
The flat is perfect. We love it. But I can't talk about it until the papers are signed so to speak. But it is currently being gut renovated and will take a few more months but ready on September 1 which is perfect because by then the book shoots will be finished and I'll have delivered all of the text to the publisher by end of August. The timing is great. Oh please, please, please let this work out!!!! If it does, I will be photographing it for you when it's finished being renovated before we move in and I'll take you with me for the ride while I decorate it so you can watch the progress and even help me to shop for it as I may need some advice on a few things since I'm still quite new to where to find things in Germany. This is exciting!


greenolive said…
my fingers & toes are crossed for you!
Unknown said…
Congrats! :) So exciting!!!
Billy said…
Crossing fingers and sending happy thoughts! :)
Bethany said…
So happy for you!!!!!
Lorraine said…
Hello, I have been reading your blog for a few months now and really enjoy it, crossing my fingers that all goes well with 'the' flat! I am British but have lived in Australia for the last 13yrs. I lived in Germany from birth to 5 years, my dad was in the army but it wasn't a typical army experience, my mutti (my sisters and I have been calling her mutti since I was 10, I am now 47!) met her German best friend on the bus and we did lots of day to day 'German' things outside of the base so I can relate some of the things you say. I just wanted to wish you well with all your travel engagements, book writing, house finding and life!
Unknown said…
Hooray! Keeping my fingers and toes crossed that it all works out perfectly.
Jeni Baker said…
That's great news! Wishing you the best!
Vanessa said…
Glad to hear you are having luck. And good idea not to post to much on your blog lest someone snatch it out from under you!
Kay* said…
very exciting! hopefully all of the searching and your patience has paid off.

fingers crossed :)
jacob spence said…
wow, i have been following your story of moving to germany for some time now and this is great news. congratulations! i studied abroad in düsseldorf for a few months a couple of years ago and miss it so much. life in europe is just a great experience. keep writing and posting!
julie said…
very excited for you both :)
Little Pinwheel said…
instant goosebumps! I am so excited for you guys. Oh how I have everything crossed for you. I really do hope that this is it. I can only imagine how beautiful it is and how lovely it will be when you have put the holly touch to it. The journey for the hunt has been fun, I am sure the journey in decorating is going to be amazing. Doing a happy dance for you, at the same time as having my fingers and toes crossed!

The feather you found will need its place in your new space!

This is YOUR time! x
Oh Holy,
congratulations. Now I am REALLY curious. I follow your search since month and I was full of hope that you would find the right place because I would appreciate to see your "new" old decoration for the new flat.
I love your decoration in your flat now and I would love it in future (surely) too.
Have a nice shopping!
Juliette said…
I was already getting happy inside when I saw the smiley face post name in my reader before clicking over!

I hope the next steps work out and am so happy you have this big step of encouragement!! Best wishes!
Anonymous said…
Yeah! Finally! This is so great. :-)Congratulations Holly!
I hope that now nothing else comes in your way.
Ich drücke euch die Daumen.
Gabi said…
Oh Lord, I really really cross my fingers for you! I am sure it is goint to work out as all your readears will send you extra good vibrations!
Good luck!!!
Oh Holly, this sounds just great. I´ll keep my fingers crossed for your new home.

Hugs, Nadine
YIKES! So excited/nervous for you and huz Holly! Looking forward to taking the journey with you...I'm moving into a new rental next week and I'm so very excited!
Fantastic! All the best xxx
Jane said…
How cool! Congrats. Looking forward to see you transforming the place ;)
ArtShades said…
You deserve this one! Hope your dreams come true, Sarah (BYW)
BlueTerracotta said…
I just discovered your blog today and started reading as I am an American living in France. I hope everything goes well and look forward to following your adventures!
Unknown said…
I will keep my fingers crossed for you ;-)
Ele said…
Yay! I'm keeping everything crossed (fingers, toes, eyes), Holly- I really hope this works out for you and Thorsten. From the sounds of it, maybe it was meant to be this place all along? I can't wait to hear the whole story! Ele xo
Brigitte said…
Yay! When the ink dries, I hope you pop open a bottle of champagne!
bo said…
holly, i moved from LA to chicago right after you moved to germany. i remember getting inspired about decorating my new place through this blog. now you might be moving again, and i'm moving to columbus, ohio this summer. i look forward to getting ideas again for my new place. best of luck with this one!
I really hope it works out for you! And I'm looking so much forward to following you while you move in and decorate:-)
Frau Mayer said…
Dieses Mal MUSS es funktionieren ;)
Natalie said…
I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to see the metamorphasis your home will go through. Sending good vibes all the way to you!
You know I am crossing my fingers for you...and hope to God that you get it. You sound so excited, but like you dont want to JINX it by saying too much. I totally know. By the way I am no longer on Facebook...got some pics stolen and acct hacked. Don't miss it though.
Lisa Golightly said…
yay! so happy for you, can't wait to see pics!
Renate said…
Oh Holly, it almost sounds too good to be true! So perfect! I do hope this comes through for you, and I am looking forward to the pics of the appartment - now, and as you decorate it...
And then, you could include your own appartment in your next book! ;-)
Good luck!!
Oh I'm so excited for you Holly, really looking forward to seeing photographs of it :) Hope your travels are going well.

All things nice...
Lucía said…
so great!! I hope you will get it and it will be the apartment of your dreams!
Oh, how wonderful! I am so excited for you hun! I am keeping my fingers crossed as well & can't wait to hear!
Laura said…
oooh, wonderful!!
Laura in Ludwigsburg
Unknown said…
Oh that used my wrong sign in details you wouldn't have known it was me (secretsofabutterfly)
Unknown said…
Glad to gear the news about the flat Holly, the Universe has a way of perfect timing doesn't it.
Look forward to seeing your photos when the time comes and also great that the shoots are going well for the book.
Love n hugs kat xox
It is always exciting to settle into a home and lofts and flats are an excellent challenge!

Best of luck, Holly!

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