Now I Can Say I've Moved...

Our boxes have arrived! YES! They arrived promptly at 8am, left two hours later, and now I'm standing in a sea of boxes but I'm just sooo happy. Here is a glimpse of Holly central and what I call a train wreck. Time for me to display a smile and my big CAN DO attitude because this is only a snippet of what I have in store for me over the next few days...

Movers came! Yeah!

BUT despite the work, boy is this a very rewarding time for both my husband and I because in my opinion a move is never final until you have all of your personal belongings in your home. I feel like I've been living in limbo-land up until today. I kept wanting this jacket, or that spoon, or a certain book or pattern and was reminded time and time again that it was on the boat. And for those of you who have moved overseas, the anticipation of the wait can be a bit stressy because you wonder if you'll ever see your things again too, am I right?! And if you do, if they'll be in good shape. We are SO happy to have our possessions back in, well, our possession. And sure, the difficult part is that our current flat is only temporary as it was our vacation apartment up until now -- but we plan to move as soon as we find a larger place, so I cannot fully set up my home office and my husband cannot set up his because we only have a one bedroom. I can only unpack about a 1/4 of everything so I need to go through 82 boxes to see what stays and what goes downstairs into our cellar. Wish me luck but I'm feeling like I can knock this ball out of the park over the next few days. My mother called me last night and wished me well with all of this, saying how she wished she could be here to help me since we both know that she's the organization queen and that she's helped me on every move I've ever made. Until now. And she cried some more. She's emotional like that. This time, I'm doing my move mom-free and I feel a bit like I'm officially on my own. It's odd, because I'm in my thirties now but a girl always needs her mom I think, especially at times in her life when a major shifting occurs. My mother and I have had our moments, and recently we had very long moments that lasted for months, but before I moved this conversation took place that I hadn't had with her in a long time and everything became normal again. And now I feel like we're close and this makes me happy because I'd missed our bond over the past few years. But when she hung up last night after we laughed and chatted like old friends for a few hours, I felt like I really, really needed her here for the first time in years. I felt like the little girl who would hold her hand in the school yard so tightly because I was scared to let go and enter the school for my first day of class. I remember those days, each year in grade school, and I felt so lonely and afraid, so unsure... but then the moment that I walked into school and the kids came over to introduce themselves and I'd open my pencil case to get started with my lessons, I felt like a big girl and that I would be fine on my own. I'd wipe away the last tear and have my last sniffle and get to work, big girl style. And the days that came after that, I no longer felt sad when I went to school each morning. But the first day of a new year was when I needed my mother. This morning when the truck arrived I felt my relocation was official and final and really happening. It was like the first day of school all over again. And I felt my mother's hand holding mine and knew she was somehow with me. Then, as the movers came and went, the postal worker arrived with a some housewarming presents from friends, and I was reminded that I have plenty of love and support from around the world, including my mom, and that I have no reason to feel first day jitters. All is well and I'll be just fine. I'm a big girl. With these thoughts in my mind, my mood is soaring -- I feel loved, excited to unpack and now I can't wait to see where this German adventure takes me. I'm listening to classic Michael Jackson (Don't stop till you get enough, baby!!!) and I'm ready to sort and unpack and live my life.


So with that, I will take the next few days off because I've earned it and I'm ready to get this place organized because there is no way I can live in a sea of boxes for more than a day or two - I'm fussy like that. I will see you soon again and hopefully when I do, I'll be much more organized. :) (images: holly becker for haus maus)


boltandfrolic said…
Sending lots of support and cheers your way, Holly!
Sneaker Teacher said…
I know exactly how you feel. My husband and I moved to Germany two months ago from Oregon. We got our stuff a few weeks ago and it was so nice to be reunited with our belongings! Your place looks like it belongs in a magazine! Looking forward to following your blog! We are living in Erlangen.

Anonymous said…
so exciting, i hope you'll keep us updated!!
sonoteddesigns said…
Stressful, yes! But at least you are in pretty chaos. I love the crisp white and pops of color everywhere... Good luck with the unpacking and getting settled.
vanessa joie said…
That is a pretty beautiful train wreck if you ask me. I'm so happy for you! You're officially an ex-pat.
Melissa A said…
Happy for you that you can now have your life in Germany a little more complete. I loved your story about your Mom. I can relate.
A big hug for you!
Unknown said…
Oh Holly,
I am with you, I remember, when my container arrived 16 years ago on the frontsteps of our newly rented house at the time here in the USA, with a small child in hand and another on the way. I so missed my mom to help organize and support me. But I have lived far from my parents almost since I was in my early twenties and gotten used to the distance.
Hope you make it through those days and in the end you will be so happy to have made it on your own. And I am sure your husband will lend you a hand?
Hope you find your new home soon!
And enjoy your familiar objects!
Think of you!
XX Victoria
nicoletter said…
Oh can see something on the picture: my parcel has reached you. :)
Unknown said…
teared up a little reading this post this morning. my mom has been there for every big step i've taken, I can't imagine what it would be like to do it completely on my own. You're very brave to make this big move on your own, though I know you're right. You're never totally on your own, you have your husband and close friends. Still must be a little scary with out mom to hold your hand. Guess you are officially a big girl now :)
Juliette said…
Did they make you do a super detailed shipping list where each box was numbered and you described the contents? We had that and it was such a pain to create, but AWESOME when all the stuff arrived and we had to figure out what was where. Have fun rediscovering your things!
Anonymous said…
Holly, How did you ship everything? I recently moved to Germany from Baltimore (also recently subscribed to your blog) and the options to mail just seemed like SO MUCH. How does one ship their life to Europe on a boat? I'd love any info you can send my way. Thanks so much for keeping this blog. I'm on day 12 here.
Anonymous said…
Holly, How did you ship everything? I'm Gina and I recently moved to Germany from Baltimore (also recently subscribed to your blog) and the options to mail just seemed like SO MUCH. How does one ship their life to Europe on a boat? I'd love any info you can send my way. Thanks so much for keeping this blog. I'm on day 12 here. is all so exciting and I completely understand the need to take some time off and get things done. I can't live in a sea of boxes for more than a few seconds so, I totally understand. This will sound weird....but, I kind of wish I was there to help you( just to help) but, also because I would delight in seeing all of your pretty things! :) Have a ball hun and good luck!
Kenna Elizabeth said…
I must agree that your mess is the nicest one I've seen! :) And I can definitely relate-- I've lived (although temporarily) in 3 different countries away from family (and before Skype) and a call home for a young traveler was costly so they were shorter and more rare than I sometimes wished... I rememeber "wanting Mom" too. Sounds and looks like you're doing very well though and have a great attitude about it-- you'll be better than fine. :)

And I *FEEL* your pinch of living in a 1BR place. We've been in a 1BR duplex (though a big one) for nearly a year now and it's been a bit tough for each of us to feel like we could get "into our own space" to work. But, next week we begin the moving process too, and so excited to have our own rooms to work in and a big back yard! :) Although, I imagine it may take me longer than a few days to organize and unpack! ;) You're amazing.
Megan Dempsey said…
Good luck Holly! It is so exciting to start somewhere fresh, I can't wait to see how your home evolves!
Eireann said…
My mom is the same way. :) And when I moved into my house in England, it was the first real move I'd done without her and my dad helping. That's hard...and it made it feel a little surreal, like since my family hasn't seen my house for real it almost doesn't exist! Good luck unpacking.
I'm so glad to hear all your stuff arrived safely! I wish you much decisiveness as you decide what to upack and what to store. I'd have been so very grumbly by now, not able to put my hands on something I wanted. You've been so very positive through your relocation. I love your attitude :)
Jackie said…
A mom free move! you're my idol.
I hate unpacking (I don't know if tha's the word, i learned english watching TV) so I wish you courage, strenght and patience with all the chaos :)
I love all things white, your house is a poem ♥
Null said…
Enjoy musing over love and life as you unpack and reorganize in your new home!

I was just writing about mother-daughter bond's and am happy to have read yours!
Red Lipstick said…
I just found this blog, I love it! I dream of living in Europe one day, you are very fortunate. I look forward to reading this blog.
I had to smile when I read your post. When we relocated across the US with our newborn baby, I seemed at a complete loss until, like you, our final boxes from storage arrived and I could at last set up our new home. The day those boxes arrived I became my old self again. Enjoy the process! Love your new home.
frauheuberg said…
oh holly,
we send you a lot of support and a big hug for the next days...take your time and rejoice over your recovered treasures ... in spite of the work have a good time ...warm regards

tula said…
much love to you, miss holly. i'm sure your lovely stuff is so happy to see you :)
Traveling Mama said…
I'm writing from our cozy rental cottage in Copenhagen. I thought of you yesterday when I was checking out some of the adorable shops here. You MUST come for a visit! You will love it here!

I know just what you mean about all the emotions surrounding belongings traveling by boat! I'm so glad everything arrived well! I hope you enjoy the unpacking. I am just like you... those boxes never sit long!

Sending hugs from CPH!
GOOD luck with everything...I've moved a total of 14 time in 10 years....and I am dreading the next move (whenever it happens) only because i have more furniture then EVER now. However, I know that the next destination will be where i want to stay for awhile....enjoy your new home. :)

Jen Ramos
'Cards & Prints You'll Love...'
Naomi @ NIMO. said…
Oh! The unpacking of long-awaited boxes!!!
We moved to Los Angeles from Spain two years ago and I remember how I kept longing for our stuff to arrive for the 2month we were waiting. And then, when the boxes finally arrived, it was like unpacking surprise gifts, because I couldn't remember what things I had packed!!!
I hope you enjoy your days of blog-free unpacking and looking for places for all your things,
viel Glück & Spass,
Laura Fair said…
Congrats on getting your shipment! When I moved to Italy, it took over 9 months to get mine, it was "lost" in England somewhere. They even delivered someone else's boxes to my house because the last name also started with "Mc"...can you believe it? It is so special when your "stuff" arrives...have fun settling in and arranging! Cannot wait to see more pictures...
Monica said…
Well then, welcome to Germany Holly!

this post made so much sense to me and took me back to my return to australia after 7 years living in the u.s...wishing you all the best. you'll be feeling like a brand new woman and all 'moved in' in no time. it's all the other little emotional adjustments along the way that will have you feeling bolder and stronger and more in touch with your feelings than ever! it's fantastic.
Heather said…
Good luck with the move! I have to say, from your photos, you look so well organized all ready, so perhaps you've inherited that talent from your mom!

I love those white chairs by the pretty!
mary said…
My gosh. Your home is so lovely! My camera would be glued to my eye if I was there. The light is amazing!
Miss B said…
Congrats Holly! May you have a wildly exciting adventure, I am so envious! The light in your home is gorgeous, you should be able to take some amazing captures:)
Ange said…
I can imagine the chaos in the home! I've moved with the family to 3 different countries within the past 8 years. And each time it feels really great when I unpack, organize and settle into a new life.

Good luck and have fun organizing and decorating!
Desiree said…
Hurray for belongings where they belong!
Hi Holly,

Your blogs inspire me with beautiful words and imagery. Congratulations on your move to Germany. I hope someday to be able to visit Europe!
Unknown said…
You're so right about mums! Mine comes and helps me each year from November to the end of December to help us cope with the volume of orders. She is incredibly reliable and always there for her three children.
By the way, I love your white washed wooden table! Where is it from?
Good luck for today, unpacking is the fun part of a move I think
Allison said…
Oh boy, yes, I can imagine the uncertainty of imagining your boxes on the ship never showing up. Or showing up squished and soaked or something. So glad your wait is over! :)
Anne Garcia said…
It's so exciting to unpack for real. For years I had moved frequently, always knowing it was temporary. But four months ago, my husband and I moved from a tiny studio in Manhattan to a lovely two-bedroom in Brooklyn, and for the first time, it feels like Home. I wish you lots of heimlich!
Learned a lot of great things from your blog today. Moving, a chance for a new decor - at least
daily decorator said…
What a major step in your life! I can't imagine being that far from family-it must be hard! It's great to know that a mother is always needed especially now that my kids are growing up so fast!
Yasmine said…
Viel Glück, liebe Holly. Germany is very exciting, I envy you! I lived 6 years in Munich and would SO like to return...
vanilla press said…
Must be wonderful to get all your belongings! I just love your house, its beautiful.
All the best with the organizing & unpacking.
Lovely post. I feel the same, exact way about my mom. You'll never stop "needing" her. That's just the way it is. : ) Good luck with everything. I know you'll do a great job! Love your blog, by the way! : )

Allison said…
glad to know your things made it there safely. moving overseas is quite unnerving as you don't get to bring everything with you on the flame. i really like your blog and looking forward to reading more about your adventures in your new hometown. enjoy your weekend.
Yay for unpacking! Sounds like tons of fun to me!
Cheryl said…
Holly--Enjoy moving in, finally! I've been at this process for a year now--love the evolving nature of making a home. love that grey pouffe you have, tend to love most decor with grey as accent or the neutral background color -- curious if it would hold up to small children? do grown-up size people sit comfortably on it? I remember you saying that you plan to put it in your bedroom, more as an accent piece?
Kerry Pitt-Hart said…
i know how this feels holly! in one year, we moved 5 times! and i will say our home never looked as put together and pretty as yours. enjoy getting settled in!
Elbe1 said…
Hello, Holly,

I am a bit off topic, but very much in love with your credenza/vitrine.
I first thought it might be from Car Möbel, but I could not find it on their homepage. Please do not tell me it is another one of your fabulous fleamarket finds...

All the best,
haus maus said…
Cancale - Well -- equally bad news because it's from a company that no longer stocks it. :(

You can find similar ones though at IKEA I think... Though mine is wood and made pretty well - it's not PVC.
Cassandra said…
I fluked across your blog this evening as are avoiding paperwork ( which I will do tonight, promise). Your blog entry has made me a little glum - don't worry though. I moved from NZ to London in July of last year. Luckily one of those amazing stories where I met someone for 4 days and sold my house, moved my whole life, dog etc to be with him. I'm very happy as are super lucky to be with the amazing Ed.
However...... I still don't have most of my things.... We live in a 2 bedroom apartment in central London with said dog and 2 growing children part-time. I have some of my books, my art, my copper cooking pots and my vase collection and that's it.

We are just waiting for Ed's ex wife to let him go... Unbearable almost, but still worth it.

I can't wait to get my reading chairs back!

Thanks - sometimes we forget why we change our lives!

However, I have my books, I can cook up a storm and are able to have flowers every week.
Ms Unreliable said…
I've been revisiting this blog post over and over, not only because I'm just about to move (although only a few hundred meters, not quite as drastic!) but because the lace table runner you have is exactly what I've been searching for for months now!

Would you mind telling me where you came across it? Thanks in advance Holly :)

xx Kit
What a lovely train wreck, thanks for sharing :) And thank you for this blog - it is such an inspiration. This said by a Swedish blogger sitting in rainy southern Sweden (picturesque and charming to an American I'm sure) dreaming about moving to New England and blog amongst other things about my own train wreck as my boxes arrive... :) /Stina.
Vera Z said…
I just randomly came across your blog and was wondering - which moving/shipping company did you use? We recently moved to the UK from Los Angeles. After putting a lot of research into finding a reputable company, we thought we had found one, and they still managed to lose one of our boxes (the one with all of our cook/bakeware!). It's so hard to trust your life's possessions to a company, but it sounds like you guys found a good one!

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