My Porch

Many of you asked to see my porch in more detail so here are some photos for you today that I also blogged over on decor8. I hope that you are inspired by my one hour transformation because that is exactly how long it took me to take a room that looked like this on a Friday:

view from other side of wintergarten

To this, in one hour (notice strategically placed dot to conceal still expose bulb on the wall).

Relaxing on my porch...

Relaxing on my porch...

Relaxing on my porch...
Relaxing on my porch...

Have a nice week, I'm going to be working a lot but I'll pop in if I can sometime this week. xo

(images: Holly Becker)


Jodie said…
This is beautiful Holly. Right down to every little detail.
Evelyn said…
wunderschöner heller & freundlicher wintergarten! er strahlt so viel frieden aus...ich will auch! :)
liebe grüße
Eva said…
Oh, your porch looks so beautiful. Hard to imagine that you did all this in just one hour!!
Wonderful, a perfect place to relax!

Have a nice week!

Eva x
W O W - i`m really impressed - that`s so great!!!

wirklich ganz wunderbar,
Monica said…
Wow, that was an hour well spent! What a lovely spot to retreat to and the view is gorgeous.
Bree said…
Beautiful pictures! greetings !!
Sílvia said…
i love love this room! i love evrything, so feminine & inspiring!
Saioa said…
I close my eyes and I can picture myself a sunday afternoon reading a good book and stroking my cat :)

Really beautiful Holly!
christine said…
I'm dying to know what's outside that window!
Wow, that's brilliant. I love that space. It looks so relaxing and peaceful!
Martina Fuchs said…
Wonderful, inspiring and a peaceful place to be!!! Wish I could have a little break there now.
Your porch transformation is absolutely beautiful!
Vasu said… it love it love it....looks so comfy and the colours
Laura said…
Wow, love this. I think having a nice porch is possibly my #1 requirement in a home. If you can't relax well, you can't work well, right? Thanks for sharing.
Your porch is light bright and airy. Love it.

I've posted about my porch too. Please take a peek if you have a minute.

There are 3 views of the porch. Here's a link to one of them.
melissa loves said…
It is just amazingly beautiful hunnie....your talent is limitless. :) I love what you did & what a gorgeous, gorgeous space. sigh. Heaven on a stick.
What a lovely area! So pretty!
Samantha said…
it looks lovely, strategically placed dot or not. :)
Sarah said…
Oh gosh this is simply beautiful. I love everything about it. Such a lovely place to sit and relax :)
well done Holly and so lucky to have all the light. I've got a stack of magazines that could easily be devoured in that room!
Jay said…
This is amazing.
You are amazing.
I love it. Especially on a cold evening or on a warm morning with a cup of coffee.

Love, Jay. said…
Wauw, this is really beautiful. Thanks you for sharing.
Eleanor said…
1 hour!?!? Amazing!
Anonymous said…
I LOVE your porch! It looks so cosy. I`d like to have a place like that where I can sit and crochet! :o)
Anonymous said…
I LOVE your porch! It looks so cosy. I`d like to have a place like that where I can sit and crochet. :o)
Hannah said…
Stunning photography, Holly--and house! Thank you for sharing the strategically placed dot bit. I like that bit of transparency.
Callista said…
Oh my gosh, this is gorgeous. I'm completely envious of your beautiful space.
these pictures are absolutely stunning..
Andrea said…
What I learn from you is it helps to have a clean slate and the right ingredients!!
I just love it Holly. You done a great job, and every detail is done so nicely. Great job!!
Lucy said…
I could so do with sitting there right about now!!!! :)
ow, stunning - what a view! I did see your photo over on decor8 and loved in immediately.. I'm so glad I clicked over today and got to see more1
This is absolutley gorgeous! I would love to sit here & relaxed! Everything sits perfectly together - This could be in a magazine - just found your blog via a diary of lovely!
Nuha said…
this is gorgeous!! the sunshine makes it all the better too :)
looks so inviting and relaxing. a lovely spot to sit and read and sip a glass of wine.
Lovely...what a great place to unwind!
Danielle said…
it is all kinds of beautiful holly, gorgeous.

blog your own way class 1
so lovely! love the things on the window sill!
btw, i just discovered this blog, and I LOVE it!!!
allyoursites said…
Very nice, color, light, details. It is a charming corner!
Aprendeconvale said…
wow, I am deeply impressed about your makeover!!! Brilliant!!!So happy to discover your pretty blog!

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