Welcome May 1st

I'm so happy that today is May 1st. I woke with a burst of energy, creativity and hope for the month ahead. My lovely friend and neighbor, Tinna, just returned from her other home in Denmark where she is from and stopped by for a visit which was so nice of her. I love when she pops in to say hello. I'm lucky that she is both a friend and my neighbor - she lives directly above us!

May 1

Tinna was so cute when she rang my doorbell. First, she is always so stylish and has the brightest smile and I just love it! She is very Danish! She brought me a copy of BoligLiv magazine and a beautiful Dronning Ingrid pot plant and I love the pale pink against the green. It's very much a symbol of Denmark, this sweet little plant, and so of course it's special to me to have one. My first Dronning Ingrid. And she was right because she said that I'll see these plants frequently in Danish magazines and on blogs -- and I do! Dronning Ingrid is impossible to find here, even though I live only a few hours drive from the Danish border... so it is very special that I have this sweet Danish flowering plant in my window.

May 1

Her gift made my day, not to mention the tons of warm sun and all of the organizing I got done today. I have hundreds of books sorted and magazines stacked by category. The next step is to file them away but I'll do that another day. I cooked an amazing Turkey dish with French herbs, garlic and lemon (the house smells wonderful!) and I cleaned, ironed, did laundry... my goodness I can't even believe all I got done though I worked in my home for 12 hours straight. Thorsten was such a lovely helper too, I love how my husband is always so quick to help me when I need it and today, I needed it as I had so much energy that I felt the need to seize the moment... But now...

I am tired!

But inspired. :)

Hope your May 1st started off lovely, too.

(images: holly becker for haus maus)


Casey said…
Happy May Day! I've never heard of a Dronning Ingrid but it looks like a type of geranium. It must be a Dutch variety. I can't wait for my plants to start blooming!
Wibke said…
my 1st may starts lovely, of course! sunshine and staying in the garden with my husband and the kids the whole day long!
do you know the maypoles we set up for the 1st may here in germany?
i like your garland in front of the mirror very much!
greetings, wibke
Christine said…
can't believe its already May!
Unknown said…
Dear Holly,
thank you for stopping by my blog. I´m so happy that you liked my post about Decorate. Of course I had to write about your book, it´s simply lovely!

I love the flower, it´s my favorite. I did not know it was named Dronning Ingrid, so nice.

I really would love to come to Amsterdam and "meet the blogger", but NIB here in Norway are having a blogger-party too, at the same date. Hope to join next time.

Soon I´m of to IKEA to shop, need some stuff for my kitchen-renovation.

Wish you a wonderful & sunny day!
Sweet smiles,
Unknown said…
Holly tis' so lovely to see your decor, the garlands are lush - did you make those? I love potted plants I had not heard of that one but it's flowers are beautiful. And what a kind friend. Here's to energy & happy times in May
Kat xox
Sarah said…
Sounds like a great productive day! I did that yesterday...vacuumed, cleaned and painted another table for my bedroom makeover and carried up my other finished table to the bedroom. Physically, it was tiring, but I am so glad my project is underway. Have a great week!
Bachullus said…
Wonderful as always !
Ulla said…
Dear Holly,
My friend Madi Weinrib from NYC mentioned that you live in Hannover.
I am here visiting my parents and would love to meet you.
I have a blog called www.modelsown.blogspot.com.
My personal email is ulladi@gmail.com
How wonderful that you have a Danish friend and neighbor! I love your beautiful gift and all the pretty corners of your home. I hope your burst of energy and inspiration has continued! Hugs from Denmark!
Thursday said…
Looks like a Pelargonium to me.
haus maus said…
@Thursday - Yes it's in that species, Pelargoniam, but it's called a Dronning Ingrid.
haus maus said…
@Ulla - Just sent you an email!
KatjaW said…
I'd agree with some of the other comments, I'd say it's a Geranium or "Geranie" in German. To me those are typically Italian (especially the red ones), so fun how everyone has different associations. ;) (And here in Germany some people consider them to be Rentnerblumen. Not me, though.)
KatjaW said…
Found this - it's really different from a 'regular' Geranium. http://sallys-zuhause.blogspot.com/2009/02/dronning-ingrid-im-winter.html
haus maus said…
It's in the Pelargoniam family (Geraniam) but definitely not what you'll find in Germany as it's very much a Danish flower called Dronning Ingrid. :) :) I confirmed this, I have the "how to care for" tag on the plant. :)
It sounds like you have been busy. That was so nice of your friend to stop by and bring you the plant. It is gorgeous.
Jane said…
I'm so delighted to hear you're feeling chipper again, Holly.

Goodness, it's amazing to hear the lift in the spirits of the northern hemisphere bloggers with Spring's arrival! J x
Liebe Holly,
danke für deinen Besuch in meinem Shop! Viel spaß mit dem Pinnwand! Liebe Grüße und schönes Wochenende, Éva
journeyseeds said…
Garlands always mnake me stop and look! Last year I made a big long garland...probably 30 feet long to decorate a 25th anniversary space for my husband and I. Garlands always spell festive for me! Lovely photos!

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