
we ordered a mattress. ut um... (clearing my throat) two of them to be exact. yup. i lost out to my husband who wanted his side firmer (read this post, item #3 for complete history) so now our bed will have 2 mattresses on it. with a crack in the middle, the dreaded crack that i fear will end our marriage. the crack i imagine rolling into late at night and getting sucked into, tumbling down many stories, through the ground, possibly swallowed hole in the center of the earth. fears aside, practical and rational holly has done it and they will ship tomorrow and arrive within a week. how's that for amazon.de!? we also ordered a sturdy clothes rack. i can't imagine tossing my dresses and his suits on the floor until we manage to find a proper closet. after we do find a closet, i can fold the rack and take it out for ironing and such so it was not a waste of money. and it has been confirmed that our bed frame (details here) will arrive sometime next week. 25 days to go before we arrive in germany and we're on schedule. i am so pleased. i'll spare posting photos of the mattresses and rolling rack. how utterly boring would that be? but this is indeed really good news. i was not about to arrive after a day of flying the friendly skies and laying over for hours in munich only to a big air mattress smiling at me from the middle of an empty bedroom... now a proper bed will greet us and i will jump in it and feel like i'm right at home. and then fall sound asleep. so happy to report that this to-do list is done!


sarah b. said…
oh, no! not the dreaded crack! hope it is better than you (and i!) imagine it to be!
L&coolj said…
Oh, sounds like it is all coming together now! Exciting!
As for the twin mattresses - I have a solution for you :)
My husband and I have just bought our first twin bed couple of weeks ago. We are from Australia, and this is quite uncommon there, but since moving to Stockholm and being in a building with the tiniest of lifts, we had no other choice but to opt for the twin beds. I had the same reservations about them as you did, but we got around that EVIL, EVIL crack between our beds. We purchased a top mattress (about 2 inches thick) which spans the width of the two twins - we got ours from IKEA, where else :P. That way we both get the best of our individual mattresses but have nothing separating us :) I would highly recommend it. Here's the link to the german IKEA website with the one that we got (btw, they are called Matratzenauflage): http://www.ikea.com/de/de/catalog/products/50073490
Anonymous said…
The topper idea sounds good. There's also a foam crack-filler with a strap that binds two mattresses together. I used this approach for a while and it worked well. Here's one link: http://www.amazon.com/Create-a-King-Twin-Doubler/dp/B0007KNKN2

Apparently some of these are better made than others. They're easy to find in those cheapy housewares catalogs and sites.

There was also a discussion of this problem on Metafilter:

In my experience, the main thing is how strong the strap is and whether its fastener really holds securely. Otherwise the beds drift apart, and that puts too much strain on the foam.
IkeaGoddess said…
Oh-oh the dreaded crack...I know just how you feel. Have you thought about a "Matratzen Ritzenfüller". I saw one at quelle: http://www.quelle.de/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/Quelle-quelle_de-Site/de_DE/-/EUR/Q_DisplayProductInformation-Start?CategoryName=117335&AAID=100000150475&PersShop=&tr_from=pue&productIndex=&urlparams=
Oh good for you! An air mattress really would have been dreadful. :)
Anonymous said…
I just moved to germany last year. I love decor and most of my things I meticulously pick out. But yes, it is soooo expensive here. I try to bring as much things from the US, as possible. I like to buy things here that are unusual, like chandeliers (antique), and they do have nice clothes. I like to especially bring: pillows and duvets (don't match the sizes here), Choc. chips, barbeque sauce (good for gifts to neighbors, too) and anything crafty!! I have an idee here to but it's definately worth it to bring it from america. good luck!

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