{goody goody}

oh goody goody! i spent the entire afternoon from 12-5 at the local IKEA and we purchased our cabibets for our kitchen and a dishwasher. Yay! And I cannot believe that for 1,100- Euros we purchased a sink, faucet, dishwasher, and 3 lower doors, handles, and a wood top. Oh and a hood for our stove. That seems so expensive for a 180 cm kitchen area. And we are spending 550 Euro to have them come built it on Wednesday and another 90 Euro to pay this shipping company to bring it to us. And we didn't even buy over the sink cabinets since we're doing open shelving... IKEA didn't have the ones we wanted in stock. Grrrr. Kitchen design is SO not my thing. I hated the whole process to be honest, all the German words I didn't understand (though I have mastered the metric system now, yay!), all of the back and forth to IKEA over the past 5 weeks, I never want to design a kitchen again. Ever. Again. And I fear that the one I did design will arrive looking like rubbish because I really felt out of my league in IKEA ordering kitchen cabinets. So! Though the trip today was successful in one very large way (our kitchen will arrive on Wednesday so photos will follow), I really did not have fun planning it. :( My husband selected the oven from Amazon.de and the dishwasher from IKEA and I selected the cabinetry, hardware, counter top, sink, stove hood, etc. I just hope it all comes together as I feel a bit uninspired by the entire process. But on a very positive note, I found dishware and lots of cooking stuff there today, and all the frames and such that I've been looking for, so I can finally frame all of the art and prints that I brought over on the plane. YAY for that. I am tired of bare walls. Tomorrow I will go with my friend Enna to get my haircut for Berlin on Saturday (my lecture there on blogging, yay!), and I will also go looking for a cabinet for the left wall of the kitchen -- I'm looking for a vintage piece, they call them "grandma's kitchen cabinet" here. I want to find a really nice one with upper glass doors... I plan to paint it white (of course) and store food and such inside of it. Then I will go to an outdoor festival at a beautiful garden here and THEN I will blog a little on decor8 and most likely go out to dinner with friends and then go to bed early since I need to wake up for my train ride to Berlin on Saturday pretty early. On Sunday I am going with my other friend Petra to a fabric market (outdoor) with hopes to find some nice prints and patterns for future projects... Oh and I must look for a sewing machine now since tomorrow my dining table will arrive. YAY YAY YAY! Okay so that's my boring post for today. No photos, sorry... I wasn't feeling too inspired this morning with my camera and I was at IKEA all day and tonight at our friends house for dinner... But I'll be sure to take some photos next week for sure and share them here. And by the way... our night tables arrived today and we love them. They are from the 1950s. So cute. What a process this whole int'l relo thing has been. But it's a fun process! Oh and I did I tell you? I got my German passport last week. I was so excited when I signed it. :) I'm official here now. xo Holly


Courtney said…
I feel your pain, Holly. I recently spent many hours at Ikea designing a little espresso cafe/kitchen for our church, and it was SO not fun! All the details and dimensions...really sort of sucked the creative juices out of me. I much prefer the "prettier" part of design & shopping! :-)
Chitra said…
Hey Holly, Understand about designing your own kitchen but am sure its gonna look stunning! Cant wait to see the end result. Also, congratulations of your german passport :-)
My best
Anonymous said…
yeah, i always get dizzy at ikea, so much to look at. i can't wait to see pics of your kitchen, though!
Anonymous said…
I'm working on designing a wet bar, and I actually have quite a bit of fun with Ikea's kitchen planner. Maybe that would have helped make the process more "design-y" :)
Ikea's dimensions are confusing enough when they are in your mother tongue. It must have been really tiring.

Congratulations on the Passport!

NB: Is Haus Maus' pink background new? It seems much brighter.
SisterKristen said…
pictures. i need to see pictures!
Coco said…
Now you made very curious about how your kitchen will look end of next week :)
I actually found it very fun to choose the kitchen we want! But I'm still not sure if it all will turn out nice. The man who sold us our kitchen said the hood I choice wouldn't look good in our kitchen but I just really really wanted this hood (black one) so we did. Now just one little voice sometimes comes in my head and for a few minutes I'm afraid that the man is right... I just HOPE big time he is wrong and I'm right, of course :-)
Well so far my rumblings!

Anyway: Congratulations with your German pasport! That's so great you now have two nationalities :-))
Juliette said…
wow - German passport? Can we do that?? I thought getting a German passport meant we'd have to get rid of the US one...for reals??

Pray tell where you found this tidbit out - hubby and I went in circles over it earlier since as a German he's not allowed to get a US one and retain the German one. I thought I could only get a permanent visa (like a German green card). I know I can keep my Canadian one though...really, where did you find this out?? coool...
Anonymous said…
It's funny the things we find that we're good at. Now that I'm done with my kitchen, I've been focusing on the dining room. I felt sooo confident about what I wanted in the kitchen and how to design it. Now I keep second guessing myself in the DR. Is the color wrong? Did I mix styles in a good way or a bad way? It's driving me crazy.... I wish I had someone else here to give me their critical eye. I need Tim Gunn dammit.
Anonymous said…
Hi, Holly,
I'm glad to know that furniture is arriving at your home and as someone wrote above, we need to see pictures! ;)
I completely agree with you in putting a grandma´s cabinet in a modern kitchen. I love it!
Congratulations on your german passport. :)
Kerry said…
Kitchen design at Ikea does suck. We attempted it last year and had the nice surprise of seeing that their design 'program' in store doesn't correspond with the correct measurements listed in their catalogue! Hurrah! Two painkillers were due after that.

I have a feeling your kitchen will have a better turnout though. ;)
Emily said…
We remodeled our kitchen (well, I guess technically, we're still remodeling it) using Ikea cabinets. I really recommend the ikeafans.com site for anyone attempting this. It is a forum and photo gallery, filled with helpful people (just honest fans of Ikea, not employees) who are a wealth of information on all things Ikea. They'll even offer feedback on your kitchen plans. I don't know what I would have done without them!

What door style did you get, Holly? We chose the Adel white, which is pretty plain and traditional, but it fits in our cottagey house.
Alicia said…
Can't wait to see pictures and everything! I'd imagine that EUR 1100 isn't so bad for a kitchen, when some people pay 40k for em, right? But then, it is Ikea...
Sara said…
Yay for the kitchen being almost done! I bet it will look really great in the end.

And I am so incredibly jealous of your passport. Ive been abroad 4 years but I won't be getting a passport anytime soon because we live in one EU country and my husband is a citizen of a different EU country.
This week alone I had to wait in passport lines at 4 different airports and I'm so tired of being in the not EU line that takes foreevvver.
elizabeth said…
I feel your Ikea-planning pain too! We decided that we'd like to get a Besta media wall o' storage, and the online planning tool was so confusing. I can only imagine the kitchen one is just as frustrating. Does anyone know if they will help you plan your project in the store? We can never actually get real help when we are in the store and end up wandering aimlessly and never actually buying anything. Can't wait to see photos!
belinda graham said…
oh don't say kitchen design is no fun!! I'm just about to do our kitchen - ikea - and I was excited about it. hopefully it'll be easier for me being in english. curious to see which cabinet doors you chose - my plan is solar at the moment. but things change a lot at my place!
Ramona said…
Hi, I have an IKEA kitchen, too. And you are right. It is a challenge to get it right, esp. if you have to do it in German with the 'wrong' measurements, i.e. centimeters, not inches. I do love those old kitchen cabinets, too. It should not be too hard to find one. If you can't get one in an antique market, try ebay. Please don't forget to show photos of the new kitchen, once it is installed.
what a bummer that you didn't enjoy the planning of your kitchen, i think you'll end up surprising yourself...i think you've got us all on the edge of our seats now in anticipation tho!

i've been dreaming of an IKEA kitchen redesign but have to say i'm totally nervous about it and my ability to turn out a design that i will love...

congrats on your night tables and on your passport!!
Anonymous said…
Dovely said…
kitchen design is so difficult and tiring but i'm crazy and really love it... its sort of like a puzzle!

i really love ikea kitchens so i can't wait to see the pics :)
Dovely said…
I just put some ikea cabinets in our little 'kitchen' in our basement... it was a lot of fun! i also sourced ikea cabinets for a couple episodes of Genevieve Gorder's new show on HGTV (starting in January!) and everyone - homeowners and contractors a like - remarked at their quality and style :)

yay ikea!


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