House Hunt: Update

Our next appointment to view an apartment is on Tuesday afternoon. I promise to report on it, and share some photos. Until then, I thought I'd share my revised apartment wish list with you.


alix said…

you are brilliant. haha.

crossing my fingers!! it's fun coming along the hunt with you!!
Suzanne said…
oh no :(
not going well?

good luck on tuesday!
Nicole said…
Oh no! I was so looking forward to seeing this dream apartment. What happened?!
→lisa said…
Oh dear!

So, ceiling and doors are negotiable? Heh heh.

Sounds like your uphill battle just got uphillier. Hang in there, Holly!
Unknown said…
Oops, sorry about the first comment! I mean to say:

Is it difficult to find the items on your original wish list? I really liked your list, but I see the essentials are most important. :)

(google chrome on mac won't let me comment so i had to transfer to safari and by doing so, i accidentally copy and pasted your site address.)
April said…
LOL!!! Oh honey I feel for you. We were in Germany for 3 years with the military and it was pretty hysterical when we were house hunting just to rent! If you get frustrated and want to chat with someone who totally understands, let me know. We lived around the Spangdahlem area. And rented a large house in Altrich, outside of Wittlich. Hang in there!
Karine Ardault said…
Hi Holly, this just reminds me of my house hunting when I arrived in Tanzania in 2005... I quickly lowered some expectations and my list of requirements was somewhat shorter... Indeed I have walls, roof (can be leaking though), garden... for the rest not everything is there at the same time :-)
Desiree said…
Ha! This just made me giggle so hard I snorted!
Best wishes on your home hunting!
Unknown said…
Wow what a modest list ;-) I am sure you will find the right appartment soon. It isn't wrong to dream about it though.
Schönes Wochenende!
Mel said…
LOL! Reality bites.
Good luck Holly!
sheppy said…
I just wanted to thank you for sharing your house hunting adventures with us; you inspired me to go hunting as well and I got the first apartment I looked at!

I hope your search ends soon and happily, but look forward to reading more posts as it goes on!
Petra said…
*hhhhhhhhh* this could be my apartment wish list for morocco, too...if I don´t want to live in a berber tent... ;-) ;-)
Stephanie Kim said…
simplification is always good ;)
Frau Mayer said…
I sense some desperation - and you haven't even viewed ten so far! Don't give up too early, Holly :)
haus maus said…
Oh no worries... I'm being cheeky, funny... you know like joking around. I'm not giving up, trust me!!!! :) My dream apartment IS out there, I know it.
Anonymous said…
Yes, well, welcome to Hannover, I guess. ;-) Don't give up, I'll keep my fingers crossed!
Bee Designs said…
Now come on, I think that's just greedy!
nicole said…
I hope you find it... I know it can be so exhausting, but maybe now you've lowered your expectations- you will find exactly what you're looking for!!
Brigitte said…
Don't give up on your wish list so soon! One thing that helped me when I was condo-hunting was splitting my wish list between "must-haves" and "nice-to-haves." So while I wouldn't compromise on two bedrooms, area large enough for a proper dining room table, I was willing to let a fireplace and gorgeous woodwork go.

The one compromise I wish I hadn't made...we don't get very much natural light. But now I've painted my living room and kitchen a sunny yellow, and it helps immensely!
Jules said…
:) I take it you've decided to modify your expectations? This was too funny!
Jackie said…
LOL! my poor girl :D
vanessa joie said…
Aww you'll find something perfect I'm sure.
Sara said…
i went through the same thing apartment hunting in Geneva, Switzerland. The vacancy rate is around 0.2% (not a typo) so pretty much everything went the first day no matter what it looked like. But still everyone manages to find a place to live, so hang in there!
moline said…
Don't give up your wish list!
Anonymous said…
I´m sure: when you see YOUR apartment, you know instantly! It just happened to me recently and I knew at once, that this was the perfect one!

Good luck with your hunt!

By the way: Your blog is so georgeous and inspiring! I loved it from the frist moment! Thank you so much!

Monica said…
Should make things a bit easier! :D

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