Tea & Me

I love a little me time. In fact, I'm a big fan of it and I love to promote a more pampered lifestyle whenever I can because I think many are just flying through days without really appreciating the gift of the life and the sheer pleasure of just spending time alone. Little pleasures like lighting candles, flipping through a magazine, enjoying some tea with a few cookies (mine are gluten free so they don't look as good as the ones I could be eating from the bakery here!) and a simple flower bud in an egg cup... nothing fancy but that pinch of yellow is energizing. This little "me" time is such a treat and it's not fussy or styled to perfection as I do not exist inside of a magazine. My style, my world, is casual and relaxing... Little thought went into this arrangement as I want to show you exactly what my vision is of the perfect way to take tea. No frills, baby. I'm NOT Martha. :)

Tea for Me

Tea for Me

If you have time today, why not set aside 30 minutes or so for a little alone time... I take these moments each and every day, in the afternoon, and I love it so, so much. I'm waiting for my watercolors and brushes to arrive so I can work a little on some art, I feel SO inspired living here. It's all coming back to me, what I loved to do as a child, what I enjoyed doing well into my twenties... and now that I'm here and no longer stressing out, running around constantly, and driving all over the world to this and that appointment, I have more time to be a lady and take my tea and enjoy my projects and create things. I long to create things with my hands. It's one pleasure I've not allowed myself in a long, long time (since I was last in Germany in fact) and now I will do this. I love living in Hannover, in Germany, in Europe...

Sunday sketching...

It's so much calmer here and the pace is about 70% less hectic. And I'm making more progress. And my priorities are really coming to the surface and not getting all cluttered up with muck that doesn't matter. To say I'm happier than I've ever been in my life is an understatement. I am overjoyed and thrilled to live here and experience my new lifestyle because it feels just like how I grew up and how I remember days with my mother and time spent at home and on nature walks and at flea markets with her -- and all the inspiration and ideas and love she gave me. I feel it all living here again, as I'm in touch with my core self here and it feels really, unexplainable... but beautiful. I needed this. Timing is everything. (images: holly becker)


Daniela said…
mine little me time consists of a candle, tea and reading your blog :-) love that egg holder with a rose, what a great idea!
nina said…
People are becoming more miserable each day. It's like it's a sin to sit back and do nothing. But I don't care, I am not that way ( well, I am trying not to be that way). I am here reading your lovely blog, having my hot french vanilla coffee at 7 in the morning, next to a crackling fire (51 degrees in Los Angeles!). And something tells me, this will be a great day!
Anonymous said…
I had my 30 minutes with an Ariadne at Home, Jazzmusic and a cup of green tea!
Cassie said…
Lovely post! I know exactly what you mean, I am a primary school teacher by trade although I haven't worked in school for about two terms now and this time at home 'being me' and not Mrs so and so is the time I really love. I take time to sit and as you say just relax everyday whilst I am at home and it makes such a difference to my life. Glad to hear it is not just me who is so self indulgent!
Juliette said…
nice. =)

I received another big project in my inbox today, but have elected to ignore it until tomorrow morning. Last week and even yesterday was such a zoo I just needed to chill. Today was that day. I made banana ice cream =) and tonight we're going to a castle for dinner out with family.
Katherine said…
I'm so envious...mostly of your new lifestyle (which sounds fabulously perfect..sigh), but also those little chocolate covered gluten-free cookies. I'm always on the lookout for tasty treats like that--funnily, they seem easier to find across the pond!
frauheuberg said…
i do this also every day...if our little sleep...sit and have some moments for my own...thats so true timing is all...;)
so fine that you have more time for yourself...this is so liberating..enjoy it more...;)
alter_ego said…
It's so cool that you can finally do what you always want to! I know what you mean, normally people don't understand how good is to have sometime with ourselves.
You're tea time looks gorgeuos, I hope some day I can have all those little and beautiful things around me, in my own home :)
Barbara (twitter - babpe) said…
Perfect! I also have a 'me time'. I like to prepare a mug of chai (indian tea), put some cumin cookies in a cute little plate.. I pick flowers from my balcony and pretend that I am a honored guest from myself.

I loved the egg cup idea!
shanon said…
Mmmm... sounds like you've found "it." Very happy for you!
Carolyn said…
I feel the same way here in Austria. I think if I was dumped back into life in America at my old job I would freak...I have very little stress here and I love it. I definitely have less money, but more real pleasure. Glad you are loving your life!
I think those gluten free cookies look yummy!
Geisslein said…
It´s so nice, that you like germany so much!I´ve never been in Hannover, but it seems it must be very beautiful there! I´m happy for you that you are so happy here in good old germany ;o) Nighty night from Frankfurt,geisslein
Leah Williams said…
Bonjour pour Marseille!

yay for the gluten free club!
and you are SO much cuter than Martha. ;)
Unknown said…
Those cookies look great! Is it fairly easy to find gluten free things there? I'm allergic to gluten so would be glad to know there's things I can eat when I travel to Germany!
vera b said…
this is so great, Holly. i cannot tell you how pleased i am to read about how happy you are in your new life. and watercolours and brushes? i can't wait to see your new goodies. i have just been watching the vidoes of Geninne Zlatkis painting after they were linked to on decor8, and now, after reading this, i am simply bouncing to take some me time and get into some art. so, thanks x
This is exactly what I'm looking to achieve...lovely :-)
Epp said…
Oh this is SO true, Holly! Sometimes 30 minutes for ourselves is the only thing we need to keep ourselves sane in today's busy world.

I am now going to put a kettle on! Thanks for reminding! :-)
la la Lovely said…
Oh there is nothing better than a little time by yourself with a cup of tea. I love how you made a beautiful tea setting with pot and all just for yourself.. How special. I'm def going to try that. Life is nice when you can take the time and do those types of things instead of all the running. A good reminder for us all to slow down!
Happy day to you!
x Trina
Maureen said…
I do find what you say about your move from the USA to Europe interesting.

I have an American friend who did part of her degree in Bordeaux. The college she went to specialised pretty much in American students.

She told me that the way of life in France (which is really another version of the European ethic) came as a revelation to many students and a large percentage eventually found themselves back living in France.
Do you feel like sometimes even your alone time is not really 100% alone because you talk about it on your blog? Sometimes I feel like I am not truly by myself unless I do something quiet and unspoken. Just curious if this affects how you view your alone time at all, while enjoying it you might be thinking about it being material for a blog post. It's not really a criticism, just a curiosity because these days life is so transparent with blogging, although I think you do a great job about talking about the personal without revealing everything.
Anonymous said…
dear holly,
i am happy for you because it is true,that most people are 2 busy, running around,working,shopping,raising families and so on,and although that is life 2,its hard to pause and allow the slow motion living,where one looks at a ray of light coming through the autum grey and just enjoying THAT, i ALWAYS try to fit in some ME TIME every day,sometimes it`s only flippin through a magazine,standing in a little cafè with my latte macchiato in one hand and my baby-son in the other..or in the evening,when the kids are asleep,taking a bubble bath,the glas of wine next to me and a biography ( currently JACKIE O. by donald spoto) in my hands...love it!
i haven`t read haus maus before,and i love it already.i like that you write so close to your feelings and truth.
welcome to germany and thank you for sharing in such a beautiful way.

cheers from berlin!
(love them cookies2!)
Peggy said…
Hi Holly! I loved this post. Living your live in a slower pace really spoke to me. I have been so envious about your move to Germany. Then I lost my job, and I realized that I could live slower where I am. I even wrote about that on my blog today and mentioned this piece.

Thanks so much for sharing your journey with us!
Null said…
Cassie, It's not self indulgent to enjoy time with oneself.

I live in bustling, crazy NYC and I make time to have tea and coffee because I, no WE, deserve it.

I've grown up in the art world, and when you surround yourself with beautiful things and quiet time, I've found that self esteem soars!

Life is too short not to be lived without some Tea and Me.

Thanks for reminding us all.
Unknown said…
In fact without me time I am cranky in a short while and I try not to fail myself in that category.
Job, children, a demanding hubby, all this and more, taking time out so to speak, well it's a neccesity of life.
I play piano for myself or
sneak out sometimes in the evening an sit with a coffee or tea at Barnes & Nobles, well you know...browsing, reading, dreaming.
And in good German tradition I have coffee+cake hour at home, often by myself!

I am so happy you are happy over there in my home country! :)))
Traveling Mama said…
I have found it harder and harder to squeeze in "me time" now that I have three kids and we are getting ready to move again, but I still try to find a little bit of time each day. Not that going back to language school for the third time is something that I'm terribly excited about, but I am looking so forward to Denmark and the lifestyle up there.

I love your little tea glass and sugar jar. I am really going to have to get one of those jars before I leave Morocco... every time I see yours I want one!

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
Holly said…
Sorry i'm late to reply to this, however just reading your post i had a little shiver as i'm so so happy for you! I too have made the move from the crazy life in NYC to a chilled (quite) pace here in Edinburgh. Life is too short to be running around like a crazy person so i'm happy we both have the opportunity to take some time out.

I'm also so excited as this morning we booked to come to Hannover next June (during Bach festival) i'm very excited to see the place you call home.
erin said…
could not agree more. so glad you're enjoying your new adventure.
This is probably one of the reasons I miss home the most - the pace of life in the States is too harried, and I miss the collective permission to just be...

What a lovely post, Holly... Thanks for writing this and for sharing these beautifully serene photos of your what that alone time means to you.

Emily said…
sometimes when I'm rushing around from appointment to appointment, job to job, feeling like I don't have time for myself or for laundry or for all of the things I want to do, let alone need to get done, I miss my time in Spain. The pace is different there, and so much of it does come from walking, I think. But there's also no real Spanish equivalent of "workaholic." Even though I would sometimes be really frustrated by the short hours and "no pasa nada" laissez-faire attitude, I also came to realize that there's something to be said for taking it easy. We work so hard and so long, only to realize that our life has passed by.

I'm happy for you and your newfound Euro inspiration - enjoy it!
Shalini said…
I love my quiet time with tea as well.
Maryah said…
What a beautiful blog and wonderful train of thought. I just clicked over here form your Flickr site after reading about your "german connection" what an inspiringly beautiful love story and ode to true romance. It must be a real breath of fresh air to be away from the hustle and bustle of regular big city North American life - Perhaps if you are in search of another gluten free chocolate treat I can help you out with a quick link to an amazing chocolate vegan pie I was treated to at a friends place last weekend for a girls night in http://www.nourishingmeals.com/2009/02/little-slice-of-chocolate-heaven.html . Thanks for sharing!
inês said…
holly, I have been a reader of decor8 and just recently found your blog.

I live in Lisbon, Portugal and I'm on the verge of taking a huge leap (of faith?) and start my own business. I felt really inspired by your words and thought I shared it with you.

I hope you continue to enjoy Germany (it is lovely) and if you ever think of visiting Lisbon, be sure to drop me a word.


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