Rolling, rolling, rolling...

We're still keeping our spirits high and rolling, rolling, rolling along! From one "open house" to the next, the fun never ends and the home that we seek is still hiding from us but I have great faith that when the timing is right, everything will gracefully fall into place. I recently viewed this apartment, I loved the old wooden floors, the kitchen was old-fashioned in a very good way, the ceilings were high, it had a balcony, the location was okay (though directly in front of the subway) and there was a darling white Swedish ceramic tile stove in the one of the rooms with double pocket doors leading to another lovely room.

Apartment Hunting Continues

The windows were paned and gorgeous, and the floor plan was great. I loved that it was rather big and had all new electrical and heating, and also that there were 5 rooms of nearly equal size. The price was also very good, only 680 Euros per month. But my husband wasn't keen on the location, he wants to be closer to Lister Platz (as do I), and we both did not like the amount of noise you could hear from the subway below the house - we opened the windows and it was quite loud. The bedroom was in the back, but still... we're concerned about listening to a train from the early morning until after midnight each day, especially in the Summer when you have to leave your windows open day and night since there is no air conditioning here in apartments to block out the noise and plus windows do not have screens so if you live on a busy street you will no doubt have to deal with a lot of dirt coming in through the window. Another concern was how run down the main hallway was - the building felt very unloved and unkept inside which concerns me and some of the people entering and exiting the building made me think that there were a lot of students sharing apartments in there. All things to consider, no matter how nice an apartment is (or how inexpensive). If we were not home so much I wouldn't care, but I work from home and I do need some peace and quiet during the day so that I can focus on my work and also go on conference calls, record podcasts for my classes, etc. But that corner stove and those pocket doors were definitely lovely. Sigh. Patience. Right? Currently we have no other apartments to view... so I'll keep checking online and in the local newspapers and hopefully I'll have more to share in the weeks to come. Fingers crossed!


iva yaneva said…
Such things happen - perfect apartment on the wrong place, sigh. But don't loose faith - it is somewhere out there!
Stratos Bacalis said…
Patience! You will know it in your gut when the right one comes along! I know from experience!
Juliette said…
meh, how annoying. we lived across from a bus stop in our last place and it made both of us mental! I even worked in the back, and it still made me want to scream!

Another thing w/the 3-month lead - think about how so many large places (families) will want to move during summer vacation. =) April/May should open a lot of doors (literally) =)
syko kajsa said…
I wonder if my family would agree to move to Germany with me! We pay 950 € for a 3 room flat (that is too small for us) in Helsinki!

That flat looks wonderful, but the location is very important! We are happy to live in a very quiet place with big maples outside the window, I'd rather have this than one more room in the wrong place!
NancyV908 said…
You're fortunate that you're not under time pressure, & can afford to wait for just the right place. I'm sure you'll find it! I spent a year looking for the right apartment in New York City, and finally found one that was ideal. I spent 10 yrs there--I only left ot move in with my husband, & still miss it!--& was always glad I'd held out for just the right place.
Karen said…
Just for curiosity, and because it surprises me to read the comment in your blog: What is the problem with students sharing apartments? Are you afraid, they party all night?

I love it, when the tennants in a buidling are a mixed bunch (old, young, families, singles, students...) and I never had bad experience with students anywhere...
Laura said…
Yes, love the little Kamin and the floors are gorgeous. But location is so very important! Hold out for the best!
Laura in Ludwigsburg
Frau Mayer said…
Hey, that place actually rules! I guess I'm gonna call (although we were actually going to concentrate on Herrenhausen). I'm currently drooling over a flat facing the Güterbahnhof. Everything is perfect, everything is there - but the Bahnhof is there, too.
What you can - and actually should - try is placing a GESUCH in HAZ and also loads of little paper announcement "Junges Paar sucht ...." EVERYWHERE in the List.
It works!
→lisa said…
Noise can be a real problem, so it's better to hold out for something in a quieter spot if possible.

The good thing is that you are in a position to take your time if necessary, unlike someone who has to find a new place by X date and ends up having to make a decision based solely on price.

Still, that ceramic stove is so pretty...
haus maus said…
Karen - Yes, students can be loud at least the ones I've lived around are a bit loud, have parties, stuff like that. I prefer a building with a good mix too but in this case, it was really the train and a few other little things that held us back.
LOVE the doors! If they're not worth settling for, I can't wait to see what gorgeous home you finally choose! :)
Hi Holly,

Yes the noise of the train could be an issue, it could be the reason why it wasn't very expensive as it looked really nicely finished. Keep looking and soon you'll find your prefect one :)

All things nice...
jja said…
Noise would really bother me. I had a home office for couple of years and do have it now on some days in a moth and yes the best part about my home office is silence.
Heidi Jo said…
You made the right choice. Hubby and I lived in a 1908 craftsman home in NorCal for just under a year and it was on a main street and it was the loudest location imaginable. We didn't know it when we rented it, but all the semi-trucks and motorcycle race past all night long. It was terrible. As much as the house had character, it was not worth all that noise!
Annie said…
I don't know what the subways are like there, but we've been yards (okay, a few hundred yards) from the NYC commuter train that runs right by our apartment. I was worried about it when we moved in, but it has really become a bit of rhythm keeper in our lives, like the background beat. It helps that we're not on a busy street, and we have lots of wooded area, so it's just the train - not a busy street with other noise pollution. We're moving soon and I'm a little sad to leave the train whistles behind!

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