100 Things About Me

I was just reading Surfs Up Buttercup and saw her 100 Things About Me post and giggled because I imagine you would not be interested in learning 100 things about me! I'm not even all that interested! So I will spare you and just write 25 so that you don't start throwing rotten fruit at my little haus maus blog. Okay here are my 25... Some sad, some good, some great, some pathetic. 1. My middle name is Elizabeth but I want to change it to Elisabeth with an S. I don't know why. 2. I am 5'10" and have been called many a name for it in my lifetime, mostly in grade school before being tall was "cool" and "model like". I was called Amazon Woman, Giraffe, Stork, you name it. And I cried. Hard. I was the tallest kid in my class starting in kindergarten all the way through high school. Maybe that's why I'm so sensitive to the feelings of others - I took a lot of crap being tall. 3. I always wanted to be 5'7". My mother is that height and she was always perfect to me. She looked so lovely in high heels. Me, not so much. I cannot wear high heels because I walk with a wobble and though my husband is 6' and I can legally get away with 2" heels, I usually wear flats. 4. I hate clowns. 5. I have very strong opinions and in person I share them freely about everything from religion to politics and beyond. Online I share very little of them because I am quite a private person despite how it may not appear to be so. 6. I once snuck into a Broadway show because I really wanted to see Toni Braxton playing "Belle" in Beauty in the Beast. 7. I took voice lessons because I had this dream of singing on stage and nearly did when I was 24 but chickened out a week before the performance. 8. I've always wanted to write a book and handmade many as a child. 9. I've been obsessed with homes and decorating since I was 4 years old. 10. My dream is to buy a beautiful city apartment and always own a home-based business. 11. I am dying to go to Copenhagen. 12. I like spiders and snakes and all the things most girls hate. I find them strangely beautiful and fascinating. I love their many eyes and how much personality some little spiders have. 13. I love living in Germany. I feel like Hannover isn't the perfect city for me but in many ways it feels completely perfect. I battle with this but I feel like I am home. My life feels like it's just getting started in many ways. 14. I miss nothing about life in America after 7 months of living here and this sort of scares me. It also makes me realize how my home just may NOT be a physical place but actually inside of my heart. 15. I miss living near the ocean. I love the forest which is practically in my back yard, but there is nothing like smelling the salty air and collecting shells on the beach. 16. I love that I gave up my car. I don't even have a train pass. I walk everywhere and the best part is that when I moved to Germany 7 months ago I could barely climb the subway stairs without huffing and puffing and now I run up them and could easily run up 10 more flights. We have friends who live on the 4th floor of buildings, big buildings where 4 floors is like 5 or 6 floors in the states, and I run up those now too and feel great. It's amazing how you can turn your health around in just 7 months without a car. 17. I love Fettuccine Alfredo. Love. It. 18. Cafe Latte is an appetite suppressant, at least to me. I have no clue why. 19. I hate pork and lamb. Hamburgers gross me out. I like fish best, turkey next, chicken last. I love tofu. 20. I use to wear those horrible MC Hammer pants. Mine were white cotton genie pants. You can't touch that! 21. I use to speed skate and compete for prizes. I started skating at 3 years old and went a few times a week my entire childhood until I was around 15 years old. I traded my roller skates for inline skates in my early 20s and never looked back. I have great legs as result. :) 22. I want a dog. My husband wants a cat. How do you ever work this out? 23. I sometimes write for 8 hours straight without even thinking about it. I get into writing mode and that's it, I'm in deep and it's hard to snap me out of it. 24. My favorite author is Oscar Wilde. 25. My husband is the best. I remember looking up at the stars as a teenager imagining that my future boyfriend was out there somewhere waiting for me. And he really was. If everything fell apart tomorrow, I have my husband and therefore, I have it all. Whew! That's all I can manage. Do you spot anything that we share?


Anonymous said…
I was the giraffe of my class too... ^_^
Anonymous said…
"I want a dog. My husband wants a cat. How do you ever work this out?"

Easy! Either get an old cat and a young puppy, an old dog and a kitten, or a puppy and a kitten. The second option seems to work best from experience. :-)
Anonymous said…
My middle name is Elizabeth, also with a z. I am terrified of clowns. But what struck me was the comment about giving up your car and how much healthier you feel - I lived in Spain without a car, arrived feeling out of shape and sort of tired, and not only lost quite a bit of weight (without turning down anything) but felt healthier, lighter on my feet, more energized - walking 35 minutes to get somewhere was no big deal. I miss that now that I'm back in the States and walking isn't as easy, or as pleasurable. Here, we're cooped up in gyms to try to be healthier (I'm just about to join one...) but in Europe, our healthfulness is a social thing, done in the city streets every evening after dinner and throughout the day. I miss that holistic view of health.
Anonymous said…
I hate clowns too! And am also DYING to go to Copenhagen. Being 5 ft 10 " is prob better than being 5 ft 2"!! ck :) x
abby said…
I'm 5'9" and was the tallest person in my elementary and middle schools as well. Jolly Green Giant was my least favorite nickname. But today I'm glad to be tall! I usually always have a good view.
Victoria Klein said…
I'm with you on #2/3 - I am 5'10" & it still feels unnatural; especially being 4 inches taller than my husband & avoid heels regularly ... though they are still very pretty, haha. I got my height from my dad - my mum is 5'7" as well.

#7 - I still dream of making my own album and sing daily.

#8 - My passion for writing started very young as well, with articles in the local newspaper and books that I made myself, which we also learned how to do in elementary school.

#9 - When I was young, I thought about being an architect & drew floor plans obsessively.

#13 - Never been to a Hanover, but I have been to southern Germany, Austria, and norther Italy. I adore Europe with all my heart & have set a personal goal to live in Europe by 2020 & I have a feeling #14 will happen to me as well. When I visited the above 3 countries in 1999, I had zero desire to come back to the USA.

#15 - I have an uncanny passion for moving water: rivers, streams, oceans ... lakes, not so much. Living in SF, near Ocean Beach, was heaven.

#16 - Living in SF was also a joy because I didn't have to own a car. Now back in CT, I hate having a car! So expensive & lazy ... I regularly dream of the day I can get rid of it (about 2 years away).

#23 - Ah writing, there's nothing like it. Whether its blogs posts, articles, short stories, poems, or songs, I love getting into "the zone" & losing track of time.

#25 - Having someone at your side that just, well, makes you feel like half of a real whole ... there's not describing it, no matter how many words there are in the English language. I got married to my 5th-grade crush last year. :D
kim said…
to #22 - we have both. I've had the cat a long time, as I was living in "no dogs" apartments. Then we got a house with a yard, and adopted an adorable little mutt from the Humane Society. The clincher for us was having them test our pup with a cat in the room. He wasn't aggressive, so he came home with us! Sure the cat doesn't LOVE him, but she's declawed so her punches don't hurt him. And he's learned that she is boss.
lou said…
you know what is so cool holly?! that you're not going with the formspring movement. it's so nice to read random things about you that you chose to share with us. while having this class with you i sometimes imagine things (of course) so this is a nice surprise. reading that you're 5'10" reminds me of my smile when i heard about the yoga pretzel (you know what i'm talking about). thanx for sharing this.
Eva said…
I'm definitely with you in 15.!!!!
Ann Marie said…
Oh Holly, my brothers called me Amazon Ann when I was little. Not because I was tall, but because I was chubby. It broke my heart every time. Thank goodness that's over.

I also like spiders and snakes and all of nature. :)

Thanks for sharing.
Ele said…
We share #11! I've been itching to go to Copenhagen since I moved to London 3.5 years ago. I'm pretty sure this is (finally) the year though- or at least that's what I keep saying!

Oh, and dog or cat? Get both. Double the cuteness and the fun :)
Brigitte said…
"Cafe Latte is an appetite suppressant" --> Me too!

Also, I've always been tall (I'm just shy of 5'10"), but when I was a kid my nickname was Brigitte the Midget. Not only was it not nice, but it wasn't even true! Back then, I was the tallest kid in class.

Ps. I vote for the cat. But you can always have both. My cats bump noses with our neighbor's dog, and it's too cute for words.
Unknown said…
I'm 6'2 - I hear you on the tall! But it's mostly fun, except for trying to find pants. That's why I learned to sew.
Natalie said…
I visited Copenhagen several years ago and it was beautiful! You should totally make a trip up there.
Catharina said…
We definitely share #14. I moved to Austria over 7 years ago when I was 19 and after living in the US up until then (with Austrian parents). I loved my home in America, but always felt like something was missing for me and I found it when I moved. I am back in the US temporarily right now and this has really proved to me that my heart now lives in Europe.
I like this list, I love learning more about other people...I would have read 100 things, too!
Juliette said…
I'm 6'1" and was always called "Goliath" or "the Jolly Green Giant", I have always haaated JGG the most, ever, even worse that people who always made fun of my name (where's Romeo?!). Oddly enough, I always wanted to be 5'10", like my sister, because she never had pants that were too short for her. ha!

I, too, married the perfect guy for me, no matter what. i. love. him. ha, and he's also German, but shorter than me (never did I think I would marry a guy shorter than me, ever)

I also want to write a book and wrote many as a child, love living in Germany (but feel this may not my final stop, at least for now), miss living by the ocean, and we're trying to do an around-Scandinavia vacay this summer and CPH is on the short list.

oh my word, though, i hate spiders and snakes with a passion! I find German spiders to be about 18x the size of American ones, so yeah, have fun this summer and fall! =)
YYZ said…
Get a dog AND a cat. They can liv very happily in harmony and you will never be sorry once you open your life up to the wonderful love pets bring.
V said…
#7. I think you should maybe try again, just once!

#8. Me too. I'm sure a published book or three are not far away; your writing style begs for a whole book.

Thanks for sharing those little snippets of your life with us all. As for the cat/dog dilemma. We have both a cat and a dog. A dog is a real companion, they wag their tail at you and love attention all the time. A cat only likes things on their terms, they are independent and make their own decisons. I once read that Dogs come when they are called, but cats take a message and get back to you later :) Thought that really summed them up :)

All things nice...
jja said…
I was also the tallest one in my class. I somehow always thought you are a vegetarian.

And yes, why not having both - cat and a dog. It works!
Thea said…
Loved reading this. I hate clowns too and was terrified of them as a child and they're NOT funny.
Buy a dog and call her Cat ;)
Mariss said…
I love learning more about you, Holly :)

I say you get a dog AND a cat! They'll love each other!

I also hate clowns. ugh!
Laura Evans said…
i love learning the random & unique things about a person that make them who they are!
julie said…
I like spiders too, (although the really big ones kind of scare me) especially the little money spider who hops around on our dining chairs. So cute. I don't like to spray the house with insect spray, partly because I don't want to kill them and partly because I hate chemicals in my home, so we have quite a few spider friends :)
Bee Designs said…
Love number 20, the answer to 22 is get both and 25 is just beautiful.
Anonymous said…
Well, dear Holly, my birthday is in a few weeks and I have to say, your mention of my blog here truly serves as my super thrilling-giggle worthy birthday gift. Honestly, thank you. I've admired you and enjoyed your blogs for years (& Twitter) and it just "tops the cake"-yes, I'm dorky like that.

I'm so glad you did these 25 things...hope you do more. I know you think "who would care?" but as you read from your comments it really opens you up to folks and simple things they have in common with you and for those of us who so admire you, it's just fun to read these "interesting bits." I loved reading everyone's comments here as much as your list.

Of course your "spiders with personalities" thing kind of freaks me out though... :o)
Anonymous said…
Best solution for the dog/cat debate if you must choose only one: Small dog. Like... under 10 pounds.

I know Chihuahuas have a bad rap from many, but my experience has been nothing but awesome. She is quiet, friendly, sleeps about 20 hours a day but will wake up and play games and fetch the second you want her to, is so clean, portable.... I could go on.

Anyway, cat people seem to love her, and dog people do too (as long as they aren't breedists!). ;P

So glad to hear you are at home in Hannover. Sounds wonderful!
alex t said…
Keep going, 25 more! I bought your Apartment Therapy book last year when you were cleaning house!
I love that you don't miss anything about America...my husband is German and I am wishing that somehow we could relocate to Germany - though I too would miss the ocean..
Melissa A said…
Love those MC Hamma pants. I live real close to Seattle. I have visited many places and lived in Colorado for a year,but would never want to live that far away from the coast again. I love the sea air too. I have two little dogs and they are like family to us. They are so loyal. I have friends who have cats, and while they are nice, they just aren't the same as a dog and you can't walk 'em.
Amanda said…
Love your list Holly :) I really like your #14 - even though I love my little house and can't stand the thought of not living here, I think this is very true. How lovely that you can walk everywhere without the need for transport and even better that your fitness has improved because of it! As for #22, how about one of each :) Thanks for sharing your 25!! x
cary said…
Triple tall soy cap is my drink and if I don't have it- I will eat all day long.I am totally wondering about your political beliefs.Hmmm...hoping you are a big mouthed liberal broad type.
I say i am 5'8 when i am really... 5'9. I also was the tallest in my class all through school. I was 5'7 by the age of 12-13. I also do not wear heels.. but really wish i could! I can totally relate to you on that.

Suzanne said…
loved reading this! what a neat way to get to know you a bit better :)

i have absolutely nothing in common with you. case in point - i'm super short, i don't mind clowns, i HATE spiders and cheeseburgers are my favourite :)
jebcat said…
Hi Holly,

I'm 1,78 m tall, too - just as my dad. My mom is 1,83 m (6 feet) tall, so I never felt awkward about it. And here in Germany it is not so unusual - I don't remember being teased about it. High-heels are out of the question for me, too, though moderate heels are OK with me.

Regarding cats 'n' dogs:
Dogs have owners, cats have staff.
I found the cat part very true (never had a dog)...

Loved to get to know you a little more!

xox jebcat
Jane said…
Being tall as a grown-up is great!One more reason for you to love Copenhagen - the Danes are tall too. And I like that you like Oscar Wilde - I think that says probably more about you than the other 24 things.
Katrin said…
Get both, a dog and a cat and let THEM fight it out! ;)

I love lists like this and actually did a similar one, after you’ve been talking about lists in the BYW class.

I spotted some things we share:

We both moved countries at about the same time. You moved to Germany, where your husband comes from, I moved from Germany to England, where my partner comes from.

I also work from home, have no car, love homes and decorating, used to make books and draw floor plans of the house of my dreams when I was a child.

I enjoyed reading your list, seems you are a really likeable person.
rachael a said…
i wish i could be no. 16. we live in a place where you simply have to have a car. someday. :) wonderful to be able to get to all sorts of beautiful places so close to home.
Oh, Holly....you are so dear. Thank you for sharing all of this with us, I could have read even more! :) I was always taller than everyone too, it sucked at the time(way before it was glamorous & cool to be tall), I don't like clowns either( not at all), I am not afraid of spiders or snakes either ( although I don't want any as pets either :),I love what you said about your home being in your heart & about your husband. I feel exactly the same way. As long as my hubby & girls are with me...I am home. I can see why it might scare you to not miss anything but, I think you are clearly on the right path for you and that is so wonderful. I loved getting to know more about you sweet Holly~
GOSIA said…
Copenhagen + Fettucine:))
I am from Hamburg but have been living in L.A. now for nearly 18 years. i missed many things for many years about living in Germany. So, 2 years ago i convinced my husband to move back (he is British). Unfortunatley in our case it didn't work out and we are back in the States...

My dream has always been writing a book and i have made many attempts.

#22: get a dog and a cat!
kyndra said…
I've also been obsessed with homes and decorating since I was a wee lass. When I was 5 or 6, my mom bought me a dollhouse. I would spend hours and hours decorating it and making furnishings. I never played with the dolls in it. Not once. Just spent all my time making their bedding and rearranging the living room. Oh and I also agree with you on numbers 4, 10, and 18 :)
Laura said…
In 9th grade I was 5'9 and weighed 105 lbs. My nicknames were bean pole, stretch, too tall Jones, Amazon, Long Legged Lizzie, etc. I, too, cried.

I wrote books as a child and teen and bound them with dental and embroidery floss.

I had a pair of white Hammer pants!!! I wore them in 7th grade and was told by a 9th grader that she wanted to beat me up because of my Hammer pants.
Ha! BUT seriously, I have ONE question...How many words per minute do you type??

Jen Ramos
Hmmmm....tall? Yeah, got it! 5'11" praise the Lord for my 6'2" Hubby!

#5...have always wondered on that one. Must be difficult for you to divide...not saying it's good or bad...just pondering on that one myself. I guess as long as you're (meaning anyone, not you specifically) not being fake, then I suppose leaving personal feelings out of it (meaning your blog) to spare others...well it's ok...I think. See what I mean? This one is really difficult for me. Feeling your pain on this one.

Lots of other similarites...but don't want to bore you. Thanks for sharing...has gotten me thinking about my next blog post idea! :o)
Unknown said…
i am with you on #13, #14 sort of, #15 and #16. i love living in germany, and as a fellow american expat, i can relate. i'm a little terrified that my husband and i will have to move back to san francisco at the end of this year, after 3 and 1/2 in heidelberg. i feel like heidelberg isn't ideal for me sometimes. that it's too small. but despite that, it is so beautiful. and i love my friends who come from all over the world. we have an amazing community here. i'm scared that i will totally lose my german. which isn't even that great to begin with. we live on the top floor, too. and once you get inside our place we have too more floors of steps to go up. i huff and puff up them all the time, usually caring bags of vegetables, wine, bread, cheese, flowers from the farmers market that is practically right outside my door 2 times a week. i gave up my car in san francisco, but i've never looked back. we ride bicycles now instead of muni buses and it is so much nicer. and healthier. in fact i'm not legally allowed to drive anywhere now...which isn't something to be proud of, but that is how long it's been since i've relied on a car. i really enjoy reading your blog, and it makes me wish i had written more about living abroad when i first moved here. if you feel like it, i have a photo blog here: http://www.hausfraufotografie.com/blog.
thanks, holly
I'd love to go to Copenhagen, too!
Anonymous said…
Ok, jump on a train THIS WKD or next and just go to Copenhagen! It's so close really, and you can always go back again when you have more time, but at least a wkd will give you a little taste ;)
Lisa said…
Hi Holly! Tina over at Traveling Mama turned my on to your blog as my husband and I are currently preparing to move to Hannover ourselves! It is so wonderful to be able to get a first hand glimpse of your experience there and has definitely helped me get excited for our move! I look forward to reading more!
Amanda Wright said…
I'm also 5'10" and was also mocked mercilessly for being tall growing up. I refuse to deny myself cute shoes because of my height! My husband is 6'2" and a few pairs of my shoes make me taller than him.
Alla said…
clowns - I hate clowns, too! :-)
Sondra said…
Hi Holly,
Great read!!!! Loved your list! Re: the cat/dog issue. We have had both and many at one time for years. They both have such different personalitis and bring so much to a home and your life......Go for it! Get both, if you get babies, they will grow up together.......Love the blog and hearing about life in Germany! It was interesting the you said you didn't miss a lot in the US, no surprise. Enjoy your new life there.....at least we can all still read your blogs online.....best to you, Sondra
4. clowns-hate 'em
5. strong opinions- would love to hear yours- maybe in a new secret blog.
8. handmade books as a child- posted one on my blog. (banaedesigns.blogspot.com-Oct. 2009)
9. got to choose the upholstery for a chair when I was about 10. Assumed I was a decorator. Still have the chair-I was not a decorator!
12. like spiders and snakes-and any animal or bug (not as pets!)
17. love Fettucine Alfredo
22. get both!
Loved reading your list. It should be required for all blogs!!!
The cafe latte as an appetite suppresant is totally me! I actually just had one for dinner! : ) hehehe!! Don't like clowns either. Eeeek! Singing lessons? Yep... did that. Um... shamefully... I too had white MC Hammer pants. : )
jja said…
Could you please help me, how big is this bag in cm?

Thank you for your help! :-)
I loved your posting and many things struck me as wow that's like me, I too am private but yet blog everyday, I have no problem announcing things on twitter to complete strangers but are much more guarded on FB or with my family, besides my husband and daughter, I also am envious that you live outside of the states, what an adventure and I agree it's not about where you live but who you live with and that is truly home! You writing is always enjoyable and always brings a smile, thanks for sharing!
Anonymous said…
Thank you for sharing - I didn't think any of these are lame. I really enjoy reading stuff like this about “blog people”, it make you more real.
1. My original name was Tatjana and I changed it to Tatyana (so people could pronounce it properly) and now I regret it. I feel like someone in a witness protection program with a fake name.
2. I was always the shortest and smallest kid in my class (despite the fact that my whole family is 6’+) and had to sit on my backpack for the 1st 5 years so I could see the blackboard in class.
4. I hate clowns, too (even more after seeing "It").
9. I made houses of left-over wood in my uncle's wood shop and drew floor plans and furniture designs since I can remember.
17. I love Fettuccine Alfredo!
22. Same here – I think we will have to get both. When I’m done with school my present to myself is a Hungarian Vizsla that I plan on naming Tesla (like the scientist).
Anonymous said…
Oscar Wild rules!

I'm 5'74"
Anonymous said…
I vote for the dog! :-) When I was young they scared me ... today I cannot imagine anymore why. I´m absolutely in love with my two golden retriever - labrador retriever mixes ... I only own a motorcycle, however with my lovely dogs I also improved my health and now I love it going for a walk with them.
Laura said…
I am 6' tall and it took until my very late teenage years/early 20s before I was comfortable with it. The comment I hated most from people, was 'wow, you're tall'. Duh!

I also love all the walking we do here in germany (also biking).

This northern california girl also misses the ocean.
Unknown said…
you're right. EliSabeth is nicer than EliZabeth. that's weird.
Unknown said…
#12 & #22 - Amen, sister! :-)
Hate clowns, totally with you on the caffe latte and I love the fact that I live just a half hour train ride from wonderful Copenhagen. Let me know when you get there - have some shopping tips for you and maybe we can meet up for lattes ;)
ieva said…
Holly, we have a cat and a dog, so i can assure you it's more than possible :) and we live in 68 m2 apartment. An attic apartment :) Pets and us are very happy :)

we live a "few steps" from copenhagen-in the old and beautiful town of Elsinore ( helsingør ) with the beautiful castle of Hamlet, so when you'll finally come here, drop us a line, we'll show you lots of beauty ;)
Dear Holly

I love your list. We have 4,9,11 in common. I think you already have the home-based business down.
Anonymous said…
So fun to get to know you better - when are you posting the next 25?

Fettuccine Alfredo? YES PLEASE!
I was always the shortest in class and was SO jealous of the tall girls! Oddly enough all my best friends were tall.

Ok, you have GOT to visit CPH after June so I can take you to coffee or something- if you have time, of course! Then again, they have really nice apartments in CPH with AMAZING wood floors (no crappy plastic ones!) and it happens to be by the ocean! So, maybe destiny is calling, "move to DK!" :-)

I'm with you about walking everywhere. I miss it SO much! We have to drive 10 minutes JUST to get to the grocery store right now! I HATE it! It takes FOREVER to get anything done because I spend more time driving places than I do in my own bed.
Unknown said…
Love all, especially the fact that you are strong in your opinions and not so open about it in the blogs....reminds me of myself....and the clowns, hate them too...
Love your attitude to living and your passion for what you're doing!
Your love for your husband and when all would be lost you still have him!

So sweet and smart!

Hang in there, you'll come across the place for you soon!
Emma said…
I used to do exactly the same thing thinking as I walked down the street - did I just pass my prince charming? Turns out I did, we went to school together but I'd never seen or spoken to him (big school).
My #1 baby girl name is Elisabeth - only with an s. I'm scared she would be called Lizzie though.
I am also dying to go to Copenhagen. Aussie Princess Mary is my idol.
I also totally am feeling that home truly is where the heart is. I used to think nowhere but where I grew up could be home, but I've come to discover that wherever my partner is and we're together and doing things with our lives that make us happy and fulfilled is where our home is.
Lattes def = appetite suppressant. Period.
I've never been ice-skating and I can't imagine not eating lamb and beef, grew up on a prime lamb property and now manage a genetic beef property.
That's all! Have a lovely weekend xxx
I just came across this old post of yours and really enjoyed reading it! I had no idea you are a tall girl - so am I! ;-) Thank you for all your inspiration Holly! xx

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