Can This Be Real?

So we saw a few more properties on Sunday, all were quite nice but nah... not "the" ones. Feeling downhearted, I sat here surfing the online ads and came across one and you won't believe it.

Commission by Michelle Caplan

It is in the building that my husband's family once owned and is the building where his mother and cousins and even where his grandmother was raised. The same building. I cannot even believe it. I'm sitting here baffled. I have been going into this building's courtyard since I met my husband in 1999, every time I came to Hannover each year since, I would sneak into the back of the house into the courtyard to admire the house. In the center of the courtyard is a large workshop. It was the one his grandmother worked in with her mother for years and years and years. And that workshop, which was once her dry cleaning business, is vacant and used as storage but is still within this courtyard. And you know what... the building with an apartment free overlooks the workshop. I'm feeling a little emotional about all of this. I think it's hormones. But I sat here for the past hour wondering if perhaps this could be a place for us - if there is not much competition for it, or if there is, I wonder if the universe wants us to live there. I wonder if I'll like it. It was once belonging to the family. And who knows, maybe if we live there we'll get to fulfill a part of my husband's dream as we used to walk, hand in hand, when we dated and he'd look up at the house and say, "One day I will buy that house back." Renting is the next best thing. I feel a bit childlike revealing so much to you, you must think I'm silly but for me, where I live and the whole emotional connection to home is a very deep ocean. Look at what I do for a living? Of course I put the greatest emphasis on my interior, not just aesthetics as that is only part of decorating, but the emotional connection, the family life, all senses are engaged when you are at home so there is much more to a happy home than how pretty you've made it. The very thought of living there, with a balcony overlooking her little workshop moves me so greatly I cannot really put it into words... But I know this: we're going to see this apartment tomorrow. If it is meant to be, it will. If not, at least I got the chance to see the interior of the home where so many family memories were made and that means something -- I've ALWAYS wanted to see the inside of this place and finally, I will. Yay! And it's empty so I am definitely bringing my camera and photographing it! (photo: holly becker - here is my husband's mother as a baby in the arms of her parents, his grandparents, whom he loved deeply. This is a poem he dedicated to his grandfather on his blog today, so very touching. And if you look at this, just below the baby, you see part of house in the image. That is his grandmother's shop. I photographed it and had it put into this mixed media collage for him as an anniversary present in 2006, commissioned by Michelle Caplan)


Arabella said…
Not silly at all: a place you love and a place that loves you back. You might just have found it.
However it works out, you know when you get there.
I can only imagine how your husband must be feeling right now.
All the best.
i have goosebumps reading your entry...
Katherine said…
Wow, this all feels so kismet...even if just to be able to go into it & see it, like you said. Hoping good things & a sense of knowing once you see it!
Anonymous said…
What a great sign!

My parents had a similar situation, they looked for months for a place to live after they sold their house and were down to 2days before they had to move out, with no where to go.

The last place they looked at had been the home my father had grown up in, and they took it on the spot!

Hope you have the same good luck :)
Unknown said…
This is not silly at all. Have you read Alain de Botton's Architecture of Happiness? One of my favourite books. He writes about how our surroundings make us feel and act. I am very much influenced by my surroundings. I only go for walks in certain areas past certain land features and buildings because they lift me every single time I walk past.
frauheuberg said…
unbelievable to read...that´s life...really, really...crazy...tomorrow I firmly believe in you two...I think that it is for every human being in live a plan ... and that is making things come as they have to whatever it proceeds, it will certainly be an unforgettable feeling...;) have a "unforgettable day"...good night...and sweet dreams...;)...
Heidi Jo said…
How wonderful, Holly. It sounds just perfect, but even if it has only come to be so that you can go inside, it will be special. I can't wait to find out how it goes.
Kristy said…
That is SO cool! I hope this one works out! The nostalgia...I really hope this one works out. =)
Kristina said…
How can you not be emotional about it? This is such a sweet story and you have the best outlook about the whole thing. You might have been heartbroken right now if you had seen this apartment for rent but had already signed a lease on another place. I know this may come off sounding a bit airy fairy, but I firmly believe the universe always knows what's best, we just have to listen. Good luck Holly!
Josephine said…
That's so cool! I love it when the thing we've been looking for has been right under our noses all along!

Good luck and whatever happens, I know it will be for the best.
glitzkrieg said…
The best of luck to you two! I hope it's perfect in every way and that they're dying to give it to you because, well, it's fate.

Fingers crossed!
Kathleen said…
So amazing! I can't wait to hear how the visit goes tomorrow...
Brigitte said…
Oh, Holly! I so hope this dream is realized for you.
san said…
Wow, that would be amazing. Maybe it's meant to be... keep us posted!!
Stratos Bacalis said…
I wish you get it and live there - and that you get that workshop and use it as your work base!
Danielle said…
Oh Holly, I really hope its the one for you xx

Does emotional sway go anywhere in the local community, could you possibly tell the estate agent your story to help you along the way.

Good luck xx
Unknown said…
Holly I got the tingles just reading this post!! I'm hoping and wishing and praying for you that this is THE one and that it's perfect and you are able to snatch it up!!
Anonymous said…
Amazing! What a beautiful synchronicity. Even if it doesn't end up being the place for you, it was surely destiny that an apartment opened up while you were looking.
Georgianna said…
An amazing post, Holly. The emotional and family connections to a home are priceless. I think that, no matter what happens tomorrow, the fact that you have this connection with the house is incredible. And thank you for linking to Thorsten's post. His blog is always a very special place for me to visit. He is quite a brilliant poet. xo Georgianna
Sarah said…
Best of luck Holly! You are so right... if it's meant to be then it will happen. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Either way, can't wait to see the pictures. I've really enjoyed following along on this home-hunting journey.
Christina said…
I'm crossing my fingers for you so that luck will be on your both sides that day.
Anonymous said…
Perhaps this is why nothing else has fit? This was waiting for you!
I hope it works out.
It is so clear that you are claiming it as your very own.
It may be them calling you closer.

Choose for you to belong there.
Linz said…
fate has spoken.
Sugar said…
That is amazing. I am crossing my fingers for you!!
Vanessa said…
I actually got chills reading your post. This is SO COOL... I hope it is meant to be!
Emily said…
I don't think you're being silly at all. This is exactly the kind of thing that would tug on my heartstrings if I were in your place. I wish you luck and hope that the house is all that you are looking for!
Yasmine said…
...everything happens for a reason...hope you finally enter the door of your new apartment!
inkala images said…
Fate is such a wonderful thing.

I so enjoy reading your blogs. Sharing your 'adventure' reminds me of my childhood spent in Borneo and then the Solomon Islands - both worlds away from my native New Zealand. How these cultures and the diversity influence not only our homes but our outlook on life is timeless and priceless.

Savour every moment and devour the many delights as I know you will.

Ingrid x
Amanda said…
Oh Holly I've got goosebumps reading your post! What a lovely coincedence and as you say if things are meant to be, they will happen. I hope the interior of this apartment gives you the same lovely vibes. What a lovely gift the collage you gave your husband was!
chiaroscuro said…
Ich halte dir alle Daumen und die meiner Freunde! Viel Glück, es klingt traumhaft!
Juliette said…
oh my worrrrd! how ridiculously cool that you'll get to go inside!!

How amazing would it be if you really liked it, too?!

In general, renting can be a great step...towards owning! I can't tell you how many different places I've lived alone, or with my parents, where the landlord has offered to sell to us directly. We've even pipe-dreamed about making an offer on where we live now b/c of what we know about the owner of our building, etc. I think that's good to know in general, but if you ended up renting this place, it may not be such a huge leap for Thorsten to fulfill his dream!

so exciting!
Rosalind said…
Oh my goodness I so want it for you! Success for your viewing - I hope you get the house. Looking forward to an update.
Helena said…
This is just beautiful and life can be so amazing!
Wish you luck, luck and luck!
julie said…
best of luck, I hope it's beautiful, perfect and...yours!
Annie said…
That's incredible, Holly! My husband & I went house hunting a few weeks ago and the house we ended up bidding on has very specific and personal significance, not unlike your experience! Hope the whole process goes smoothly for you!
OH wow, that's amazing! Good luck!
Oh how beautiful Holly! I cannot wait to hear how it went, it sounds meant to be doesn't it?! So exciting! You know, it isn't silly at ALL. I feel exactly the same way about my home. It IS me. Extremely personal and loved. I am so glad you feel that way too, maybe that is why, whenever I see photos from your home it always makes me wish I could visit & have a meal with you, drink some tea and just laugh and catch up. That to me, is a perfect home.
Thea said…
*shivers* Good luck!

What a lovely story, its like a fairytale with the happy ever after ending which I'm sure will come soon :) And remember you can dream, create and design the most wonderful place in the world, but it requires people to make the dream a reality :) Can't wait to see your post on it :)

All things nice...
Rita Vindedzis said…
Wow, incredible how the universe works!! I agree with your feelings about "home" and all the emotional connections there are with it. I still to this day dream about the house my parents had when I was 8-14 yrs. old. In my dream I'm walking through the house and can see all the rooms just as I remember them. I'd really like to go back and see it today.

We too are house/condo hunting now and it really is an emotional time. It's happy yet stressful. I hope you find the home of your dreams.
Kelly said…
Thanks for sharing this, Holly. My husband and I have been on a roller-coaster of sorts for the past several years with where we should be living. The hunger to create a home is so deeply personal - I am here nodding in agreement. I think there is an element of timing as well as place that I am only now beginning to appreciate. Best of luck with your search.
Peggy said…
Dearest Holly! I was so moved by this post! I've been sharing in your German adventure from the beginning and I definitely think something cosmic is at work here.

Please, please take pictures even if you decide not to take the apartment. I am beyond curious to see the place, the courtyard and the sweet workshop!

Thanks for sharing - can't wait to check your blog tomorrow!
Phillippa said…
I think I'm half with you, I don't believe the universe or kismet is making the choice for you but I know how a heart can need to feel something special about a place, empty houses are so cold and don't inspire the imagination often having a story or history can help us to attach to a home.Also being able to visualize our future is so special too, in helping us to connect and then its so hard to separate ourselves ever from that place. Last year we were renting my dream farmhouse and lost it in a fire, I miss the house like a friend and if I one a million tommorow I would spend it all rebuilding that farmhouse to capture back my history. So I hope it all goes well, and I can't wait to find out how it goes for you!
Unknown said…
I think it's a beautiful thing and it's obvious your heart thinks so too. I think you'll know for sure if it's meant to be when you walk across the threshold.
Laurie said…
Holly! You said you and your husband use your intuition and get all cosmic- I believe this is cosmic. Whether or not you take the place, it was meant that you both should go inside and experience it. It would not have happened if you had already found a place. This is no coincidence. I am happy for you- for all that you are experiencing on your journey. Hannover wants you! The List wants you! Laurie
Karen said…
Your words touched me, I understand how you feel. Wait and see what is meant to be...
Eeek, Holly! What happened?

Thinking of you,
Maryam in Marrakech
Katrin said…
That’s SO exciting! You are just about to find out if this place will become your home.
Can’t wait to hear what happens!

Emotional connections are magical – they help to make you feel at home. And that’s more important than the right kitchen fronts I suppose. I hope you find what you want.

I know how nerve-wracking looking for the right place can be.

After living in a studio, in an old woollen mill for over 2 years it was about time to find something else and we started looking for houses and workshop/studios in England. Then, this time last year, we were looking at some properties in Germany.
We were thinking about raising a family and we really needed a more suitable place to live and work.

In February ’09 when my partner’s brother-in-law retired and wanted to sell his property, John grabbed the opportunity to show me the place he’d been coming to since he was about eight. It was an old industrial building that had been neglected for many years and would need a lot of renovation to make it liveable, but we could see its potential.
We started dreaming about buying this place and transforming it. We started drawing plans… There was no bathroom and no kitchen, no central heating, no hot water, no proper insulation and, understandably, no bedrooms.

It still took several nerve-wracking months before it became ours and we could start to knock walls down and put new walls up.

We moved in about four months ago and there is still a lot to do. I’m really enjoying making this place our home.

On John’s birthday, a few days before we moved in, we found out that we will also need a nursery.

Good luck, Holly. Hope you’ll find “the one” soon!
kt said…
I'm crossing my fingers and toes for you, and thinking only the best thoughts about you and this apartment...
Desiree said…
What exciting news!! I can't wait to hear more ^_^

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