Balcony Spruce Up

It's finally spring, though a jacket is still needed during the day and definitely at night as it feels like freakin' winter again after 8pm, but I'll take whatever season this is because I know it's NOT winter and that's good enough for me. What a LONG winter. Ugh.

Balcony Before 

Today I was in the mood to spruce up my balcony, but time got away from me, so when my cleaning lady came I decided since she was cleaning my work studio anyway, that it was time for me to step away from the computer and go OUTSIDE. I asked my husband if he felt like going out to get some flowers so we took the car out to this massive home store and picked up 24 geraniums, some soil and a really sturdy outdoor broom so tomorrow I can get started on my project. It felt good plopping these flowers on my bench, it already looked better out there. Here it is in it's current shabby depressive state...

Balcony Before

I know, not pretty, but that's wintertime balconies for ya. I'll show you what I end up doing to it in a few days so stay tuned because if you have a tiny balcony you may be inspired by what I'm able to do with my mini space.

Are you sprucing up a balcony or outdoor space at the moment? Tell me your plans for it... 

 (images: holly becker)


Villa König said…
It's great that we have spring now. Some weeks ago I thought this saison will never come ;-) But now it's garden time. I love it. We make our patio new, with a lovely wood floor. And I can't wait to see the result. :-) Have a lovely "Tanz in den Mai" :-))) Yvonne
Unknown said…
Yes, we have been working on our little patio outside. In England it has also been a LONG winter, and I am so greedy for any time I can spend in the sun. I just ordered one of those long biergarten tables with benches for our patio, so we can have people over for dinner outside. That is the essence of the good life for me. I love the smell of geraniums, and love that you bought so many at once-- that will be SO lovely. Have fun!
Hi Holly, want to wish you a lot of fun with sprucing up your balcony today!! This is also my plan for now: I have already bought petunias and Scaevola aemula in different pink, blue and lila shades and also some white color for painting my brown table and chairs. Actually your pic of the white chair on your balcony inspired me also to do the chairs :)
Have fun!! Eva
Unknown said…
My geranius survived to winter...but still have no flowers...hope a bit of sun will help...but here winter is being too long...
I also filled home with was time of spring mood
my hyggelig said…
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my hyggelig said…
I'm sorry your winter sounds like ours, but misery loves company. :) We are expecting possibly 3-10 inches of snow today!!!!! huh?????? It's been like this for over a month. Boo hoo! Funny thing is - it was in the 70's the last four days.

I too am sprucing up my outdoor spaces - always fun this time of year! We remodeled our porch last year and just got our hot pink couch yesterday! Yay!
I know that you have had a long winter because I have family in Germany. I love your flowers and before long I'm sure you will be sitting out on your balcony and enjoying the flowers and nice weather. Here in Houston Texas, I've been out working in my flowerbeds trying to beat the heat. It has been very warm here.

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