Ich Liebe Gourmondo

I came across Gourmondo thanks to some friends and then finally, Ingrid who told me that they had Kusmi tea and after enjoying nearly an entire pot of Detox at her house I was sold: I needed to buy Kusmi Detox! So I went online two days ago and placed an order for a bunch of things that I want to "test" on family members who are always so curious about what American things taste like... but also other things that are not commonly available here. This morning, look what arrived!


The entire ordering process (you can use a credit card, yay!), the extremely fast shipping (I didn't even opt for fast shipping), the order confirmation through email, the carefully packed order (the fresh organic soups came in a special insulated foam box with ice packs!), the tortilla chips were not crushed... and everything that I ordered was there. I am so impressed. Gourmondo has a brand new customer, if they are this responsible with my order I will continue to shop with them for years to come. I am super impressed. If you live in Germany order from this company - GREAT everything.


I can't wait to try some of the Jamie Oliver things that I bought... I've never tried his foods before and I usually like to make everything by hand but for a quick dinner these things will come in very handy. Oh and microwave popcorn - how nice to see you again. It's hard to find in Germany, at least in Hannover. And tortilla chips are not that great at all, there is always lots of spices on them. These are spice-free, just corn and salt, just how I like them. To receive an order like this right before the weekend is such bliss because now I can have guests for a little testing! :)


Have a great weekend everyone, I have no property to look so I won't be reporting in with much progress there but in a way, it's a blessing. I need to break from apartment hunting for the weekend.. See you next week!


Anonymous said…
All dutch aupermarkets stock microwave popcorn so next time you hop the border you can bring some!
Monica said…
Hi Holly! Thanks for the Gourmondo tip. I was surprised how excited I was to see Poptarts in their offering.
likeschocolate said…
I love the chips and salsa in the mix. Now if it was only easier to get chedder cheece in Germany, but I suppose it might not be a problem in a big city like Hannover.
frauheuberg said…
oh, holly, this is great to see because I want to have long time to order in their onlineshop...And what kind of tea from Kusmi you can recommend?...all the ones you showed us...?...so holly enjoy this amazing stuff with your love and mabye with a good movie...have a lovley weekend...;)...look at you and recover from the "appartment jogging"...cheers...ines
Anonymous said…
Microwave popcorn should be available at Lidl or Aldi. Every once in a while there is something like "amerikanische Wochen". But I don't know if it tastes the way it tastes in the US...
Unknown said…
Thanks for this website! I've been looking for something like it and they ship to the Netherlands :D

likechocolate you should be able to find cheddar cheese at Aldi or Lidl. At least the ones that I frequent in Germany stock it.
moline/yvonne said…
Oh Holly! Come over here to Lueneburg and shop these things in our local supermarket - you would be surprised! Spare the shipping cost and buy a trin ticket instead!
Yvonne I have some popcorn and Kusmi Tea and Newman's over here...
Linz said…
oh WOW, that looks great. and i love jamie oliver. his food is always so beautiful, yummy-looking, and down-to-earth.
haus maus said…
Moline/Yvonne: Hi honey! Oh yes, I should do that. Esra and I are going to come visit you this Spring. I was able to pay only 2 euros for shipping and I had a coupon for 10% off the order total so the price was good for this order. But yes, next time I will come see you. :)

We have "bio" microwave popcorn in most stores here but it tastes like styrofoam. :) Sorry.

There is cheddar cheese here, I find irish cheddar and it's delicious.
Traveling Mama said…
What a treat! I am so excited for you and your wonderful discovery! Yay for fun foods and fast delivery! Hope you enjoy a wonderful and relaxing weekend!
Hausfrau said…
What a great site--thanks for sharing! Kusmi tea--yay!
Kaffiknopf said…
Ready for a little bit german? ;) Wow, besten Dank für den Hinweis zu Gormondo! Und sie haben Salsa von NEWMANNS. Seit ich dieses Jahr in New Hampshire war, habe ich Heißhunger auf ihre Mango Salsa. Und Kusmi Tee habe ich auch vor kurzem geschenkt bekommen - er schmeckt unglaublich gut.
Anonymous said…
At Lidl they have plain salted Nacho Chips, without preservatives or artificial flavours.
Jenny said…
www.foodfromhome.de also has a lot of American and English food and drinks, and they're cheaper than gourmonda!
jja said…
I buy at Gourmondo for years :-), maybe I am not sure , wehn you were seacrhing for vanilla I mentioned them too.
What great finds! I'm glad you found this Gourmondo... and in perfect timing to create a cozy weekend.
Anonymous said…
Good to know. I also hear you can somehow microwave popcorn kernels in a plain brown paper bag, if you can find the kernels.
Do you know if there are plain soft corn tortillas (like for enchiladas) available in Hannover? Or should I bring my tortilla press and some masa harina?
Me and my husband who is german miss the Broetchen. You're so lucky to have them. We finally found the breads he is use to at HEB. I hope you had a great weekend with all the goodies.
Johanna said…
Hi Holly! I've been following both HausMaus and Decor8 for a while now and I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your inspirations!
Also I wanted to let you know that at lots of "Tengelmann" supermarkets they sell cheap bunches of daffodils right now - they come in bunches of 10 for 80 cents a bunch and they look funny because they just sit in a box dry and still closed, but they open and bloom beautifully once you put them in water!
And no, I don't work for them :) I'm just a student on a budget with an appreciation for affordable flowers :)
I live in Augsburg, which is in Bayern, so if you ever come down here, let me know!

Eleanor said…
There is some good stuff on here...but I'm still looking for a way to get fresh corn tortillas over here without importing them in an extra suitcase whenever I go home (I really miss real Mexican food sometimes) Anyone have any ideas?
Juliane said…
Yeah, Gourmondo is really great. I order there from time to time because their range of goods is awesome and of high quality.
The gift packages are gorgeous. :)
k. said…
The parcel looks really nice BUT (and its a really big BUT) I think you can buy most of those things and quite a lot of others a lot cheaper and without shipping costs in SEVERAL German shops. REWE, EDEKA, dm and so on all have microwave popcorn AND the kernels as well, "natural" taco chips can be bought in every "Bioladen" (different names, I think you know what I mean) and KARSTADT usually has a good selection of american food (Hersheys, Newmans Own, Oreos,Poptarts, Campbells......)as well as HIT Supermarket (there is one in Hannover-Garbsen for example).I never ever had problems in finding different sorts of Cheddar!!! (and I live in Münster which isn't THAT big a city). For Kusmi Tea I know at least two shops over here... I sometimes wonder whether all these complaints about not finding American foods in Germany are really neccessary! No offence meant! I've lived abroad too and I know it's nice to find the things one is used to. All the best,
Claudia said…
i just came home from shopping at REWE - i was standing right in front of the "american shelf" and wondering who would buy buttered popcorn in germany ;-) I saw the exact one you got in your parcel.

There are different types of Rewe markets - smaller and larger ones. (the smaller ones only have a very limited range of goods - maybe that's why you couldn't find it?) i am pretty sure there must be one which sells microwave popcorn, "ready salted" tacos (i like those from chio) and plain soft tortillas.

i agree with k. - there are so many shops here where you can find most of the stuff you were asking for. my tip would be REAL (used to be Walmart)

nevertheless, i am sure it was a pleasure to find one shop online which sells all of it and even more fun to unpack :)
haus maus said…
Yes, I can find many of these things locally if I go to about 10 local stores and carry it all home on icy streets that are like glass here right now! But I think I'll stick to Gourmondo during the winter when I don't feel inspired to hit 10 stores. :) Plus I think the shipping was 2, Euros - so cheaper than taking the train to the stores! Though when the weather is better I love to go hunting for these things and enjoy walking around all day to find them. :)
Hmmm I need to try this KUSMI tea...I keep hearing it's so great!

Jen Ramos
Epp said…
I must say it gets easier over years. We somehow adjust ourselves to the local food.

But yes, there are still certain grocery products we also miss here (and receive in parcels from our families every now and then): 4-cereal-mixture for the morning porridge (haven't found it here!), Karlfazer chocolate (actually a Finnish brand), and oh, the most valuable of them - dark bread! :)

Greetings from Frankfurt/Main!
Oh. My. God.

They ship to Italy.


And DEFINITELY go to Lüneburg, Holly. It's my favorite small German city, hands down. Moline/Yvonne, where are you located? I wish you were there when I lived in HH. I was a one - woman Lüneburg cheerleading squad.

I even like Bardowick! :) The cathedral is so lovely there.
anna said…
Oh we have just done the same ((waiting for the big postal box to arrive)) I am dutch Swedish and my husband is British... but we are living in the South of France.... Sometimes we so miss the bits from "home".

Do enjoy all these beautiful treats!

:) Anna / Lilla Lotta
jja said…
Dear Epp, if you can find any sorts of bread somewhere, then - in Germany ;-). For cerals try custom mix of them, just make your own mix at my http://www.mymuesli.com
you can take whatever you want from over 70 organic ingredients.
CRAFtando said…
Great tip for us, ex-patriates in Germany!!!
Thank you! :)
diana said…
Oh, I relate to this! As a Dutch person living in Germany I sometimes just crave for some specific Dutch food - although the German food is perfectly fine!

Conerning the popcorn: We still do the pan version (the kids love it)- but it is probably a lot greasier.

Hope you had a yummy weekend ;)
isi said…
Hi Haus Maus,

Tip -> go to Kaufland or Handelshof you can find there microwave popcorn (sweet or salty)

greetz from Stuttgart

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