Making Sunshine

When it's gray outside you sometimes have to make your own sunshine. I brought home these flowers on Thursday afternoon and arranged them casually in a vintage French enamel creamer from a flea market on my table... when I walked over to my table this morning to put some milk into my tea, I noticed how beautifully they had opened. Spring is in my home today though it seems very far away on the other side of my window.


Drizzle and gray skies create a relaxing mood outdoors, I see chimneys working hard to keep their owners warm and cozy (it's been a very gray month) and the tree branches are still visible, undressed, not yet ready to deck out for Spring's party.

You really do have to make your own sunshine and this applies to so much in life, doesn't it? We're not always handed golden rays of opportunity (rarely this is true) or shiny moments of success (nothing is for free) and so off we go -- on a hunt to seek beauty, truth, righteousness and to create an opportunity, some success and a smattering of joy for ourselves and our dear families.

We are hunters, gatherers and creators - what we hunt and gather is the starting point, but the willingness to work hard, to create, to put care and thought into our life won't happen unless we make it happen.

Living abroad gives me more time to think about the everyday connections that each tiny piece of our life makes, one to the other, and how it's not the fast, the smart, the rich or the best who have a good life, it is the person who believes they have a good life. It is the person who deeply appreciates what they have, and who is happy with what they've been given and while we all want better things -- being happy with the food before us on our plate is how we can create sunshine even on the grayest of days.

He who enjoys today and thinks a little bit about tomorrow, not with worry or fear, but with hope, wins. The person who has the ability to look beyond the gray skies to the sun, which is out there still awaiting its grand entrance, is the richest and most successful man on earth.

(image: holly becker)


Dumbwit Tellher said…
So undeniable true. I have really tried hard to think just as you said. I believe it's the key to happiness. Being happy with what you have and finding the good in each day. Thank you for the perfect reminder. So very well written. Have a lovely Sunday!
Sanja said…
Hope is the best, it has the strength to lift you above and see what just might happen, like your personal path to what you wish for. Of course, one cannot live on hope only, but it gives just enough strength to keep working towards your goals. A wonderful Sunday post :)
Amy said…
I've been mulling on the very same things, the gray of January is good for is the daily news...thanks for putting some realistically positive stuff out there.
Andreia said…
So beautiful flowers!
I couldn't agree more dear Holly...beautifully put and such a great reminder. I love your gorgeous flowers also, they are brightening my day too. :)
elisa rathje said…
beautiful bouquet. I'm making sunshine in a jar: marmalade. x
Holly, I just love this post title and content :) Lovely photo too. Have a happy week! XOL
Ronnie said…
It has been snowing so much here, that instead of succumbing to cabin fever, I was reminded of this line from of John Steinbeck’s, The Pearl: “It was a morning like other mornings and yet perfect among mornings”
Here's the rest of the post:
Brigitte said…
This is lovely, Holly. I'm forcing myself to brave the cold outside today, because I've felt that it's holding me hostage in my own home. I will definitely be picking up some flowers to brighten my home!
Susan said…
Hello from Zurich,

I love this post -- especially the part about seeking beauty, truth and joy; and being thankful for what we have been given.

And the flowers are beautiful too!

Thanks for blogging
Holly, thank you for the beautiful and inspirational article and the picture of the gorgeous flowers. It brightened the way too grey day a little. I know exactly what kind of weather you're talking about. I live only about an hour drive away from Hannover, in Bremen.
Greetings from there!
A lovely inspirational post thanks for putting a smile on my face today.
this is what we love about you. your uncanny ability to turn a frown upside down. i remember you saying that was one of the things you liked about yourself... your ability to put yourself in a better mood. im amazed by this and have always considered myself a prisoner to that around me. good or bad.
i watched this TED video last night and immediately thought of you. she talks about people who seem to have real Joy (she named them "wholehearted") these people were open to all emotions. not numbing all emotions and therefore escaping from true Joy.

you are one of those.. a true wholehearted soul. im glad I know you so I can believe it can be true.
sorry. forgot to include the link:
my hyggelig said…
this is a great post. just today as I looked out to the cold, grey, and white I thought to myself that I should buy flowers this week ~ something I very rarely do ~ thinking I needed some color in my days in this hardest of months. then I come here and not only see your lovely flowers, but your truer than true words that touch me during a time when we are trying to figure out a very big life challenge set before us. thank you!
Anonymous said…
So true. And put in such lovely words! Two weeks ago or so I bought cherry boughs and now they're blossoming - just wonderful. The spring that will still take a few weeks to green up the outside is definitely inside. There's this beautiful icon with a quote from Albert Camus I once found that says: "And in the midst of winter I found there was, within me, an invincible summer."
You are so right Holly, we sometimes moan about the weather and the darkness but life is what you make it. We should cherish our time and enjoy it :) Thanks for putting things in perspective for us.

All things nice...
Claud said…
I'm with you Holly. It's been more cold and grey for us in North Carolina than in years past. And in order to avoid the winter blues, I have started planning my new vegetable garden. Just the thought of fresh, juice tomatoes, grilled corn on the cob, and a delicious garden salad warms me up inside.
Sheila said…
beautiful, wonderful, lovely pics, i love the bright flowers.
Lucía said…
Very wise thoughts! I love that kind of thinking. I appreciate you share it with us, it makes a good feeling wave through the web directly to our hearts.
Wow! Waxing poetic...this is beautiful and ever so true. Thanks for the reminder.

Jasmin said…
Beautiful post Holly, so very true and also thought provoking. Take Care
Jasmin from Australia (Happy Australia Day)
Teacup Moments said…
dear holly, this post resonates with me. living abroad, away from my friends, my comfort zone, i have learned to appreciate my life more wherever i am. it is not always easy, there are rainy, gloomy days. but knowing i can create joyful moments gives me hope. everyday.
Pixie said…
Very well said! I think I need to start making some sunshine this evening and buy some flowers for MY apartment.
Anna said…
I realized that winter is back with a vengence these after catching some (cold) sun rays today, I snuggled up with a wonderful hot bowl of homemade broth and German 'Markklößchen'. My mum made it, and gave me the recipe, so I know that when I'm away I can recreate the soup and with it hopefully also some of the cosiness of today.
Anonymous said…
This is my aim. To create sunshine in my life where maybe there is none at the time...
You have a beautiful gift in your writing, and the thoughts and feelings expressed evidently come from the wisdom of a special heart. Thank you for the encouragement.
I love having fresh flowers in the house - they really brighten the place up. I tend to have them on our kitchen windowsill so I can look at them while washing up. I guess it's been a while since Christmas, but I always buy some flowers afterwards - it really compensates for the void the Christmas decorations have left!
Anonymous said…
This was so beautifully put, Holly, and just what I needed with the gray clouds and drizzle outside (hey, I live in Seattle...what can I expect?)

I love both of your blogs, but I really enjoy coming to Haus Maus for inspiration and to learn more about your day to day life. xo
Virginia H said…
wonderful post. and your little blumensträusschen looks like heaven. happy week to you

Laura said…

I've been a hppy reader of your blog for a while now, but confess to being a little too nervous to comment.

But, today I felt compelled because your post is so inspirational. Your words ring so true for me, especially given that I'm in a big transition period. When it's grey outside and there is so much to do, it often seems like everything is working against you.

Thank you for helping me seek the sunshine and embrace it as my own.

Suzanne said…
What a lovely post. Your flowers are beautiful and made me smile!

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