Lens Love: Canon EF 50mm/1,4

I was so happy this morning when my latest lens arrived - it's a Canon EF 50mm/1,4 and I love it! I opened it during breakfast and this is the first photo I took (not styled, no clue what I was doing) and look, nice right?

snapshots with new lens

Again, this was a snapshot! Next I looked to my left and shot this quick photo of my kitchen door - again, no effort whatsoever, just point and shoot.

snapshots with new lens

BAM! Look at that light - look at how white and bright. Ok it's a boring photo I know but I'm focusing on the white because many times when I shoot my home I can't seem to get this much light and with this lens, because it captures so much, totally rocks it out. Oh dear, this lens makes me so happy. Okay but I'm not finished, I then looked to my right and up a bit to my kitchen shelf and SNAP SNAP!

snapshots with new lens

BAM! BAM! Another easy photo with everything bright and happy and sharp. Ohhhhh so good to be soooo random. The wall is painted a very pale beige (the other kitchen walls are white) yet everything still looks very bright and fresh.

snapshots with new lens

I walked into my workroom and quickly photographed these tulips - again, no thought about what I was shooting and about 1 second of adjusting my settings but wow - all of the light this lens captures is unreal. I love it. Today was a very happy day because of this. I feel like I can finally start shooting the photos that I want and see in my mind's eye. I'm so happy I retired my Lumix for a Canon 600D. My ultimate dream is the Canon 5D Mark III but we'll see - I need to first really LEARN photography and then I'll go for it if I need to. Whoever said money doesn't buy you happiness obviously doesn't know what he's talking about because right now, I'm feeling plenty happy! (images: holly becker)


Happy Harris said…
I am very jealous..that is a brilliant lens and lovely pictures too...

Love Happy xx
It's such a beautiful light-filled lens. I've had mine a few weeks and it was such a great upgrade from the 1.8 (lovely starter lens but does not compare). It really lends itself to the creativity of shooting in manual and seems be quite forgiving when shooting into the light as I love to.

I hope you have fun with it!
I got a new lens for birthday yesterday and I'm totally in love, too :)! I just posted my first pics as well. That first picture is great!
I love my 50mm 1.4 lens, too, although I am a Nikon girl ;) Your home looks lovely!
Unknown said…
I have been thinking about buying a lent, just to do that...and I think yours will suit perfect.
I have a Canon 450D so I think will work.
Thanks for sharing!
Elizabeth said…
I love my nifty 50 too. These are such beautiful photos, thanks for the inspiration
Rebekah said…
I have the Nikon version of that lens and its my absolute favorite. The color it captures is so gorgeous.
Sarah B said…
Hi Holly, I didn't know you had this blog until I read my Blog Boss course today. I was gifted the 600d at Christmas and I love it! I know exactly what you mean about all the light. My home has quite a few darker areas but the camera still captures it well. I also make use of the exposure compensation thingamy and it works so well.
Best wishes,

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