{kitchen light, sofa table, etc}

my husband has been sick with a bad cold so his mother made us a lovely pot of homemade chicken noodle soup and brought it by a few days ago. It was delicious and she has agreed to show me her recipe so once our oven arrives (on Monday), I can start cooking for Thorsten. She has been SO GOOD to us, preparing delicious meals ever since we arrived -- It's been amazing -- And I must say that I'm feeling so spoiled by it all! But I am really looking forward to cooking again, it's been three weeks and though I love eating mom's cooking, there is nothing like preparing your own meals. Plus I eat things like tofu, soy milk, gluten-frei, veggie burgers... So of course I have to start cooking again because my family eats tons of lamb, meat, pork, milk products, it's just not my style of eating. Though it all tastes wonderful, I will take sushi or stir fry tofu and vegetables over curry wurst any day. But I will also take homemade soup like this... :) Moving from food to storage, this is how we are storing our food lately. On top of a plastic bin! It's crazy to live this way, but part of me is really having fun with this. We have ordered a oven and a clothes dryer, both will arrive on Monday. I'm still hunting for a sink and dishwasher, along with a large cabinet for the left wall for storage, etc. I also need shelving and such but I'm just happy we have our light installed (it's great!) and all the basics in place. It's amazing how you think you need SO MUCH and then when you are in the situation you see how little you really do need to survive. Oh and can you believe that the bed that I ordered from Octopus finally arrived to them (3 months ago I placed the order) and now they have arranged for a shipping company to bring it to us -- so it may arrive next week or a week later. I am very happy it will soon arrive but equally frustrated. Sleeping for three weeks on our floor (on a mattress but still) is not how I like to live. I need my bed! I also ordered a table today from Red Edition in Paris, it will arrive next week and I will show you a photo once it's here. The shipping was expensive (110- Euro) but it's a table that I think will really look great in our living room so I went for it. It's a reproduction piece from the 1950's that will be our sofa table. I can't wait for it to arrive. It has wood legs and trim and a white top. I needed something to break up all of the IKEA pieces in my living room, I dislike rooms that contain everything from a single source since I think that they lack character and a sense of history even. Like I can say, "My table is from Paris" instead of "Yeah we just bought everything in one day from IKEA". It's not about showing off, it's about building over time and connecting memories with pieces so that everything takes on a life of its own. xo, Holly


Anonymous said…
OK, it's only 8:22 am here in the US, I just ate my breakfast, and now I'm craving chicken soup - it looks beyond delicious!

I love your kitchen light, it's a very cool conversation piece. And that sofa table looks so cute, too. I agree about not buying everything from one place. And so what if the shipping is expensive - wouldn't it be more expensive to buy something cheaper that you don't love as much, only to replace it in a short time with the thing you wanted in the first place?

Glad to see Germany is treating you well. I'm visiting the country for the first time in a couple of months - and I've already made a list of design shops from your links section that I must visit. Can't wait!
wow, iteresting light fixture. your tastes are very modern, love it! hope your hubby is feeling better!
Sidsel_._ said…
What a great table - and perfect for breaking up the Ikea stuff.

- and also a warm welcome to rainy Europe... we are almost neighbors now :)
Anonymous said…
Holly - Do you also have an American family? Ikea would be a good fit for your kitchen.
Katie said…
Love that table Holly! LOVE it LOVE it LOVE it! I'm in complete agreement with you of having rooms made of pieces from all over the place and time. It's a fun hunt and process.
Anonymous said…
You are so brave for picking up shop and locating to another country! How fun it must be to find explore everyday though. liked your blog very much. I actually just started my own little one called "Bishop`s Room"

Good luck with everything and I`m going to get me some chicken soup after seeing that yummy pic!
Anonymous said…
Your place is coming together so nicely! I love that kitchen lamp. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress and gathering even more inspiration from your blogs.

P.S. I hope Thorsten is feeling much better!
Anonymous said…
I have family in the former yugo and I know what you mean about all the heavy food. It's so good! but man can I pack on weight if I'm not careful.

So I was wondering what the healthy,organic food movement is like in Europe. The nice thingis you have always been able to get great produce over there because local farms are prevalent but as someone who is thinking about moving to Europe one day I'm curious about the availability of organic foods.

Love this blog, very interesting to read about getting all set up in Germany. Do you find that deliveries have arrived when you thought they would? or have they been late. I have some friends who moved to Croatia and everything was always late, but turned out absolutely beautiful in the end as I'm sure you're place will as well!
Hi Holly,

I saw that you've written about Autreshop (there is a small time...), and I want to tell you a big thanks ! Ans I'm glad that the e-shop seduces you !
See you later !
Cherryskin said…
I see some Kinder chocolate! Heh heh... Yum!
Tammy said…
holly, I'm loving this blog. Now that you're in your apt., I'm finding that I'm totally looking forward to SEEING what you've been planning all come together. It's interesting, and enlightening and I'm enjoying it. Thanks for sharing.
ooooh the chicken soup looks scrumptions, could i have the recipe too pretty please!!
Anonymous said…
I am SO glad to read your point about not wanting everything to be from a single source. I cannot agree more and am VERY willing to wait until I find the right thing, rather than just buying everything at once. My brother- and sister-in-law have a house FULL of furniture from one place (they even have matching bedroom suites in both their master and guest bedrooms! The SAME SUITE. In BOTH ROOMS. And I thought a matching suite in ONE room was tacky!) and their house looks like a hotel/furniture showroom. No personality, no patina, no SOUL. I'd shrivel up and die if I had to live like that!
Peggy said…
I love that table! And I am a coffee table hater. But, this one is totally fabulous.

And Holly, I may have already mentioned it, but I adore your lamp fixtures and your lamps. The fixture in the bedroom and the kitchen are so wonderful, I am having lamp envy.

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