
I just checked the stats here on haus maus for the first time and I am shocked to learn that I have 3,000 readers here each and every day! Eep! No pressure! No pressure! I just wonder how could this be? I thought maybe 500 or a 1,000 max but 3,000? And nearly half of you live in Germany so it seems other expats like me are out there tuning in.

Perfect English Cottage

This is thrilling and I'm honored to realize that so many of you care about the haus maus. So thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for your visits, comments, and much love!


Tracy Glover said…
I live quite close by in The Czech Republic. I am originally from the UK. I love hearing about your life in Germany and seeing your gorgeous pictures.
Keep up the good stuff and stay happy, Motyl
Mal said…
I love this blog - it's great to see how you are doing in a country where you are just learning the language. I *hope* to do the same some day - just in asia in stead of germany :)
Beth said…
I love Haus Maus! I am a Southern girl in love with a German man who lives in Leipzig. Your blog gives me hope that I could make a nice home in Germany. Thanks for your posts.
Desiree said…
Awe! We certainly do love you and your posts! <3
Karli said…
Love your sites holly! So inspiring and lovely to relax at with a cuppa tea! Is this your new kitchen??
TJ said…
Wow that is a huge following! Good for you. I'm surprised so many are in Germany. Where are they? I haven't met one other blogger in 3 years. And no joke, only about 1% of the population seem to even know what a blog is. So this is a huge achievement... congrats!
Monica said…
Um well, your welcome. :) I am not really that surprised - lovely blog, lovely blogger. In fact, this was the first blog I read.
Anonymous said…
So I am one of your "quite" readers an I like your blog very much. I come also from Hannover (near by) and it's also fun for me to read in English in order to improve my English a bit ;) But first of all I like your pretty photos as well as your texts. For example the one about our German Apotheken. It was really interesting for me as a German to learn the other way you see this matter as an American. So thank you for your cool blog!
Greetings, Sandra
wow, that`s really a lot!

i wish you a lovely christmas time.

yours dani
Natalie said…
We come because it's a great read - and inspirational. And for us expats (and sometime expats like me) it's comforting to know "you're not the only one"!. Keep up the good work.
Eleanor said…
Congrats! it's a great blog :-)
Jennifer said…
What a nice surprise for you! And, yes I'm an expat here in Germany! We're heading to Berlin for a little vacation next month, and I'm looking forward to following some of your shop suggestions!
Flo said…
My guess is, most of your German readers are no expats at all (me being one of those natives). Personally I find it very interesting to read about your experiences in this strange and exotic country of mine. ;-) Seeing it in a fresh light through the eyes of an expat is fascinating to me. Keep up the great work (and write a little more often maybe)!
Little Pinwheel said…
at least one from australia here!

I love this blog. I see so much of you in it. xx
Gabi said…
It`s funny how I actually started to read Hausmaus and then got to know decor8. I am not sure how I came here at the first place, but since then, I always pay a visit.. since years now.. I told my good friends and since then they also read your blog..It was nice to see your move from America to your first and now your second apartment. I actually was at the same situation and that brought me closer to your blog. From Ireland to Munich and now a bigger apartment (not that big as yours though :))...
A foreign wit a german husband. It is funny... Sometimes my husband say that I talk about you as you were my friend.. I wish you the best an keep writing..
Ele said…
Congrats, Holly! Though I can't say I'm surprised, Haus Maus is actually my favourite of your blogs. I think it's because it's here where you can see all the advice and inspiration from Decor8 put into action, if that makes any sense. Anyway, I love it!
haus maus said…
@Ele - decor8 was always intended and will most likely always be intended to primarily promote the work of others. I don't like to use the blog and its popularity to self-promote, I feel uncomfortable. I prefer to share casual glances into my life through haus maus, though I don't have a lot of time to write on haus maus since I have a lot of work to do so my time is very limited. When my book is released, it is my gift to decor8 readers in the sense that they can see my work in print -- something I've only done a few times styling a magazine shot but I'm not a stylist by definition of the word -- but in the book I did the art direction (meaning I communicated my vision of what I wanted to see to my photographer and then worked with her to compose the shot, meaning telling her from which angle I wanted it and then I styled the room to fit what I was looking to communicate editorially.

In some cases, the shots were already there and little styling needed to be done outside of moving some furniture to the left or right for instance, but in other cases rooms needed to often be tidied up, surfaces cleaned, furniture moved, shelving and bookcases styled, etc. to make the shot work. :)
3000? you're wrong... you have much more... I read you via google reader, and sure many more do! all the best!
Ele said…
Holly, that's exactly what I meant. Don't get me wrong, I love discovering new artists and brands on Decor8, and think you do a great job of promoting craftspeople and companies you believe in. Also, I agree that it wouldn't make much sense to show your own work in that context.

What I meant was, how can I explain... actually, I think you said it best yourself once. I don't recall if it was a post on Decor8 or a BYW podcast, but I remember you saying once that inspiration should be the starting point of something. As in, there is no point in looking at all these lovely & inspirational things if you just close your computer, walk away and forget about it. I think HM is great for showing how you can take all that beauty and bring it into your own life, and it doesn't have to be difficult or intimidating. Practice what you preach, in a way.

Oh, and I'm very excited for your book, have even asked for it (pre-ordered) as a Christmas present. Let's hope somebody obliges me :)
Annady said…
I love stopping by here to live vicariously through you. You make it sound like a fun adventure. Thanks!
kristiane said…
i'm an expat living not too far from hannover, in oldenburg. i've only ever been to hannover's airport and train station, but your blog makes me want to plan a real visit, soon! and since i have never left a comment, i'll use this opportunity to say thanks for all the german shopping tips: "danke!"
lori said…
i love reading your posts they remind me of what we went through, when we moved to munich (for 8 years). i too am married to a german man. we live in los angeles right now, but plan on moving back to germany, berlin this time...reading your blog is helping me get ready! ;-)
opera glass said…
I'm not surprised that you have so many readers! Although I no longer live in Germany, I love seeing how you decorate your space and find it very inspirational. xx
Liebe Holly,
ich gratuliere Dir und wünsche noch viele-viele treue Besucher. Gruß, Éva
Moniek said…
Wauw, what I stylish kitchen.
Studio Danale said…
At least one Israeli reader...
first met you in flickr, than got to know decor8 and then haus maus.. I LOVE ak of them..
thank you!!
Andrea said…
I live in Australia, but used to live in Frankfurt, Berlin and Hamburg. I miss Frankfurt mostly. Reading (and seeing) something of Germany in your blog is a little bit of balm for the fernweh for germany.

Not to mention that i like your style!
Smbumblebee said…
Another expat here, from Ireland and living in Hamburg. Love your blog and really appreciate all the very useful resources and of course inspiration! Well done Holly, you deserve the recognition!
Kim B. said…
another (american) expat here in france, I love hausmaus too!! Congrats on collecting such a big following, and I love that so many are from Germany!! I love these little insights into your home and getting to 'know' you better over here.
Gretchen said…
I love reading both haus maus and decor8. I like hearing about new designers and products, but I love seeing a real house decorated by a real person, who really lives there. It inspires me more than a magazine spread; if you can do it, than I can do it! Also, you're writing style is so friendly and welcoming- I can tell that you care about design and your readers.

Haus Maus has even rubbed off on my non-design-interested bf; whenever I talk about ways to decorate our place, he calls me a haus maus.
VielbegabtCoach said…
I live in Germany and I am German :) And I love your blog anyway, especially because it is in English and has this nice view on German habits. I am more into food blogs normally as I am an translator for English food blogs and cook/baking books. But I do enjoy the lovely interiors you are writing about. Congratulations on your statistics - and not everyone from Germany is an expatriate :)
Sara said…
Thank YOU for this lovely blog Holly :)
Sweden calling here - I read your blog all the time. I love the light tone in your texts, and following your adventures as an expat brings a very personal feel to the design and interior decorating theme of it all. I also like the fact that you don't put up four or five posts a day like some bloggers. Makes me feel you are actually out there exploring (actually having a life irl if you will ;) and I don't mind waiting to hear what you've been up to. Have a lovely holiday! /Stina.
Anonymous said…

I am German, but love to read in English. I found decor8 first. And then I learned, that you were going to live in my hometown Hanover, which I miss just a little both your blogs! Very inspiring!

Anonymous said…
I am German. I am reading your two Blogs since one year. I love to see how you can decorate. I wish I could do so. Always waiting for some news on your blogs. Keep up your inspiring work.

Sarah said…
Another reader from Australia here! You have one of the loveliest blogs and I adore your style :)
gerne. :)

It's because of your honesty. That's why people keep coming back. Of course your taste, but primarily your honesty. No better base for fruitful creativity than that.

Sarah said…
hi holly. love the blog. i'm a girl from the hannover area, and it's fascinating to see the city and the country through an expat's eyes. i'm based in london now, but haus maus has made me want to go shopping in hannover, next time i'm home. i've found out about all these cute little shops, i never knew existed. gruss aus london! sarah
Unknown said…
I started reading this one from Portland when you started it, and then a job opportunity came up for us in Germany. Getting more acquainted here with German culture and design really made me much more interested in the opportunity to live here! So, thank you. We love it here (near Regensburg) and are so thankful to be living here now. I have consistently used resources from your blog as we have settled in, and have shared it with others who are having a hard time figuring out where to find things!
Kerstin said…
I'm originally from Germany and moved to the States as a child. Like others have mentioned, your perspective is so interesting and you have an amazing ability to absorb the culture, distill it and describe it (like the Apotheke entry). And seriously, no pressure, because this is your "at home" blog...and that is what I like about it. I can't believe you update it as much as you do. You do so much and are so amazing. Your wonderful, cheerful attitude is what I love the most. Sometimes when I'm down or extremely busy with work I take a break to see how happy Holly is doing. It's nice to connect to my "Fatherland" through you...I wish you all the best. Have a wonderful holiday Holly!
nicolezh said…
Thanks for sharing all your good ideas and inspirations! Hausmaus is a great blog, so personal and touching. Also raised up in Germany and living all my life here I learned a lot from you. I would never had in mind when searching for a rug for example. Sometimes I feel that certain german blog don't like to tell about their resources in decorating so I appriciate all your tips and hints on shops, feamarkets, nice cafes and so on.
Greetings from Zurich (this is where I work) and Lake constance (is is where I live)
Tokyo Jinja said…
I agree with a few others an expat (in Tokyo in my case) I love the personal side of Haus Maus in comparison with the more professional side of you on decor8. I think expats anywhere in the world have a special bond and commonality...

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