Moving On!

I've made a firm decision. I'm going to look for a place that has a lower monthly overhead and is a little less "fancy". I still want to live in an old building around the turn of the century (1900s), but I'm not going to pay over 1,000 Euros a month cold for it. I don't think it would prove my creativity or my ability to transform anything if I go out and take the top of the line apartment because how creative do you need to be to make it nice?

They are blooming!

My current place is a newer building, most of my friends would not live in a newer building - these apartments are so "basic" and "boring" lacking any character. I gave this apartment character. And it is too small for us but I still love coming home at night because this apartment has my personality ingrained into it because I've decorated it in a very authentic way. But once I cross over 1,100 Euros per month for the base rent, and then tack on the extras like heat and hallway cleaning, hot water, etc. that means in dollars I'm paying well over $2,000 USD per month and though I can live "large" here for that, and I can afford it, I've asked myself lately DO I WANT TO AFFORD IT? Do I want to watch $24,000 dollars a year slip out of my bank account for something I am not invested in when I want to travel and work on my book and invest my time and energy into living my life not racking up bills and paying them all over again? So now... I'm daring myself and challenging myself to stretch my dollar here. I'm simply NOT going to give in to my emotions and I'm going to look for a place that is between 650-1,050 per month. And I'm not crossing the line or else I'll simply stay in my current one bedroom apartment and I'll eventually buy a place if we decide to stay in Hannover long term. I want to dare myself to find a great place with good bones that may need a little renovating or love... or that isn't "posh" and make it into my home just like I did with our current little nest. And I am sticking to my top five list and I'm not budging. I am determined. It needs to be in an old building, I need a tub, a balcony, wood floors and high ceilings. I am making an appointment to see another place this week, and we're calling around and pushing forward. I want what I want on MY terms. I have larger goals set for myself that do not include renting forever, so I'm sticking to my guns. Well I'm off to a little antiques and "junk" market so I'll see you sometime this week with more updates on our search. :) P.S. My white Narcissus "Bridal Crown" are blooming. Aren't they lovely? (image: holly becker for haus maus)


Frau Mayer said…
Sounds very reasonable.
I'm with you when it comes to paying crazy amounts of money for what you actually don't own and I'm definitely going to own some lovely place in or around Hanover one day. So why waste money?
And you do have that advantage of knowing who you want to spend the rest of your life with!
iva yaneva said…
I think you've made the right decision! Not that it matters what I or anyone else think as long as it feels right for you, but I do believe that is very mature. Plus you really did an amazing job with your current apartment so I have no doubt you will make your next one at least as lovely as this one:)

good luck with the search and I hope this time you have more success! xo
Karen said…
Your plan sounds reasonable to me and I have the feeling something good will come up!

I keep my fingers crossed for you. And as you say: Your current home is a lovely one (even if it lacks certain "features) and there is no need to pressure yourself!
Isa said…
I see you've already picked up on the German mentality of no-waste! "Sparen" - always a good idea, in my humble (German) opinion! :)
frauheuberg said…
so i can feel with you, holly...I have already met such a decision with regard to rent an was perfect...a wonderful place with all the things I've liked...;)...but to much expensive for our i feel sad the first moment, but then I knew that I just must to feel in my heart that it is the right ..and it must be I believe quite firmly and there will come to you exactly what is waiting just for you...a big hug...and enjoy your sunday...and by the way...a magical spring greeting...;)...cheers...;)...
Stina said…
I so agree, Holly! You can turn the ugliest, most boring apartment into something beautiful. What challenge is there in a perfect apartment? ;-) And I think it's a good decision to go down with the rent limit a bit. Even if you can afford it, it's frustrating to see so much money drain away every month. I heard the recommendation that you shouldn't spend more than 1/3 of your monthly income on rent as a general rule. (Which limits my choices to sharing apartments with roommates, but hey. ;) )
*a* said…
Too funny. I'm moving to Germany in about 2 months and have been struggling with some of the same issues you've been posting about. I finally decided last night that I don't need a sprawling place. That besides the extra monthly expenses, I don't want to spend the money (and time) needed to decorate a much bigger place. Especially since I know I won't live there forever.

I've lowered my budget considerably and have also decided to not budge on the things that really matter to me.
I think your decision is appropriate and really allows your creativity to shine. You new place will really show your personality and be "you" rather than showing off all the extras that you are paying for. Just think of the fun you could have filling it with your creative energy in items that you can keep and that will move to your next place with you!
Vanessa said…
Hear hear! The freedom that comes from money you DON'T have locked up in housing is priceless.
opera glass said…
Hi Holly, This is my first post on this blog, but I am a longtime decor8 reader. As someone who used to live in Germany (Ulm) I have been following this blog with a lot of interest recently. I just wanted to chime in and say I think you have made a very prudent decision. I love what you have done with your current apartment and I know you can work your magic elsewhere without breaking the bank! Besides, with Europe at your fingertips it's so much nicer to have a little extra money for travel, no?
Donna Vitan said…
Its' very beautiful that you're staying practical and wise about this. I think you'll make a lovely home, not just paying for something more. Cheers!
Laura said…
ok, sounds like a good plan!

The flowers look lovely, remind me that spring is coming (sometime???) It's so cold and icy here in the Stuttgart area...
Holly, this is a very challenging thing for you, I can tell. I've made the mistake of "over-living" and I think you would detest it as I did. Having something that is not perfect will challenge you to be sure, however any thing you do will be an improvement...and that will be satisfying. I think you are very wise in this decision, and I must say it's an inspiration to us all. Just think of what you will be able to do with the extra funds.....and how much further you will be ahead when you do decide to purchase your dream home. Best wishes! Keep us posted! :o)
don't settle for anything but what you want...that was the attitude I took on last year during my apartment hunt and my husband and I found the best place. It might not have been perfect, but once I put on my touch on it, it feels like home. Everyone that comes over tells me "homey" and "warm" it feels, hearing that makes my heart smile! Can't wait to hear when you find your perfect, less-than- perfect place. Happy home hunting!
Ps. I may just be a naive little american girl, but what is hallway cleaning?
Sarah said…
I hate to say this, but, I think your plan to stay put now and save for later is the best. Why leave? you have already given at least 2 reasons why you love where you love it and it has your stamp on it. Sometimes, we think we want something and can't see what is right in front of us, that is just great and it works. The grass is not always greener, as I've learned many times now. Money in the pocket is better now, than down the drain. I hope this helps and its probably easy for me to say. But, I know its fun looking!
Sarah said…
I should add to my last comment that if you want to buy later, why not stay put and just save. Especially if you love it!
Epp said…
I think it's a wise decision to look for something a little less fancy and expensive, especially since you are renting. I'm sure you'll manage to make any place nice and cosy. No doubt of that!

And guess who bought the SAME cute pot of mini daffodils from Rewe on Saturday night?! They are great! Although ours are not blossoming yet... :)
lou said…
good morning holly. you're so right. finding the right place is a challenge and here in germany a beautiful place is mostly linked to exaggerated renting prices. when you are able to pay 1500€ a month you should rather buy and most probably you will pay less.
don't let the search discourage you. you'll find the right place!
have a great week!
Anita Dore said…
right on! my husband and i downsized from a very beautiful large but EXPENSIVE apt last fall and we have never looked back. plus, getting a new place that needs some TLC and your vision could provide more fun blog material! Especially in this economy when so many of us are looking for ways to cut back. It would be very inspiring to see someone create a beautiful haven from something that doesn't cost so much. GOOD LUCK!
Such a good decision, full of good reasons ! You made my day, dear !
I also rent a cold-white-lifeless but large appartment in the center of Paris. I did not like it and didn't decorate it during first months.
But then, I realized that I'm saving a lot of money thanks to this flat (rent is 500 euros, no more! 55 m² !) so I decided to invest little money on decorating it and looking for great ideas... I went on decor 8.

And here on Haus Maus I can see you're just thinking the same thing... you're my mentor, Holly !
Very wise decision! And that plant is just beautiful :)
Emma Rivera said…
I agree with you, here in Europe rents are really expensive. We are so lucky because we found a three bedrooms apartament in the Eixample in Barcelona for 685 € in a Modernist building. Good luck !!!
Anonymous said…
Here in Europe rents are really expensive. We are so lucky because we found a three bedrooms apartament in the Eixample in Barcelona for 685 € in a Modernist building.
Love your stubborness!!
and what i really love, is that you are "daring" yourself...what a refreshing outlook, Holly.
So positive, and refreshing, and healthy.
You'll get what your searching for. You have the right attitude. :)
jja said…
"My current place is a newer building, most of my friends would not live in a newer building - these apartments are so "basic" and "boring" lacking any character. I gave this apartment character."

I would live (and do live now) in a place like this. After having problems with heating, water, pipes, old windows (from a fancy old apartment, uneven floor and places also have some advantages: they cost less energy, maybe have floor heating, new windows, new bathroom

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