My 100 Year Old Table + Dealing With Dark Days...

While lots of people are complaining over the cold weather and the fact that it gets dark at 4:00 o'clock each day, I'm rather enjoying it because it gives me plenty of cozy time to light my candles and play music... simple pleasures that weather like this forces me to do. If you suffer from seasonal depression or hate the sun going down so early, you may want to give it a try.


Light candles, everywhere, and make sure you burn a few that are scented -- look for ones that energize you or bring you to your personal "happy place"... And play your favorite music. On TV there is a music channel called Deluxe that is quite good and often I just put it on and let it run in the background as I work. I am also an iTunes addict and have tons of playlists so I just let them work their magic and depending on my mood, sometimes they are truly magic because they make me feel so much better. So try the music and the candles and also make sure you keep your home as clean as you can, be organized, and invite people over...

I had a few guests today and this evening, yesterday other friends came by, tomorrow I will have a repairman here (hey, a guest is a guest!) and I will most likely have a few more guests this week to stop by for coffee or simply to sit down with me for a few moments for a quick chat. These things REALLY have power. If you suffer from the blues during winter (don't worry, it will start to get lighter each day beginning Dec 21 so it doesn't last forever) I suggest doing little things to make yourself feel better. Some are quick to complain but I think it's better to be just as quick to make changes to dig ourselves out of these dark spots. Okay, next subject - shopping! Retail therapy helps long dark days, too! :)

Would you like to see my antique, 100 year old table?

100 Yr Old Flea Market Find

I scored it for 50, Euros at the flea market this past Saturday and the man was so nice, he delivered it to my house for free later that same day. I love my new old table. It's in the wintergarten now, I have some candles on it and lanterns... and some lace doilies that I've been collecting, some are gifts others were .50 from the flea markets that I go to each weekend... but I eventually will starch them and put them on hooks to hang, or I may perhaps frame them or stick them to the window once it starts to really snow outside to resemble snowflakes.

100 Yr Old Flea Market Find

But yes, this table makes me happy. I bought it for my kitchen but when I put it in there I didn't like it, so I decided to place it on the wintergarten for now. This room is not decorated yet, but I had to do something because I can't stand empty rooms so temporary displays help me to feel at home and cozy...

How are you dealing with the dark days? Have you been out and about at the markets? We have a huge Christmas market here currently, it will run until Christmas, and we also have a Finnish market and a middle ages market... it's quite fun to visit and I bought a gorgeous sheep fur for my bedroom floor that I just love. I've also been enjoying lots of gluhwein and there is also this great hot chocolate with rum that they serve on the streets here -- it's addicting so I have to be careful or else I'd go around the corner and buy it every night, it's THAT good but not so nice for the waistline though it does wonders for the soul! :)

(images: holly becker for haus maus)


Holly said…
Great tips for these short winter days and congrats on the table. It's really lovely.

This post made me happy, thanks =)
Monika said…
What a beautiful table! It really warms up the space. As for the dark days I am trying to survive... and wait for April...
Twiggs said…
well, exactly like you... i have been lighting all the candles, enjoying being inside, working from home, drinking hot tea... and wednesday, a national holiday here, i am planning to bake some cookies! and yes, i am enjoying this as it is such a pleasure! one final note: that table is amazing!!!! 50€ is nothing for that!!! ;) take care! twiggs
What a beautiful table! It sounds like your new house it coming along.

I love the darker and shorter days. I think they are cozy and good for dreaming. I light candles too, make sure the sofa has an afghan or two it for snuggling and drink lots of hot tea. Soon we will have our Christmas tree and I love how the twinkle lights look on it at night.
Jen Renninger said…
That really is just beautiful! I love the pillows you've put under it as well! It looks bright and crisp and cheerful.

When I lived in the north and had trouble with those dark cold days I found that taking a walk with a friend always helped too : )
What a beautiful find. Lucky girl.
Dear Holly,
your new (old) table is wonderful and I really love how you decorated it with the colorful cushions and the delicate lanterns.

Since I´m a December child I love (almost) everything about winter. Candles, tea (a lot) and cookies and I´m happy :)!

By the way, I didn´t see the black and golden lights but I´m sure they look very elegant.

Unknown said…
what a great table! it gets dark here very early as well, so i appreciate this post! :D
Kerstin said…
I love the table! It is very similar to my old Irish kitchen table, which is one of my favorite pieces of furniture (much to my American husband's dismay who is not into the weathered look.) I am suffering big time during the dark winter days, mostly because it's dark on my way to and from work, and the light in my office is either very harsh or too low. Maybe I will bring some more of my own lamps into my office corner and see if they will let me wear headphones while working, it would be nice to listen to music. Candles are obviously not allowed but I have plenty of those at home, too :) I really like your display of candles and plant pots!
Anonymous said…
We light a fire in the oven, I bake a cake and we are laying on the sheepskins playing games with the children ( on a good day). On a bad day the children play with the candles and bring the bad weather inside in forms of a wet dog, three pairs of soaked outdoor-children-adventure-equipment and I am happily loading the washing machine, my husband is cleaning the floors and THEN we have this fireplace-cake-hot-cocoa thing.
BTW: now I know why the prices for the doilies went up at the flea market stalls - you are collecting them, too. My friend is a great flea market junkie and brought staples back last year after I showed her this snowflake-doily-curtain on Flickr and this gorgeous doily table runner. I am also thinking of dying them and sewing them onto cushions or even clothes. What do you think?
THAT table is great!
Enjoy the Christmas markets. No hot cocoa for me, just Glühwein and onion cake! Also not good for the hips!
haus maus said…
Hello Yvonne!
I find the doilies here for 1, Euro or .50 each which I think is pretty cheap. Some of them the vendors just give to me as presents when I am shopping at their booths. I don't know why. I was petting this man's dog and the dog belonged to a man who had a booth at the flea market, and then I walked to his table and started looking at this amazing doily that was so fine and precious and very clean and white -- and I asked him how much and he said, "For you, a little gift from me". I find this pretty often, I get a gift nearly each week from some vendor at the flea market and I don't know why. Maybe they see me regularly, know I'm American trying to speak German, and perhaps they want to be nice. No clue, but I appreciate the gifts immensely.

Oh and about the use of them... Well I want to starch some and wrap around glass bottles to put flowers or candles inside. I also want to hang some on little hooks to display in my branches in a ceramic vase... And I'd love to sew some onto sheer fabric or at the bottom of linen fabric and use as drapes for the guest room. We'll see what actually becomes something and what stays in my mind. I may also stitch some onto a linen pillow that I have or take them and stitch to my headboard or maybe even a t-shirt for the summer. I just don't know, obviously, because I have too many ideas and a very consuming schedule at the moment - ha ha!

Yvonne are you still moving to Korea?
Anonymous said…
Your table looks wonderful! I love dark winter days with lots of candles, hot masala chai and 'just out of the oven' cake :).
→lisa said…
Oh, what a lovely table, and such a great price. Europe has so much more and better old stuff!

I wish I were more of a candle person, but I seldom think to light them. Tonight I'll remember, thanks to you :)
Unknown said…
I just wanted to add a little note-- beeswax candles actually help to purify the air! This is really wonderful in the winter months, when there is less ventilation. I have been so pleased to find them very affordable here in Germany, even sold at Mueller and other non-specialty stores. It feels like such an indulgence to have the thick beeswax pillars around my home!
Kalessin said…
I light a candle in a 'Duftlampe' (can't find what it's called in english ^^) and put Ylang-Ylang-oil in the Water. This, together with a nice pot of hot tea, a cookie or two and maybe one or two more candles helps me when it's dark.
Apart from that, I try to go outside while it's light and get my share of direct daylight. (When it gets really bad, I take B-Vitamins - they're my placebo anti-depressants ;) )

I haven't been to the Christmas market here yet, but I think I'll go there the end of the week when my sister's here to visit <3
Anonymous said…
Although 21st Dec being the shortest day means that in 6 weeks it is exactly as dark as it is today... before it gets lighter again. Sigh.
But you're right, it IS cosy. xx
Unknown said…
What a beautiful old table! I also love the silver horse in the back.
Cloudy said…
Such a great table for only 50 Euros? I hope I find something cool and chic like this table for my kitchen...

oh and I don't mind the darker days. I love snow, glühwein and hanging out in cafés and so its perfect. I think its a gently reminder to use my time in the most useful way.
Andrea said…
I love the cushions just as much as the table!!

And I miss the weihnacts markt - I used to love meeting friends in the square in Frankfurth, all rugged up for gluhwein, and looking at all the amazing wooden decorations!!
Hi Holly! I just love your table and all of your doily ideas! Thanks so much for posting, it really brightened my day. :)
Do you do anything to upkeep it? I wonder if they made wood treatments for antiques.
What a great find, Holly! I could see mercury glass pieces in his future :)
Anonymous said…
We are lighting candles, too. I pretend our collection on the dining table is a fireplace. And now we've got the advent wreath going, too. Plus I've been making lots of tea----my favorite is a new rooibos chai I'm making from scratch. And exercise----it's actually nice to walk by the Machsee now----very quiet and pretty, and the walking makes you warm. Today is even a bit colder, though, ja? But all this definitely helps chase the blues.
Gah...this is gorgeous Holly. The table, your styling( so, so good) and what a beautiful mood. I know that if I were ever to visit your home, I would never want to leave. ( so, it is probably just as well that I live way over here) ;) I so want a table just like this but, dining room size....gorgeous.
oops...and I forgot to say thank you for this advice. I think it really affects a lot of people and your advice is lovely & spot on. Which reminds me...I need some candles. :)
Anonymous said…
Hello Holly!
Nice post and pictures of you about the table.
Could you tell me which flea market you go to? I live around Hannover aswell but last time I went to the one near Messe, I didn`t see anything as good as that.
Thank you:-)
kalanicut said…
Making me really miss the holidays & charming winters in Europe. I lived in DK for 2 yrs and quite loved the candles and ivy topiaries that cheered windows and made homes look so cozy in the winter.

I'm trying to remember to enjoy the joys of winter & all the dark hours. Even in warm L.A. it's still chilly at night and gets dark awfully early. Thanks for the inspiration as always. Love the table and would so love to go the markets there!
jja said…
I don't like this shor dark days and what helps are those day light lamps or vollspektrum tageslicht lampen. It really works for me. And friends and some sport.
Julie said…
When I saw the picture of your table, I had to smile. I bought one just like it (except the legs are different) about three years ago. At the time, I had no idea where I was gonna put it, I just knew I wanted it makes me happy too! Gotta love those simple pleasures :-)

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