Pretty Stools

You can ask my husband and he'll confirm. I could easily live in a home with stools, chairs, art, blankets and pillows. Oh and lots of tea, bowls and white porcelain everything.
Wood & Wool Studio
Oh and mirrors. I love, love, love mirrors and always must have at least one in every room. I don't know why, it's not that I love to look at myself all day. But for some strange reason, and perhaps this is revealing some deeply rooted physiological issue, I love to look in mirrors daily and regularly because it's a constant reminder that I'm living and breathing. Does this make sense? I am one who believes that so many are running in hamster wheels and forget to really slow down and take in their reflection and connect with who THEY really are. You know, stop the constant motion and serving of others to just take in a moment with yourself. Mirrors are a source of meditation for me. When I walk by them in my home, I always take a moment to look in, think about my day, my life, the things I've neglected, those that I've cared for, and then I can continue on to other things but with a feeling of "presence" in the moment. And so what in the world do mirrors have to do with stools? Not much, except that I love and could easily collect both. But I don't, I currently only have a crochet pouffe in my home and now, these two beautiful stools from Wood & Wool Stool on order from the Netherlands. Aren't they grand? I love the combination of old and raw with new and girly. Once these two beauties arrive, I will share them with you as I'll show you how and where I will use them in my home. (image: wood and wool stool)


Julie said…
I've never thought of that, but it's a good point (the mirrors). I love mirrors and like you, not because I like to look at myself all day, but I like them because to me they are refreshing, allowing you to see things in different perspectives and because they brighten things up. Love the stools, they look welcoming!
Kerstin said…
Just with this post I know that you are quite an amazing individual. Not that I haven't suspected this before. But the way you reflect on your day and life through the mirrors reminds me of a practice my husband carries out regularly, usually when he is traveling somewhere by car or plane. He, too, takes moments to think about his life, his loved ones, what he did well, what he could do better, and where he and they currently stand. He is an amazing person, too :)

Oh, and I love mirrors as well. But more for the light they reflect and how they expand a living space, almost add another virtual room if they are big enough. Love BIG mirrors with antique frames. Good luck with the apartment, looking forward to hearing and seeing more about it!

Take care, Kerstin
Juliette said…
love that white one...=) you know, it is SPRING that makes me want to buy stuff, and plant stuff, lol. Christmas doesn't make me want to buy, but boy does SPRING! =P enjoy!
Little Pinwheel said…
oh I love these stools! How interesting with the whole mirror loving.... I will look at them in a whole new perspective, even with my reflection looking back at me!
frauheuberg said…
yeah...the lovley work from ingrid...i love her chairs...definitly this year i need one, mabye two, too...they are wonderful and i believe you will find the right place in your home...i´m looking forward to your pictures...;)...and your mabye new home...too

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