I'm Home!!!!

I'm home! Finally! We were soooo busy this past weekend with our move. We started slowly moving things in last week but Friday was the big move day with the hired company and truck - weeee!

Temp setup until I decorate it

unpacking and making it home until i decorate

I cozied up the bedroom while unpacking, nothing is decorated, but I couldn't live around boxes so I tried to make the bedroom peaceful and cozy in the meantime in white and gray. Boring I know, color will be added soon!

This is the wintergarten from the bedroom. Nothing on it yet, but at least you can see what it looks like!

view from other side of wintergarten

bedroom wintergarten looking right, with window open

Bedroom wintergarten looking left

backyard view from bedroom wintergarten

I HAVE TO TELL YOU ABOUT THE MOVE GUYS LOL!?!?! These three guys showed up at 9:00 a.m. and finished the move at 5:00 p.m. - they had to go back to fetch our things a second time since our stuff filled two trucks. I counted, they took 16 smoke breaks and were drinking beer in the back of their truck during the entire move. They were not German, they were Russian, so they spoke some German but not much so I really couldn't communicate with them other than pointing out where things needed to go. Despite the lonnnng move day and very chipper movers (hey, beer + smokes can do that) we ended up having a nice day of it.

Kitchen in progress! ha ha

A really sad looking kitchen, I know, but just wait until the massive Smeg stove that I ordered arrives and the kitchen is installed! Then I will be the iron chef!!!

Doors shut, they fold like an accordion or open like french doors

We have four rooms in the front of the house, a dining room, entry, my office and the living room. Also another wintergarten. Above is the living room with the doors shut. Beyond those doors is my workroom.
wintergarten off of living room

Now I am standing in the door entering the living room, that is wintergarten in the back.
wintergarten off of living room

Approaching wintergarten with a nice backyard view.
Inside living room wintergarten

In wintergarten looking left. It is heated so I can use it year round.

We have so many boxes to open! I haven't seen most of this stuff since April/May of 2009 because everything was packed in New Hampshire when we moved overseas. It was shipped by boat (80+ boxes) and arrived in Germany in October. Then when things arrived, they were transported to our little apartment here and we had the movers put everything in our cellar room because we could not even imagine having to unpack and put away everything in the boxes in our 53 square meter apartment. Can you imagine what we are facing now? All of what we've accumulated over the past 14 months living in Germany PLUS those 82+ boxes! But I imagine as I start to unpack them it will be fun to see what I have because I brought lots of crafting supplies, stationery, books, ceramics and fun stuff that I knew I couldn't find over here.

standing in front of house looking from my office to living room

This is standing in the front of my office looking out into the living room and then the wintergarten is attached to it. The doors that you see can be used as french doors OR can be folded totally flat like an accordion in can you want the room to be totally open (ideal for parties).

entry room looking at front door

Now I'm standing in the doorway of my living room looking into the entry "room" where the double doors are that go into the building corridor. My mail is dropped through the mail slot and the transom windows above give the space light during the day.

In these photos you can see what my flat looks like now that we've moved in. We are replacing the IKEA sofa because that was only purchased for our vacation apartment but now that we live in Germany full-time, we want to start replacing the things that we sold to move over here.

We also have to buy a dining room table, chairs, a desk for me, bookcases, kitchen cabinets, sink, stove (I already ordered the stove, it's a Smeg suggested by Yvonne), rugs, extra cabinet for my bedroom, furniture for the two wintergartens, the list goes on and on and on. I can't really unpack until I have furniture so now I must start looking around!

Guest what? The Danish neighbors upstairs came to visit and welcome us on Friday. First came the wife (so smartly dressed and super friendly, I love the Danes) gave me these gorgeous flowers...

flowers from upstairs neighbor

Then her husband and daughter came by later to say hello. On Sunday, their other sweet daughter, Anna, brought us homemade chocolate muffins. She was soooo cute when we presented them to me -- she is the cutest girl!

It was nice to have the upstairs neighbors welcome us! We have no neighbors to the left or right and none under us as we are on the EG though this EG is higher than most so it feels higher -- you do not look out and see cars which is good as we're much higher than the cars so that is nice. :) The background is green and beautiful. In the front of the house runs the subway, but it comes out of the ground 1/2 block down so we don't see it but the stop is a second's walk and then we are 5 minutes from city center. If you walk around to the back of my house, there is a large mansion and the forest with it's 2,000+ acres of trails, parks, a gorgeous zoo with ice skating in the winter, a beer garden... it's such a great neighborhood. I am very happy here.

I think the only complaint so far is that it is SO COLD in this flat, the floors are like ice! I have to wear very thick socks and slippers at all time, sometimes shoes because I can feel the cold floor through the slippers. It makes me a bit scared that our heat bill may be enormous this year and that when winter comes my toes will fall off!!!!!

Oh and if you've been wondering about the kitchen -- I am going to buy one from IKEA because I just don't have the patience to source for vintage cabinetry as I intended. It feels odd to have only a fridge and microwave and to use the bathroom sink to fill the hot water up and I really want to cook because that makes a house feel like a home. Right now it all just feels so open and not at all warm or cozy so this is something that I want to change because I'm a warm person and the home needs to match me or else there is not fit! For me, warmth comes through the love in the home, the way things are arranged, the smell of food cooking, the soft glow of candles...

I really want to RELAX here. I don't want a lot of noise or stress -- and I don't want an all white apartment or a place filled with only brand new things. I want to sit down at night and feel peace and be surrounded by the atmosphere giving me a warm hug. Then I will feel 100% at home...


oh these are gorgeous!
wishing you all things wonderful in your happy move, nicey!

may it be a wonderful place of peace for you.
The Glam Lamb said…
your new home looks so airy and bright! congrats on your move! i love a fresh new start!! it already looks great - but its going to be absolutely beauitful when its all complete! :)

It is a beautiful space!!! I am looking forward to see how you will decorate it.
Heidi said…
I love it! How fortunate you are to live in such a beautiful home!
maja said…
congratulations, what a beautiful space! can't wait to see what you do with it.
Jennifer said…
what a gorgeous new apt! love love the wintergarten. congrats and all best wishes in your new home!

It's just absolutely beautiful. I love all the white and I know that you're going to work your magic on it.

Happy settling in. x
Unknown said…
It has been so inspiring to watch all the amazing changes that you have been through from your move here in the states to setting up the flat to now this gorgeous house that you will now make into a home..

I am literally drooling over it now, so really cannot wait to see what you do with each room

Congrats to you guys,
I can feel that you will be so happy there !
That looks so cozy and soothing already ...
I can't wait to see what will become of it !
Also yay for friendly neighbours !

x x x
Anonymous said…
what a beautiful home!
i love how many windows and light you have. that's so important to me.
can't wait to see more photos.

Unknown said…
What an incredible space you have there! You may say your bedroom isn't decorated, but I think it looks very comforting and inviting. I can't wait to watch the progress on your new home!
San said…
LOVE your new place! And I am so jealous of all the space! (We live in a very small apartment right now, so that's understandable, right? ;)).

Can't wait to see more of the transformation into your dream home! :)
Jamie said…
beautiful! i'm so impressed with how much you've done already!
It looks beautiful Holly - looks so bright with lots of light flooding in. Those floors in the living room are oozing character. I'm sure it'll feel like home in no time. I'd definitely recommend an electric blanket if the apartment is cold - absolute bliss on winter nights.
heavenwildfleur said…
Wow Holly, it all looks so amazing! Can't wait to see how you do it all up and the place looks like it has so much potential, so many rooms, spacious, bright and white! Your bedroom already looks great in white and grey I was wondering how you managed to have it in such a lived-in state since you just moved in, until I saw the numerous boxes in your various rooms *lol*
justagirlLaura said…
It's beautiful, Holly! I can't wait to see what you do with it.
Kelly said…
Yay Holly! So happy to see you getting settled in your new place. I can't believe how lovely the bedroom looks - even in it's undecorated state. You've been there for what, 5 minutes?!
Wow, you sure don't waste anytime getting yourself sorted out. So exciting, and what lovely space to work with....I can hardly wait for the pics that will follow. Congrats to you for your new home :)
wow. wow. wow. wow. this is perfection - just beautiful! good things really DO come to those who wait :)
Callie Grayson said…
I so love your new place!! beautiful flooring and all the light, ahhh, so relaxing!!
can't wait to see it all set up!!
congrats on your new place
sfgirlbybay said…
looks so fabulous already. i love those windows, and the doors from room to room. stunning space, holly! congratulations! :)
WOW, what an incredibly beautiful house! and the light you get is just whimsical!!!

P.S. WANT those parquetry floors. stat.
N. said…
Congratulations on your beautiful new home!!! Can't wait to see it when everything is finished! And I really love your bedroon though it's not painted yet. Can you tell me where you bought the little white bench in front of the heating???
Holly, it looks great. The windows and floors in particular. I'm sure you'll inject it with personality in no time, and it will become a lovely home.
Gosia Maj said…
Your new home is wonderful. The winter garden won my heart instantly. Congratulations and enjoy the process - I know it'll be stunning when you're done with it.
Tamar said…
Wow Holly!! congratulations! it already looks great!
Elissa said…
What a beautiful place! I love the herringbone floors. Though very neutral, your bedroom looks more "decorated" than mine and I moved in over two years ago. I can't wait to see what you do with it!
opera glass said…
Congratulations! The apartment is stunning and I wish you a happy life here. I can't wait to see how you decorate!!! I'll be checking back often, I'm sure.
Unknown said…
this place is amazing. your patience paid off completely! :) can't wait to see what you do with it!
belinda said…
oh wow, it's huge! looks like such a lovely space. can't wait to see you wave your magic creative stick... xx
StylishBird said…
Oh my, your new place is GORGEOUS! Congrats!
Ingrid in Bj! said…
Love your description of the movers and so glad you got moved so smoothly. The apartment looks wonderful and I am sure rugs and Ugg boots will keep your toes warm. Wish you and Thorsten many happy years together here.
Ingrid x
PS We are getting an IKEA kitchen too - the units are hardwearing and so versatile. You will create your own unique kitchen with them I am sure.
Aaaaaaah MUST feel so good...I am even more excited about my move now.
Your kitchen will look great with IKEA cabinets...they have lots of great ones to choose from these days! :))))
Love that you're getting a smeg stove..lucky you. We have a large professional Thermador - but unfortunately it wont get put in the new place, BUT we will have (God willing) our sub -zero fridge. Which will be nice....exciting times , God bless your new home. :)

PS Hope my neighbors are just as nice!!

my hyggelig said…
I love seeing your adventure unfold and can not wait to see the transformation. When we moved into our house we were very sad because we left a city we loved, I wish I had had your excitement back then!
Unknown said…
What a BEAUTIFUL apartment. If I might give you a tip. Don't try to heat the winter garden. You might end up spending a fortune on the heating bill.
I am looking forward to see how you are going to decorate the apartment. I am sure you are able to make it into a home for yourself and your husband.
WoW! Looks like an amazing space. I have never heard of a wintergarden before! Thanks for the decorating lesson.

Pam x
Christiana said…
It is so gorgeous, Holly!! Those wooden floors alone... Can't wait to see how you pull it all together. Really love the bedroom already - so calm and peaceful. Good luck with the unpacking!
I cannot WAIT to see what you do with this gorgeous space! It is already beautiful even though you're just starting. Congrats on your new home!
Kate said…
It looks like the perfect canvas to start with - lots of white and neutral and you'll add your own style no doubt! Very jealous of the windows and light, will be perfect for photography :) I live in an old cottage, full of character, but so dark! And it's a rental :( Can't wait to see the progression of your new place Holly :)
simplygrove said…
It is so lovely Holly!!!
This Time Now said…
I really love your new place. I may be moving to Berlin next summer. Thanks for the inspiration!

This Time Now
haus maus said…
Hello everyone! I'm happy that you like the place!!! :)

@Marianne - I agree regarding the wintergartens, I doubt I'll try to heat them in the summer. That could cost a fortune!

@N. - The white bench is a vintage Swedish bench, or so my friend told me. I bought it at a vintage/antiques furniture shop here in Hannover. I fell in love with it the moment I saw it because it looks very handmade and a bit primitive.
kelly said…
Wheee! This is so exciting, Holly! Love seeing the photos -- your windows are just *amazing.* Looking forward to seeing what you do with the place. :)

Juliette said…
this place is a dreamy! yay!!

ps-cold floors, i hear you! we have 'naturstein' (stone) floors and seriously, I live in my wool clog Birks (hausschuhe) half the year! =P Have fun rediscovering all your stuff!!
Frau DingDong said…
oh wow!
I'm sure you get the cozy/warm feel very soon
I'm looking forward to your decorating projects!!!
Unknown said…
It's beautiful, so glad you are finally home!
Ele said…
It looks wonderful, Holly! So big and bright and full of potential- I can't wait to see what you do with it.
TJ said…
What an amazing space and it sounds like you're already being welcomed by wonderful neighbors. The beer drinking movers made me chuckle... every time we've moved here whether they were german, russian, polish, ... there was a case of beer bottles in the back of the moving truck! They work so hard, I figure they're just thirsty although I can't help but worry who's driving the moving truck...!
Allison said…
Wow, your apartment looks so beautiful and enormous! I can't imagine what something like that would cost in Amsterdam... we will have to move soon because the place we found in just a couple days when we first got here (and needed a place asap) is just too expensive. I'm really not looking forward to moving or trying to find somewhere nice on our budget.

I love your soft white/grey bedroom. It looks so serene. I'm impressed that you got it so nicely set up so fast. But it's good to have a retreat from the boxes and chaos!
Anonymous said…
I just love your new apartment! I can't wait to see what you'll do with the space.
Your moving story cracked me up! It seems with every move we all face some kinda crazy experience! Love the view from the window in the wintergarden.
Wow you've painted a great picture... I feel like I've already been to visit!!! Enjoy your new home... I'm moving into our dream house in three weeks too so I'll be in your shoes very soon!
natalye said…
the new place is beautiful! so much light! and i bet unpacking all those boxes will be so much fun, in spite of all the work it also entails.

have fun making your house into a home :)
Monica said…
The apartment is wunderbar! I am sure you will find a solution for your cold feet. Don't know if you have noticed but Germans are really into Hausschuhe. I am sure you can find something cute and warm.
Yvonne said…
I have serious home envy. I wish all my rooms were done and bright and white and empty. I loooooove your apartment. I so can't wait to see it for myself. Did you get my e-mail?
What a lovely place so airy and bright, I am really looking forward to seeing how you will make it home.
I will soon know how it feels to re-discover moving boxes stored away for some time, as we will move to our new house (under construction) early next year, and we have furnitures, boxes ... stored for 4 years waiting for us.
I wish you good luck and for sure will get some inspiration from your home for my new place.
Eleanor said…
What a fab place! So airy and light. Looking forward to seeing all the decor developments.
Frau Sonntag said…
Congrats to your new apartment! I looks wonderful.
Karine Ardault said…
Your apartment seems so big. From what you indicated, I know it is huge by european standards. I still have my little 40 sq meters one bedroom apartment that is so tiny. I use it now only when i come back to Europe once or twice a year.
I cannot wait to see how you are going to decorate it!
For the cold, I am sure it will get warmer once you start living and furnishing it. Your appartment has been empty for some time and I can see it was renovated. I am sure the workers used to have windows open. In a couple of week, I am sure you'll be able to take off one layer of socks!!
Teleri said…
8 Hours and 3 people to move two peoples stuff? I can beat that.. On saturday my new room-mate moved in. She arrived on 9am, too, with her parents and two friends of her dad (my other room-mate and I helped out, too). Her room is 14qm and it took them 10 hours (!) to get all of her stuff in there and assemble it. Her room looks like one of those example-rooms at IKEA (without the cool swedish books). Great.. not. Your place looks a lot nicer and I bet it will look awesome once you're finished. :)
Sarah Lynne said…
What a great new space! I'm sure you'll enjoy making it home!
I LOVE your new place. I have photographs that would look amazing on your white walls. I'm craving white walls myself. :) www.photosbyacs.blogspot.com (all about sand and water). Enjoy your new digs!!
Frau Mayer said…
Now, I'm really looking forward to seeing this apartment unfold. Bring in the fireplace! Rock that Car Möbel! :) All the best, Holly!
Frau Mayer said…
And yeah, as usual, that nerving Frau Mayer has some good advice. DO NOT stay at Enercity (Stadtwerke Hannover). Compare the prices and switch often, taking the yearly bonus with you. This is what we're doing with our electricity/gas/Internet providers, saving most likely about 1000 a year.
Tracy Glover said…
I was wondering today what your new home looks like. It must be funny having so many random people wondering about your new home.
What you said about the removal men made me laugh. I live in the Czech Republic and I think a lot of people here have a similar laid back style when doing any kind of manual work.
The wintergarten looks magical. I imagine you surrounded by candles and the sweet garden to look at on cold winter days.
steven mcvay said…
its so bloody brill, cant wait to follow you as you make it home...x
Brigitte said…
Happy, happy homecoming to you, Holly.
Anonymous said…
Congrats on getting moved in! Opening all of those boxes from the states is going to be like the world's best Christmas! You're going to find stuff you forgot you had... wishing you and Thorsten all the best in your new place. It's already gorgeous.
Anonymous said…
You must be so excited to have a blank slate to decorate! What fun! Congrats on your move :)
jodi said…
oh, how wonderful!! such a gorgeous space. it seems so peaceful. and it is great that you have such friendly neighbors.

very much looking forward to your transformation!
Your new home is beautiful Holly! It must feel like Christmas unpacking all of those boxes and forgetting about what is in them :) Thanks so much for sharing your move with us!
leslie said…
I am so excited for you two!!! This place looks so amazing. I just know you are going to make it a fabulous home and a photographer's dream. Can't wait to see you soon. xo
Ryan said…
Were you able to bring your vintage kitchen cabinet from the other apartment? I didn't see it in the brief kitchen shot. Even though you aren't able to use all vintage cabinetry, I think that one piece will soften the built-in look of an ikea kitchen.

I had a picture of your countertops from the other apartment saved in my inspiration folder. I loved the dark wood; I ended up using cherry.
Karen said…
I wish you all the luck and happiness in the world in your lovely new home!
Melissa A said…
Wow, so much more space for you guys. That has got to feel really good. The outdoor space looks beautiful too. Can't wait to see how you make it all warm and cozy. Congratutions!
Oh Holly, how exciting, looks so well already :) Lovely and bright too, it probably just seems cold now as you don't have all your things in place yet and you can put down warm mats and wear comfy warm slippers too :) It will be lovely. Looking forward to seeing more photographs.

All things nice...
Minnie said…
Holly, How amazing that you're FINALLY in your new home. I am thrilled for you. It must have seemed like a very long year while waiting for the right place to come along and the stars to align just the right way for you to get it. I love all the light, that great door to the outdoors in your bedroom, the floors. Ha, for a minute I thought you had a dancing room, then read it again and realized you wrote dining room. Congratulations to you and Thorsten. I look forward to seeing your decorating unfold. Yaay.
frauheuberg said…
hej Holly,
i´m so glad for you and Thorsten...wonderful place and i´m sure you will fill it with your personality and your "warm heart"...;)...i´m so exciting about the process and will jump here over to look around...so fine that your dream become now reality...have a lovley creative week...cheers and hugs...i...
Sarah said…
Such a beautiful place! So light and spacious. And your bedroom looks so cosy and calming :)
Ealenya said…
Lovely place, I can't wait to see more :) And very good thinking on making the bedroom cosy and peaceful first, it really helps to be able to relax after a busy day of unpacking and building furniture :)

Liebe Grüße aus Hannover ;)
Anastasia said…
Holly - it looks like such a huge apt!!! you did well with your search, its gorgeous!! Your bedroom looks so serene and I cant wait to see more once its all decorated and you've unpacked all your things...whats a Wintergarten?? - im assuming its like an indoor garden?? or maybe not...i love a bit of green on the inside!
Anonymous said…
I really like the bedroom just the way it is ! It looks so peaceful !
Beautifull! Gonratulations to your new home!
Valisa said…
looking good, Holly! After all the drama of househunting it must feel so good to build a home somewhere this gorgeous! So happy for you. And enjoy your Smeg stove, I love my Smeg Opera 6 burners and big ass oven. After 4 years it still looks and cooks fantastaically!
Laura said…
Your place looks amazing, and your neighborhood sounds like such a fun place to live!

I can totally identify with the cold feet, especially since Germans like Laminat so much (as you mentioned in a previous post). I am sure that rugs and house shoes will help with that. I live in Berlin now, and there are lots of "Gründerzeit" houses here, which are old and beautiful like yours (although yours is a true prize). They have these amazing old-fashioned windows and lofty ceilings with "Stuck", but I am also curious to see what we will pay in heating costs this winter... My favorite trick for heating the kitchen without turning on the heat is cooking. If you keep the door closed, it stays warm in their for quite a while, and then I can sit at the kitchen table and read, write letters, study...

It takes time to get settled in, but you guys are off to a great start (sooooo smart to start with the bedroom!). Good luck with the rest!
Jan said…
It is beautiful, Holly! So fresh and bright - ready for your special touches. Those wintergartens are supreme - I don't think I'd ever leave them!
Stina said…
Altbau-Wohnungen are always very expensive to heat since the ceilings are so high, but wow, it will be so worth it! Just look at the place, it's gorgeous. I can't wait to see how it looks like after you've worked your magic!
What a beautiful blank slate! You are going to have so much fun making it yours :)
monicalee said…
Thank you for showing us the apt before your things are put in place! It is so fun to see the bones! Sounds like you need a pair of Ugg slippers (not so unfashionable when you are cold!) If it makes you feel better, New England is cold today too!
Anonymous said…
It will be nice to see the new place unfold. Enjoy!
Simony said…
What you wrote about the feeling of a home matches so much how I feel!
Wish you happy moments there!
Kathryn said…
It sounds like you found the perfect place! Perfect neighbors, perfect setting, perfect rooms I could go on! And I can't even imagine the amazing shopping you get to do over there, so much more fun than the states!

We live in a very cold house in San Francisco. So cold I started wearing a hat inside during the winter. We run the heater year round here.
Unknown said…
It looks fabulous Holly! Congratulations!
From Bali With Love,
Unknown said…
It looks fabulous Holly! Congratulations!
From Bali With Love,
I love this. Your apartment is full of natural light. I love the bedroom. So jealous of your expat life! a former expat myself...
Little Pinwheel said…
holly, it is amazing. Such a beautiful and big space to work with. I love your grey and white bedroom! I know the colour will punch it out, and you have started with such a great base.

enjoy your time decorating. How exciting to finally have all of your things.

I'm in the mood for fall! Love your Bedroom,i always love white color!The whole house a sort of understated elegance,Very relaxing, peaceful, and heavenly!Thanks for sharing.Love your Blog.
Vanja said…
How exciting! You are very fortunate! Your house looks so wonderful and the neighbourhood sounds perfect. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you will do to make this house your own. The bedroom already looks lovely to me...
Welcome Home! It looks lovely; I love the white! THat will be fun unpacking all your familiar things you have forgotten about! Good luck, good health, good life!
jja said…
It already looks so nice and promising! Great apartment!
And you for sure have a great mailman, mine wouldn't carry my mail to my entry door!

I was just suprised what is called wintergarten in your city, I learned that Wintergarten is this, having at least 2 glas walls + glas roof

Maybe it is reagional thing?
kalanicut said…
Your new place is SO beautiful. As lovely as it is now I can only imagine what's going to happen once you begin decorating. So happy for you and hope with all you have going on that you are able to quickly find yourself warm, cozy and settled in your amazing new home. Best wishes!
Jess said…
Hi there! I am a relatively new reader but I felt it time to chime in with a congrats! I moved to downtown Charleston, SC nearly exactly one year ago and I have slowly fixed up my house which needed.... a lot. It had great bones like your place does and it has been actually fun (well most of the time) to make in my home. I too have a 'new' heck with all that vintage kitchen, but the rest of my house I am slowly furnishing with found items and others that work in the space. Good luck, have a great time, and I'll be reading.
haus maus said…
jja - See this link for a definition. A glass roof is not a requirement for city apartment wintergartens. The others in the building above us have wintergartens also, but only the apartment on the top floor has a glass roof.

Anonymous said…
Ooh congrats, it looks so lovely and I'm so happy for you guys! And the Wintergarten is such a bonus; one of the houses I lived in as a child had one and I remember how much I loved to sit and read in there and listen to the rain outside...wonderful.
iva yaneva said…
Now that there are a few pieces of furniture in the photos I realized how HUGE this place is!! You should totally throw a party :))
As for the cold, yeah - that's what happens when there's nobody living under your apartment :( You have to warm the floor all by yourself. But if you get neighbors later the bills will definitely get better.

Seeing photos from your new beautiful home kinda makes me live my dream through your experience, ha :) It looks really wonderful, I wish you lots of happiness there! Can't wait to see more when you unpack :)
Anonymous said…
Ich wunsche dir alles gute! I know how you feel about the german winter....ESPECIALLY, when your pad has MINUS a wood oven-fireplace. Can not wait to get one from my brother in law...he makes handmade gorgeous old farmhouse style ovens. we reduced our heating costs by heating our water units-bathroom from 4 PM to 12AM....we have a oil heater...very old skool. We are saving thousands, though. congratz,Lissette von Bayern
Melinda KE said…
The new flat is lovely and I like all of the natural light you get. I can't wait to see the special touches you put on it! :)
Suzy Jaclyn said…
Ohh, it's gorgeous, even without furniture!!!
What potential! Such a light and bright home. And I adore your gray and white bedroom.
Ruth Andre said…
Your home is beautiful. I love the quiet neutral colors. It is not boring, it is just lovely.
alix said…
It looks GORGEOUS. WOw. I can't wait to see what it's like when you spin a little Holly magic in it!!!
Holly, I love reading your adventures on Haus Maus. First off, you have such a beautiful, soothing looking new home. Secondly, it's keeping me from my Holly's Inspiration withdrawal that I would surely otherwise suffer from after the BYW course. :)
Carole said…
Holly, it looks so full of potential - you must be very excited. I am trying to imagine it after your trips to Marrakesh and Istanbul because no doubt you will return home with so many souvenirs. I can't wait to see the progress reports.
Carole xoxo
The Jones' said…
absolutely gorgeous! can't wait to see what you do with it!!
Heather DeHaas said…
I've been following your blog(s) for probably years and I just wanted to say Congratulations on the new place! I feel a bit of a connection with you because my maiden name is "Muis" which is Dutch for mouse :) Have fun setting up your place and I'm looking forward to all the beautiful touches that only you can add.
I love those fabulous Euro windows. Enjoy your wintergarten - I really miss ours these days! Our German home also had FREEZING floors YEARround! If we do get to move across the pond again, we will search for a home with heated floors for sure! Enjoy your new space! -diane
Ok, Holly, i just saw this today. First of all, I think you probably know how happy I am for you to have made it to this point -- You have done so much, have come so far, and continue to amaze me with your energy, drive, determination, ability to be flexible and grow where planted. You deserve this beautiful home - it's clean lines and lovely ambient are a reflexion of you. I wish you and your husband (vor allem) good health in this beautiful place, joyful moments, cozy Sunday afternoons drinking tea and reading while the rain pelts down, delicious food prepared on your new stove :), lots of new creatively inspired ideas in your new office, and a chance now to expand, breath deep, relax and be. xoxo
Ok, Holly, i just saw this today. First of all, I think you probably know how happy I am for you to have made it to this point -- You have done so much, have come so far, and continue to amaze me with your energy, drive, determination, ability to be flexible and grow where planted. You deserve this beautiful home - it's clean lines and lovely ambient are a reflexion of you. I wish you and your husband (vor allem) good health in this beautiful place, joyful moments, cozy Sunday afternoons drinking tea and reading while the rain pelts down, delicious food prepared on your new stove :), lots of new creatively inspired ideas in your new office, and a chance now to expand, breath deep, relax and be. xoxo
Ok, Holly, i just saw this today. First of all, I think you probably know how happy I am for you to have made it to this point -- You have done so much, have come so far, and continue to amaze me with your energy, drive, determination, ability to be flexible and grow where planted. You deserve this beautiful home - it's clean lines and lovely ambient are a reflexion of you. I wish you and your husband (vor allem) good health in this beautiful place, joyful moments, cozy Sunday afternoons drinking tea and reading while the rain pelts down, delicious food prepared on your new stove :), lots of new creatively inspired ideas in your new office, and a chance now to expand, breath deep, relax and be. xoxo
Dana said…
Holly - Congrats on your home. It's "bones" are beautiful! Can you explain to an ignorant American what a wintergarten is? Just a sun room? Curious as to what you plan to do with those spaces!
ps. Can't wait to see your SMEG stove:-) And I did an IKEA kitchen. LOVE it. They were rated #4 by Consumer Reports!
jja said…
Look what german wikipedia says and what photos are there:


"Als Wintergarten bezeichnet man einen Anbau an ein Gebäude oder ein selbständiges Bauwerk, dessen Dach und Seitenwände größtenteils aus Glas bestehen. "

Definition back and forth, I would be happy to have your wintergarten :-).
Wonderful Holly! Looks like you are well on your way, congrats!
iam_artisan said…
Cant wait to see your new home after youre done unpacking... =)

Your new home is so gorgeous with the hard wood floors, lovely outdoor greenery and light infused rooms. With the addition of wonderful neighbors and the thought of a brand new kitchen - you must be in heaven. If you ever want to house swap for a mini vacation - please don't hesitate to ask!!!!
so happy for you. looks like so much fun to think of filling it too and going through all those boxes!
Coco said…
Despite all the boxes: It looks absolutely beautiful!
Your bedroom i find amazing, i especially like that there are no colors in that room yet. Although i like colors i like the serenity of the white and greys.
Gabi said…
Very nice place!!
If it is so fantastic now, imagine when it is decorated!!

Wish you the best in the new home!
Amanda said…
Holly, even not fully furnished your apartment looks AMAZING!! So light filled and being able to overlook those lovely gardens will be wonderful. Hope you have fun unpacking all those boxes and discovering your old forgotten treasures.
Luna Levy said…
OMG Holly - your apartment is soooo gorgegous :) You are going to have fun in this one! Enjoy! xo
Hey Holly,
your apartment look's great! I wish you fun time and patience with all the boxes and decorating. Can't wait to see what you will created!

Deardeedle said…
Holly! Love the space. Can't wait to see what you and the hubby do to make it your own! What a fun adventure. Thanks for letting us come along with you!
Oh, beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Looks like such a great floor plan and I love the windows! I can't wait to see it coming together piece by piece.
Andrea said…
I guess I should have guessed it from' Haus Maus' but I finally worked out...mainly through the windows on your new place, and the plaster, that you are in germany.

I was sitting there going 'hmm, funny, they are like the windows in german apartments, hey, that's like the german wall paper and plaster....


Love it love it love it. Funny how those little details can be so so familiar.

p.s love the grey/white bedroom. very german.
Anonymous said…
I really like your bedroom- it is so clean and peaceful- nothing disturbing your dreams.
suggie said…
Love your home. :) Btw- love all your rugs, esp the grey ones from your bedroom and near your wintergarden. Hope you dont mind sharing where you got them from?

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