I scream
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! I wonder if there is a German expression that is similar? Perhaps not, as ice cream is not called ice cream here, it's only called "eis", pronounced: ice. And it tastes kind of like gelato, very different from what I'm accustomed to in the states. With the exception of Haagan Daaz (which we have here) and Ben & Jerry's (which we also have here now), I really dislike most ice cream in the states. I always get these massive headaches and feel sick after eating it. Once I started eating ice cream here I'll never again want to attack a bowl of Breyer's. Sorry, but I'm American and so I can say this: yuck.
If you visit Germany please stop at one of the many, many eis cafes here, they are amazing and the ice cream is soooo amazingly delicious (and cheap) you won't ever want that American stuff again. It's just as good as the ice cream in Italy, trust me. And if you want something fun, ask for Spaghettieis. Near my house there are several eis cafes and there I can get 2 scoops on a waffle cone for 1,60- and no, I'm not even kidding. When I got the equivalent size and portion in New Hampshire this past summer, the lady at the ice cream stand charged me nearly $5!
And if you cannot get to a cafe for ice cream, there is plenty of it in the grocery stores here. Movenpick of Switzerland is a favorite but also there is Langnese of Germany. This brand is dope, ya'll. (Do people still say dope?). There are other brands too, but this is what the average carton of ice looks like here. And when you open it, it looks sort of pretty, don't you think? And you know what else is pretty cool here? Ice cream is seasonal in that you can only get certain flavors during certain times of the year. Don't you love that? Same with chocolates too. And lots of baked goods are also seasonal. I mean, c'mon how great, right? There is actually something to look forward to. Like in the states kids look forward to peeps and those cadbury eggs with the yolk inside, and candy cones. Seasonal is nice...
So this is a random food musing... I'll try to share more products here because I'm willing to bet that most of you are interested in seeing what my mundane things look like in comparison to your mundane things...
(image: holly becker for haus maus)
Love your blog by the way!
you should try the "Bonito" at Da Lozzo, Limmerstraße 89 :-)
Best wishes
and the Italian eis cafes..yup all over them like white on rice!
I have to say that I miss my Breyer's Vanilla Bean. Well, really I miss making my own, so I just need to get the KitchenAid ice cream bowl attachment for my mixer, then I'll be all set w/vanilla ice cream!
I don't know when I can go to Europe... maybe never happens, but if I ever happe to visit Europe, I def. get those ice cream!!!
That is my favorite :)
For ice cream shops in List I hit either La Creme next to Noa Noa on the Lister Meile or this other one before it, I can never recall the name but they're great!
Juliette - You miss Breyer's Vanilla Bean? Funny, that was the only one that I did like that didn't give me a headache. Can't you find anything like it here?
There's "bourbon vanilla" here which just tastes different. And they feel foamy/fake somehow on top of the flavor weirdness. I went through about 4 different kinds one summer and none of them were 'right'. In fact, they all got frosty in our freezer after weeks of abandonment, and when I went to thaw them so I could dispose of everything, they all turned into this sticky paste. So icky.
I'm not kidding about getting my own ice cream maker/attachment, I'm pretty stumped on how to get around this problem. =( There are worse things in life, though!
I was just in the States for 2 weeks and have to admit I loaded up on chocolate and peanut butter cup ice cream. Extremly hard to find that combo here...
Enjoy your ice cream :)
After trying their icecream Langnese/Mövenpick tastes like candyfloss with fabric softner (als my boyfriend says)
Interesting huh?
More info on gelato in Germany and why:
I once had a schoolfriend in Hamburg whose (italian) dad had an Eisdiele. My Mum sometimes chats with him and he complains that the "Öko-Eismacher" are ruining his business.
I do feel sorry for anyone who runs a business and looses customers, but I do understand the big run towards the "Bio-Eis" in our cities. Lots of the "old" Eisdielen do make their own gelati, but it is often full of artificial ingredients. I think they should change their ingredients soon, or else they wont be here much longer...
If you are ever in Hamurg, try www.eis-hilmar.de
or one of the 5 shops of this company:
In Berlin Tamelli, Eismädchen and Caramello are great adresses to go. The last even does vegan icecream!
check out my blog. I gave you an award.
Imke aka stylemaedchen
i remember living in holland when i was 17 and they had eis stands where you could purchase a scoop on a cone for 25 cents. this was 1999, but still. 25 cents and SO good!!