Haus Maus is in the Haus!

Hello haus maus friends! I've been a bit on and off writing here since October, and I'm so sorry about that! If you've been keeping up with my other blog then you know how busy I've been! Things were really crazy hectic with the launch of my second book and also with all of the planning around a beautiful workshop that I had at my home in Hannover this past December...

haus maus

I also had a big book launch party in London at Anthropologie (it was packed!) for Decorate Workshop and lots of other projects that required me to stay focused and deadline-oriented. I'm still very busy but the great news is that I feel like blogging more on haus maus again because I realize that there are so many things to talk about over here that don't really make sense to discuss on decor8. So, after a brief hiatus, I'm back!

haus maus

I'm also working with a designer to give this blog a fresh new look so stay tuned for a major facelift around here - I also bought a custom domain for so I'll tell you what it is very soon, too!

haus maus

Here are some views that I photographed for you a few moments ago from my studio space in my home in Hannover this afternoon. Hope you are all having a very happy Sunday!



Nord und Süd said…
Real nice pics and of course a pleasure to read you here (I really do like your decor8-style, but the haus-maus-one is my favourite you; don't know why but I love your talking here!)

I am looking forward to your new haus-maus-outfit, It'll be wonderful!

Have a great sunday and enjoy yourself!
Frau Süd
Unknown said…
So glad you're back, Holly! I love the posts about culture and expat life, along with more daily stuff that you write over here. (And those little birdies are so sweet!)
Anonymous said…
The last sentence is confusing me. You took the photos today or months ago ?!
haus maus said…
Anon: It says, "Here are some views that I photographed for you a few moments ago from my studio space in my home in Hannover this afternoon. Hope you are all having a very happy Sunday!"

So that means I took them at that time!
Sarah said…
I am in love with that lamp! Any ideas where I can find something similar online?

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