{maxin' and relaxin'}

maxin' out my back account but relaxin' because at least i saved up for a long time to do all of this so the guilt isn't quite as bad as i thought it would be. plus i'm in control and this project of designing an apartment remotely is coming along well so far. i'm really enjoying the process and can't wait in the end to lay out all of my receipts to see how much i spent to furnish a one bedroom apartment from the ground up. i have a budget, so i'm planning to stay well within those magic numbers. anyway, here's my new stainless boy. isn't he lovely? notice the freezer on the bottom. this was a must-have for me. i like everything at eye level when i open the door. this stainless refrigerator was purchased again online via amazon.de. i'm so pleased we did this because another thing i cannot imagine living without the first weekend upon arrival is access to food like yogurt, cold water, and salad stuff. especially in august since it can get in the 90s, our place has no a/c, and i can't imagine running next door to my mother-in-law to grab breakfast, lunch, and dinner. i'm very independent, and yes she is a sweetheart, so nothing personal with that. but i keep thinking of those middle of the night glasses of cold water and so i decided to just order a refrigerator in advance. this little guy already shipped out this morning. i've been going down this list that i created of immediate needs once i land all jet-lagged and hazy and i think i've now almost covered them. our cousins renate and freddy already dropped off new blankets, pillows, and duvets that they purchased for us (how nice), so when i arrive i'll most likely run around the corner to a store called strauss innovation to pick up sheets and cases. i can't believe this is all really coming together. pinch me.


Anonymous said…
love the fridge, very sleek, very modern. i like to buy big heavy items on amazon too - because they deliver for free. i bought my big tv online - saved me the trouble of dealing with all the electronics salesmen and it was delivered right into my living room. love!
mirjam said…
Hi, I have a second home in northern Germany too and have also been looking at this fridge. Have you received it yet, does it work well, did all work out well with amazon? I love your blog and I hope you are enjoying Hamburg lots...
mirjam said…
Hi, I have a second home in northern Germany too and have also been looking at this fridge. Have you received it yet, does it work well, did all work out well with amazon? I love your blog and I hope you are enjoying Hamburg lots...

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