Anthropologie EU!

I have to thank one of my readers for telling the news today! Anthropologie now has an EU website so you can buy directly from them here in Europe without paying crazy shipping fees and import taxes. YES! I just had to tell ya if you're based in the EU. This is great news!


frauheuberg said…
Yes, really great news...Must to go there now...Thanks, Holly and have a lovley evening...;)...hugs
iva yaneva said…
Oh, that sounded too good to be true and it kind of is.. 38 euros for my country :(
But it's really good news for everyone else! I hope they expand their European market :)
yes yes great news! Im in London and we have 2 shops but I love also being able to shop (or think about shopping) on the website without being scared of paying the shipping costs and all the taxes. and its so good for people all over europe
Lisa said…
AWESOME!!! This is fantastic news! I feel so much better knowing that I can still get a good Anthropologie fix after I move to Germany!!! Thanks for the info. :)
Sneaker Teacher said…
Thanks! Good to know!
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for sharing the news! Great news. Really great news! Yay.
xo Constance
Stina said…
Yay! I'm too fat for their clothes, but I'll compensate with admiring the home stuff. Very expensive, but so pretty!
Laura said…
oooh, very exciting and tempting. Thanks for the tip!
Jenny said…
Yaaaaaaay!! Finally!
I've avoided their website for a while because it would just make me sad, but this is great!
Kaffiknopf said…
oh wow thank you for sharing it, I did´t recognize it yet! so cool. have a great spring *

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