i start to like it. does that mean i start to grow?*lol*
Renate said…
I disagree - I love Berlin in winter, when all the X-mas markets are open and you can get chestnuts and gluhwein everywhere. Mmm.

Your bedroom is really looking great, those bedsidetables are fantastic! What a find.
Anonymous said…
the night tables are sooooo cute!!! and for only 20 euros...my god!
you're so lucky!!

if you need retro lamps and clocks from 30's - 70's here in Hamburg is a very cool shop loaded with such things.
The shop owner collects and repair all those things by himself. It's nearby "Charlottas" and "craft2eu" (Gärtnerstraße)
haus maus said…
Renate - True, same here in Hannover. But doesn't all that stop after Christmas and then it's pretty dead until Fruhlings fest time? That's how I recall winters in the past in northern Germany... Has that changed?
Anonymous said…
Those are the cutest nightstands and so practical. We love the small drawers to stow away the bedside necessities. We would like to suggest some white vinyl wall art on your white walls. It would give some neat texture without taking away your clean palette. We just ordered the cuckoo clock and the Russian stacking dolls from VinylWallArt.com
With a Flourish said…
So jealous of those nightstands- adorable, unique, functional. Also jealous of a husband that can appreciate the art of digging for treasure! :)

The place is coming along so nicely - please post more photos as you make progress- it's so inspiring to see it all come together!
Anonymous said…
Your bedsidetables are absolutely gorgeous (shape + price). What a lucky girl!
Anonymous said…
Once again, hubby shines as the deal finder! AMAZING! Those night stand cabinets are gorgeous and so functional with all those little drawers and a cupboard door! I'm so totally jealous at how unique and beautiful you are creating your little german nest to be. You are so talented and the light up mirror and sculpted hanging light over the bed both add such a touch of whimsy! LOVE it!
Anonymous said…
looks like things are shaping up beautifully... I love the nightstand.
Melissa said…
I love how beautiful that light looks streaming in on the mirror. So glad you're enjoying your new home and making it your own - and sharing the process with us!
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liza said…
I love your bedroom...it looks so peaceful and cheerful at the same time.
Anonymous said…
Love, love, love the nightstands! Thanks for sharing your adventures with us.
Luiza said…
Oh my god! Is so beautifull! Look's amazing. I wish we had Ikea here in brasil everything is so expensive....
Ann Marie said…
Wow, those night tables are a major score!! It is all looking so great!
Anonymous said…
Hi Holly,

I've been lurking for a while but had to comment on those night stands!! Love them!!

Could I get the name of the store in Hannover? I'll be there in April so I'm starting to grab resources.

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