Relaxing Sunday...

I love the relaxation time that Sunday brings in Germany. It's so quiet here as Sundays mean family time and so shops are closed and most people chill out at home or go for a long Sunday walk. Today we visited family in a small village about 30 minutes south of here called Antendorf and it was so, so nice to see it covered in snow... to feel the cold air in my face, the smell of chimneys... heaven. First we had cake and coffee... Lots of it. It was delicious. My favorite was the chocolate pear cake (you can find a good recipe here on the Berry Lovely blog). My husband loved the Eierlikör Kuchen (recipe here).

Relaxing Sunday With Family

Then we went outside and walked through a huge snowy field right before sunset. The sky was gorgeous - blue and pink and flecks of gold... The air fresh and pure. And so, so quiet except for the crunching of the snow beneath our boots.

Relaxing Sunday With Family

As the sun moved, the colors of the sky changed and it became very gray blue and in some parts, indigo. It was a gorgeous display.

Relaxing Sunday With Family

After walking through the field, we went down a hill and into the snowy village. So many pretty brick houses there, many new, some very old (100 years or more) and all very well kept.

Relaxing Sunday With Family

We then spent time at home with our family, talking and relaxing, and then they drove us back to Hannover and we went out for a special traditional German dinner together, us four. It was nice and peaceful, just how a Sunday should be. I feel completely refreshed for the week to come. What a nice way to spend the second day of a new year.

... What did you do during the first weekend of the new year?

(images: holly becker for haus maus)


It all looks very nice and relaxing, thanks for sharing :-)
I love to read your blog ans see your beautiful pictures. Can you please tell me witch program you use to make them this nice, with text etc. I use Picasa but mine are not as nice as yours ;-(
haus maus said…
@Orange Farmhouse -- Hi! For these I used Picasa.
Stockton said…
I think this has been my favourite part of the hausmaus blog ... reading about your quiet Sundays there. What you describe above, or all those walks in the forest ... it seems quite magical.

We have spent the weekend reading & daydreaming & having fun!
Oh you are so right. I will stop complaining about the malls closing at 4 pm on Sundays, chill and enjoy my Sundays like they're supposed to be enjoyed. Went to a coffee shop in a small town with my boys today and they asked: Why is it so quiet?
Because it's Sunday!
Take care,
Refreshing is the word that comes to mind when I look at your pictures. Sounds like a wonderful Sunday.
Isa said…
Kaffe und Kuchen! This made me miss Germany like whoa. Glad you get to enjoy.
liza said…
This is a beautiful post. I love your field and village photographs. We walked on snowy trails both yesterday and today, and both adventures were completely uplifting. Today we included the sled, which was great fun. Sometimes I can't believe what time outdoors in the cold can do for the spirit (and the family).
Unknown said…
Your photos of the sunset & snow are so beautiful. They almost look fake.
sarah london said…
What a peachy perfect start to the New Year!

Those slices of cake look absolutely divine!
kalanicut said…
What a beautiful and relaxing day. Thank you for sharing. We've hunkered down for more rain & even snow in SoCal, so I lit lots of candle & put away holiday decorations. We are still enjoying the wonderful food we made for New Year's Eve. A peaceful weekend is a great way to start a new year. Looking forward to all you'll share in 2011. Wishing you abundance, joy, peace and great success.
my hyggelig said…
hyggelig...thank you.
I really enjoyed reading what you did today. It brings back lots of memories to me, because my husband is from Germany also. I remember my times there. It is magical there and so beautiful. Thanks for sharing, and I'm glad you had a great day. I really miss the coffee times their with all the pastries.
Jane said…
Hi Holly

I'm so delighted to have found your blog recently. I spent 1989 in Muenster in Nordrhein-Westfalen and treasure my memories. I love *seeing* Germany through your ex-pat and stylish eyes. You make my heart sing!

Jane x (in faraway Hobart, Australia)
Lucia said…
your Sunday reminded me beautiful times with my husband in Germany ...Kaffe mit Kuchen, the snow sound under the feet, the fairy small towns... I miss that all and I´m glad you are enjoying those things so much and with people that cares about you.
Our first weekend was anything close to snow but very hot, full of family and food ... it was very nice!
...the smell of chimneys is absolute heaven in the winter. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed today and this post made me take a deep breath, realise it's time to turn off the computer and get some fresh air. have a wonderful rest of your Sunday and start to your new year holly! x
Jennifer said…
Sundays are one of my favorite things about living in Germany! Looks like a lovely day for you.

This Sunday, we skipped the usual relaxation because it was the last day of winter break for the kids. I took them to an indoor play place with some of their friends. The adults sat and talked and had a lovely day. The kids ran and played and had a lovely day. It was less chill but still quite nice.
Diana said…
Truly German:) Kaffe und Kuchen:)
Thank's for sharing!
Unknown said…
What an ideal start to the weekend, the cake looks great! We spent yesterday at a beach bonfire here in Scotland.
sigh... it is all so pretty...
Melanie said…
Nice pictures and it`s very interesting for me (a german) to read what other people think about germany.
Anonymous said…
Villages in Germany.... they are the cuttest. And the german love for having it all in "guter Zustand" keeps it all so well. :)
Andrea said…
Kafee und Kuchen...dass kenn ich auch!! My childhood memories are punctuated with Kafee und Kuchen in my Oma's living room.
Unknown said…
I can't believe no one seems to have commented on the cakes and how divine they look!
Homemade or bought from a favourite special place....are always so delicious. :)
Love Kat xox
Wonderful post. Have you been to Wonderful recipe blog and food photography.

Happy New Year, Holly!
mecamo said…
What great cozy photos, ahhhh!
My hubby is an American and he doesn't like much german sundays, because he can't shop, hahaha...
Family time is so important. That was the most what I have missed in USA, my family. How about you, how do you handle homesickness?
Have a great New Year and a lot of cozy sunday's....

greetinxxx, mel
Beautiful part of Germany!
I like these photos very much...

Left you a little something at my blog - just if you want to ;-)

LG Tina
Emily said…
This is so beautifully written. I was absolutely transported. Thanks for taking us on your journey (that goes for every day - not just this post).

diana said…
I love the farms of Niedersachsen. And I love coffee and kuchen and sundays. :) Lovely.
Laura said…
After 6 1/2 years of living in Germany, I really appreciate now that one -cannot- shop on Sundays! It make you find something else to do. I love sunday walks or bike rides or cake and coffee time at friends, etc. Looks like you had a wonderful afternoon!

Laura in ludwigsburg
Camilla said…
Amazing place! You are so lucky Holly ;) (I follow all your blogs but I never commented because I didn't have my own blog but now I do :) )
Anonymous said…
Luv the cake here in 75 yr old neighbor brings over chocolate, apfelstreudel, kasekuchen, cookies every 2 to 3 days....sugar solves everything is what she believes.... ha ha ha!! Love handles...yupee!!
Eleanor said…
Wow. You really captured the German countryside in the winter beautifully. I used to *hate* how everything in Germany was closed on Sundays, now I am so grateful that it's that way.
oooh. i love sundays too
mine was a little sleep in, church with my boys while my hubby slept in, went for coffee to my sister's after, came home to lunch, and hung out with the family for the rest of the day. so nice :)
Teacup Moments said…
thank you so much for this lovely post and the recipe links, holly. your writing is always so positive and joyful.
There's something about barrel of hay covered in snow that is grounding and relaxing to me.

Fabulous pics - felt like I was there...
Life is soooo good. :-)
Mrs.French said…
oh my...this post is so stunning. i felt like i was there! also makes me miss germany so much! xo t

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