Okay, Next Win...

I was sort of on a winning streak tonight (I ALWAYS lose) and so after winning the first chandelier I thought I'd go for another one because I would ideally like two in my home and then the rest of the pendants will be more modern/mid century modern in white. But I love the idea of having a few sparkly ones. And well, I won this bad boy tonight as well. I was up against a TON of competition for this thing, my heart was pounding, but I got it in the final 10 seconds. Want to see?

Lights off

2nd eBay Score Tonight

Lights on

2nd eBay Score Tonight

This is also vintage from a seller who lives in Germany on the French border... this was a pretty good deal so I'm happy with what I paid for it. I can't wait until it arrives so I can see where it will fit best. Very exciting, especially since I have lightbulbs hanging from black wire from the ceiling in all of my rooms at the present moment... Not fun!

Are you shopping for fun stuff for your home currently? Find any deals lately? Any eBay purchases that you feel guilty/happy over that you'd like to share?

Oh, c'mon!!!!


oh, that is pretty. I want a light like that for our bedroom. Maybe when the next round of stress shopping occurs.
They're very complimentary. Good buys!!
Karen said…
well I went christmas shopping last week but my husband pointed out on my return that ''christmas shopping''doesn't mean that you come home with 80% of what you have bought being for yourself!! Oh well, i will just have to go out and try again!!
Laura Evans said…
so am assuming we're talking ebay here? i'd love a chandelier of some kind but i know my cats would find a way to mess with it!
haus maus said…
@Laura - Yes, ebay.de - The German eBay - and no, I think a chandelier is the BEST choice for a cat because they can not get to it!!!
Unknown said…
i've been stalking a whole bunch of things on ebay, lately... i need to just buckle down and buy!! ;)
Allison said…
Your two chandeliers seem like they'll complement one another well!

I recently ordered some candlesticks from Cox & Cox that I'd been eyeing for awhile. When I lived in Canada, the shipping was just toooooo much to even consider it, but in the Netherlands, it was just a minor splurge.
Anonymous said…
don't get it.. a chandelier like this one is hanging in my mother-in-law's boring bedroom, and one like the previous is in my mom's boring living room. I have always been sort of ashamed of the latter. Where I am from (Eastern Europe) it is nowadays one of the symbols of Socialist kitsch. In my childhood it was in all the homes, and they all looked so alike.
I love hausmaus (even more than decor8) and check for updates daily. I trust your taste and opinion more than anyone else's in the world of decor. And it kind of upsets me that I don't get this one point. :-)
Monica said…
Wow, you are on the roll. With your luck you should look some more. Maybe you will find one of the those elusive Eames deals.
Just got a really good deal on a Brio building set for my son. Not really decor related. Oh, I did get a stainless steel glass lantern for outside my front door a few weeks ago. I filled the bottom with walnuts and light the candle every evening. Makes me happy.
julie said…
Congratulations on your wins Holly! Ebay is the best. I like the way you plan to mix up the chandy's with some more modern pendants, I think it will look great in your beautiful apartment.

I have been trying to buy lots on ebay but my internet is too slow and I am outbid more often then not. I have bought some good finds, some for home, some for my business. Mostly vintage items with a danish feel to them.

My (current) favourite ebay find is a chair from the 70's made locally, but I'm told it is practically a knock off of a Finn Juhl chair. I just picked up the seat from the upholsterer last Friday - I am in love! There are a few little repairs to do to the frame and then I can put it back together.

All the best with your ebay-ing ;)
Lisa said…
Score! I love chandeliers, which is a bit odd since I'm not usually drawn to sparkly things. I always liked the thought of one in a bathroom or kitchen...
Violet said…
Wow- it's beautiful!!! I'd love to have a sparkly chandelier. I actually found a beautiful (and very large) round mirror at a garage sale yesterday, and got it for a steal. Good weekend for us, yes? =D
Why have I never thought to buy lights on ebay?? What a great idea! I would love to update our ikea lights with something a little more us, but as surely you know that moving in Germany means simply wires hanging from the ceiling, we had to buy quickly and didn't have the luxury of finding something perfect. You've inspired me to find something great.
LOVING your blog by the way!
Amy said…
Oh I have a weakness for chandeliers. Unfortunately we are renting for another 2-3 years, so no paint and no chandeliers for me :( However I did just put up black and white wall flowers by Umbra! http://www.umbra.com/ustore/product/470040/c660/wallflower.html
Daniella said…
Oooo so pretty! I love a good chandelier, what a great find!
Anonymous said…
I actually just bought a lovely white and black spotted Icelandic sheepskin. I haven't been this excited about a purchase for a long time.
Wonderful piece! I love the detail that the light shows!

WE are hunting for old crates for a shelf project, turn of the century wheels and re-purposed barn wood for a coffee table project. Its certainly an adventure!
Anonymous said…
I hate to have upset you, Holly. Not that I disliked your choice but rather tried to understand it (as I am used to trusting your logic and choices) and failed at first attempt. Now that I've read your last comment on decor8, it made me look at the chandeliers differently. This has happened before: my great grandma was from Anatolia, and it took me some time to appreciate their kilims (not that it's hard to love them in modern homes, but still it takes time to look at things with new eyes). Please forgive my faux pas.
Andrea said…
Saturday I shopped for fabric to make serviettes and hay bale covers and bunting for our wedding....must remember to post it!

Gorgeous chandelier. I am a fan. Unfortunately/fortunately our ceiling have fans so schandeliers might not work so well.Bummer.Love the fans though.
Kate said…
Oh, so pretty!

I love this blog so much. I mean, I love Decor8, too, but we're getting ready to move to Italy next month and I love hearing about your adventures in Germany. I've been reading since the beginning, but I'm going to go back and reread some of your earlier posts to refresh my mind about all of the excitement, challenges and fun of moving abroad.
Tara said…
love it! wish I had the space to even attempt to bid for something like this on ebay or elsewhere.. someday :)
Arabella said…
Anonymous has really got me thinking about how we respond to objects and markers in our cultures that are re-appraised. We have at our fingertips millions of images to inspire us to invite and discard the strange and the familiar. Context is so powerful - before the internet I remember the appropriation of English pre-war working class ornaments (think flying ceramic ducks on the wall etc) but it happened slowly and took a longer time to become a trend. Now it can seem an instant process in comparison.
This can be confusing but also a lot of fun: when it causes those "what?!" moments and makes us think of something in a new way. I think it's ok not to 'get it' (I have a block about using vintage ceramic coffee filter cones as light pendants!).
Not only do I like the chandeliers but I wish I could 'win' something on ebay - I always end up paying for stuff!
ok now I"m really jealous!! 2!! And they work so well together!! I'm afraid living in a small country far away from the rest of the world would make for exorbitant shipping costs for things like this! NO fair!
Laura K. Aiken said…
Love it Holly...how do you dust those things!!! If you are like me it's something that doesn't get done anyway.... ;)
marichucky said…
Don't like them at all... I find them just old but not antique... I usually like your style but these chandeliers, I simply can't imagine them in a beautiful house... However I will check how you use them in your new house, maybe I change my mind after some pics :)
CHANDELIER is gorgeous.....good pick!! I opted for a chandelier too, but i got the glass beaded one from Ballard...i LOVE how it looks. Glad to see your home is coming along nicely too! Cant wait to see more! As for me, im still waiting for my dining table & we in the middle of a kitchen renovation as we speak... :)))))))))

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