
i posted about this blog over on decor8 about 4 hours ago and already i see that 1,500 of you have clicked over to visit me here. oh this is so exciting. thank you so much for coming over to visit me. please don't forget to return! :)


Anonymous said…
New ideas from an old friend, Holly!

This is so fun and exciting Holly! I am so thrilled to see what you come up with for your little Haus Maus!
Have fun! Go crazy! do it up the way you have always dreamed!
Janet said…
you had me at the medallions! :)

I'll come back...you're in my google reader!
Penelope Boyd said…
Another blog from you, well I know I'll be back here practically every day! I can't wait to see what you do with your new space.
Anonymous said…
even though i live decor8 i most of all love personal blogs so i will look so much forward to visiting here aswell
Tina said…
Hi and welcome to Europe :) I'm from Denmark, north of Germany, and very currious to follow you moving here :) I have followed you on decor8 for a few months now.
Anonymous said…
I have been reading your Decor8 blog for a while, and I think it is very inspiring.
I like the fact that you have a section about Etsy and you often focus on independent designers, too.
I understand you'll need to decorate your new house soon and I think that's going to be exciting... I was thinking that, in my opinion, your new flat should be furnished exclusively with 2nd hand/vintage staff, or independent designers' items... no corporations etc etc (I won't name names).
I appreciate this may be a challenge but I think it may be a rewarding one... really, you have the prefect chance.
I live in a small flat in London and try to do the same; of course it is not a quick or easy process but I believe it's worth it.
Anyway, just my 2 cents.
All the best for your new adventure!
Anonymous said…
I have recently discoved decor8 and am totally in love with everything you have on there so I can't wait to see what you do with your new little place!
bethy said…
oh good! i would love to know more holly "behind the scenes." :)

i'm facebooking you. i just recently joined facebook - i'm hooked!

you will know it is me - i have a crazy long german name - fitting!
layersofmeaning said…
I'm so excited about this new blog!
yasmine said…
oh holly i love your new blog as well as it shows a more personal side.

bookmarked for sure :)
Honeygo Beasley said…
Welcome! I'm one of the 1,500 - maybe 1,501! Don't know the German for ceiling medallions. Oh, well!
Thanks for sharing your insight and inspiration.
Anonymous said…
This is now on my list of blogs to stalk daily! :)
Anonymous said…
Holly, you never cease to amaze me. I honestly don't know how you manage to tackle so many things all at once. I'm looking forward to reading about your journey in Germany.
Anonymous said…
holly ur apt is going to look great... i luv it that u've started this blog... something i'm really forward to read everyday and might be into as well as my home is due to complete in a year (still under construction)... the only thing is i need guts to mention it in my blog... ooooo guts where are u?
haus maus said…
thank you all. i love blogging over here, it feels like my personal home diary and i really like it.

it's all about me for a change and sometime a girl needs that.

i'm so happy you care and are interested - thank you for visiting me here. so much.

Anonymous said…
Holly, I'm a long-time decor8 reader and I'm thrilled about this new blog!

One small issue: only the top few lines of each post are showing up in my google reader. I have to click on the link to see the whole post, which I don't like to do because it clutters up my browser. I assume this is due to some Blogger setting dealing with RSS? I know some blogs do that so they get the traffic for ads, but decor8 doesn't do that so I thought maybe it was inadvertent on your part.

Anyway, love the blog(s)!
sarah b. said…
i added you to my reader instantly. i'm moving from texas to the netherlands in august and have to furnish an entire apartment as well. :)
Greetings from Portugal and congratulations on your site!! Truth be said, you really have great ideas and it is really cool to start spreading them on this side of the Atlantic!
Keep up the good work. Both your sites are truly addictive!

Lívia said…
i adore both of your blogs! your things are such an inspiration for me!
take care!

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